Bad Meets Evil- Void Stiles

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When vengeance takes over your life, it's hard to think about much else. Most people my age would be having fun in their freshman year of college. Going to parties, dating, being your normal youth of today. But my life is not like the average nineteen or twenty year old. It never has been and somehow, I'm completely okay with that. Right now my focus is on one thing, well, one person. I came to Beacon Hills to kill Peter Hale, to make sure he suffers until his last dying breath. He has no idea. Why would he?
When Peter killed my sister, Jennifer, he didn't know the kind of wrath that would be brought upon him. My sister was a crazy bitch, I can't deny that. She helped him kill innocent people. But she was still my blood, and in my family, we won't stand for one of our own being murdered, even by a psychopath werewolf. No matter her crimes.
Jennifer and I come from a long line of powerful witches. The oldest, most powerful family, who practices the blackest magic you can possibly imagine. Although my sister opted to get away from it all, giving up practicing, I followed in the footsteps of my ancestors. Now that my power has fully matured, no one will stand in my way. I want Peter Hale's head on a stake.
I've been watching him for weeks. He always seems to be around a group of teenagers and his nephew, Derek. I have no qualms about the nephew. From what I can tell he actually doesn't like his uncle very much. It's just a matter of time before I can get him alone, and rip him apart from the inside out.
Today has been stranger than usual, though. Everyone seems to be in a frenzy, searching for someone. Something about a fox spirit? I haven't been able to gather much information, other than they think one of their friends, Stiles they call him, has been possessed by this spirit. It's no surprise to me. Possessions happen in my world regularly. Demons, spirits, they're all the same. They all have an agenda. Until that agenda has been fulfilled, they're a pain in the ass to get rid of.
Peter has kept himself locked up in his nephew's apartment for most of the day. I see the others coming and going constantly, all of them look like they haven't slept in days.
I've been holed up in this building across the street all day long. I'm starting to get hungry. I'm seriously about to say fuck this useless day and go get some food and pass out...until Peter shows himself. The rage starts to boil inside of me when I see his smug face and the lightbulbs burst in the fixtures in the ceiling, the sounds echoing through the empty warehouse. Peter and Derek's attention is drawn my way at the sudden ruckus.
"Magnificat auditis," I whisper and tap my ear, suddenly able to hear everything they are saying.
"What the hell was that?" Peter says as he grabs Derek by the arm.
"Probably just stray dogs, that warehouse is full of them," Derek shrugs Peter off and they climb into Derek's car. "Okay, you're going to search the reserve, while I look around the Hale property. Scott thinks maybe Stiles is out there somewhere. They're going to find the scroll and figure out how the hell to get the Nogitsune out of him."
The reserve. Peter will be all alone in the woods. This couldn't be a more perfect opportunity. Peter Hale dies, tonight.
I track Peter through the woods, using a silencing spell to conceal my footfalls, since you know, 'werewolf hearing' and all that. I've been so careful up until now, I don't need my cover blown by stepping on a twig.
"Stiles," Peter stops, looking around like he smells something. "I know you're here."
I notice a shadow beside a tree a few yards away from Peter. It starts to slowly move in his direction. When the light of the moon falls on him, I see Stiles. But this is not the same guy I've seen these last few weeks. There's a very dark aura around him, something very powerful. Evil. He looks very pale, the dark bruises around his eyes stand out against his alabaster complexion. Something about him makes my skin tingle.
"Peter," Stiles sighs and rolls his eyes. "Did Derek send you out here all alone?" A sadistic smile flashes across his face.
"Stiles," Peter speaks as if he's talking to a small child, not wanting to frighten him. "I need to take you back. We can help you." He inches closer to Stiles.
"Yeah, no thanks. I'm kinda having fun on my own," Stiles lunges at Peter, grabbing him and tossing him into a nearby tree with ease. Peter lays on the ground, trying to catch his breath as Stiles leans over him, his foot on Peter's throat. I can hear the bones crunching from where I stand. The look on Stiles' face says he's not going to let Peter just walk away. I've seen that look before, it's bloodlust.
"No!" I rush forward, waving my hand. "Eum!" I scream and Stiles goes flying through the air. "He's mine!" the rage flows through my veins again. Peter looks up, completely shocked.
"Who the hell are you?" He croaks, a confused look on his face.
"You killed my sister, you son of a bitch! And now, I'm going have you begging me to kill you," I raise my hands and Peter stands. "Suffocant," I hold my hand out in front of him, cutting off his air supply.
"Who...sister?" He manages to choke out, his eyes bulging out of his head.
"Jennifer, your nurse. Remember?" I flex my fingers, making him gasp even more. His face turns red as my powers draw the life from him. "Dolores inferni circumdederunt veterum virtute succurre mihi vengence." I close my eyes, summoning all my strength to put an end to this worthless piece of shit. "Intus ardeat," I smile.
Peter's screams echo through the trees as he writhes in pain. My concentration breaks as a sharp pain explodes across my face and I fall to the ground. Peter groans as the spell subsides, scrambling to get to his feet. I shake my head, holding the side of my face and look up to see Stiles looking at me, an intrigued look on his face.
"What...are you?" He coos, a dark smirk flashing. He squats down, his elbows resting on his knees and grabs my chin to make me look him in the eyes. It's like looking into a soulless, black pit. But something draws me in. "Mmm, you are very special," his tongue darts across his bottom lip as he smiles. 
In all the confusion, Peter starts to run, escaping before I can finish him off. "No!" I jump to my feet, only to be restrained by Stiles' arms wrapped tightly around me, my arms pinned to my sides. "Let me go! That asshole is going to burn in hell for what he's done!" I struggle in his grasp.
"Now, now. Peter will get what's coming to him. I think you and I need to have a little chat," Stiles nuzzles his nose against my neck and inhales deeply. "You smell...delicious," his lips ghost along the shell of my ear and I shiver.
"You said you wanted to talk, so talk," I grunt and try to slip out of his arms again.
"Are you going to behave if I let you go?" He breathes against my neck and I cease my efforts to break free.
"Maybe," I turn my head to look at him out of the corner of my eye and see that smirk on his face again.
"Good enough," he drops his arms, leaving me feeling bereft for some reason I can't explain.
I turn quickly to face him, my hand tensing to take hold of him the way I did Peter. Stiles grabs my wrist, pulling me against him, halting my attempts to use my power. "What do you want?" I narrow my eyes at him, trying to see through the blackness that stands before me.
"I think we can help each other. You want to kill Peter and I just want to cause a little chaos," he shrugs innocently but I know he's anything but. "And baby, you reek of chaos," he growls as he wraps his hand in my hair and pulls my head back. A soft moan slips past my lips as Stiles grazes his teeth along my jaw. "I've never felt such power and rage, from anyone before. What makes you so different?"
"I'm a witch. A Balcoin," I breathe out shakily as his lips move down my neck and he suddenly stops. Stiles tilts my head until I see those dark eyes, full of terrifying excitement.
"Balcoin?" He smiles wickedly and clicks his tongue. "Ooh," his mouth shapes around the word and the look he gives me makes my skin heat like I'm the one burning from the inside out. "So much power," his hand tightens in my hair, pulling at the roots. Stiles moves me against a tree until my back is pressed against the hard bark of the trunk, smiling dangerously and biting his bottom lip as his eyes travel down my body and his hand moves to my throat.
I could decimate him with just the flick of my wrist, but something inside me is screaming not to, completely entranced by him. The tension between us makes my body hum, a fiery sensation pooling in the pit of my stomach. It's almost embarrassing. I can feel the wetness against my thighs as I press them together. He notices my sudden shift and his grip on my neck tightens.
Stiles leans in close, his lips barely brushing against mine. "Are you afraid of me?" His bottom lip nudges my top one.
"No," I breathe, my pulse pounds in my ears causing that slight ringing noise.
"You should be," he whispers and his free hand rips my shirt open, the buttons flying every which way. The hand around my throat loosens just a little, his thumb stroking along my jugular, feeling the rapid beating of my heart. Stiles' eyes dart from mine to my lips as I struggle to keep my breathing under control.
No man has ever been ballsy enough to handle me like this. I can't tell if I'm excited or afraid. It may be the mixture of both that causes my hair stand on end and a torturously, throbbing ache between my legs.
"I'm not afraid of you," I keep my voice steady and controlled as I give a little twitch of a smile.
Stiles tilts his head just slightly, the look of rage turning to lust instantly as he eyes me.
Stiles' mouth devours me. His tongue hot and strong, tangling with mine as he still holds my neck in place, his other hand digging into the curve of my hip and then to my lower back. His lecherous touch makes my skin erupt in goosebumps as he drives me further and further into this dark, lustful haze. His lips replace his hand on my neck, kissing and dragging his tongue along my heated skin. I grasp his shirt, pulling him closer against me, hooking my leg around his waist as I try to find some relief from the discomfort. I push my hips against him, finally finding just the right spot to aid my efforts and I feel a twinge along the crook of my neck. The dull ache of his bite mixed with the throbbing in my pussy, puts me on a whole new level I've never experienced before. I want more. A deep moan sounds in my chest as his hand slides along my leg that's hitched on his hip, up under my skirt to the line of my panties.
"Oh, little witch...I'm going to fuck you so hard, you're going to be begging me to stop," he smiles as he moves my panties to the side and plunges two fingers deep inside me, burying to the knuckle. The rough, sudden intrusion, makes me cry out, digging my fingers into his back. "Oh, you know you like that," he slowly withdraws, then pushes right back with the same force, curling those long digits deep within. The ache inside begins to worsen as he fucks me with his fingers, the pain of the bites along my collarbone mixed with the pleasure confuses me, but I don't want him to stop. "Come for me, little witch," his lips brush against mine as he hooks those fingers again, making me whimper. His hand closes around my throat once more, applying pressure as he strokes against that magic spot and it feels like I might die from all the different sensations all at once. "I said come!" He growls and my body obeys him, my wetness coating his hand as I let go. My walls tighten around him as he continues his relentless playing, the sinister look on his face fueling my orgasm, dragging it on and on.
Stiles steps back, leaving me feeling naked and exposed, and slips his fingers into his mouth. The way his tongue moves over his index and middle finger is so obscene it makes me blush profusely. I don't like feeling vulnerable like this. I don't want him thinking he has complete control over me, which right now he totally does. I tie my shirt in a knot, seeing as how it's useless because there are no buttons left, and saunter towards him.
"How about, I make you scream a little now?" I wave my hand and he lands on top of a huge tree stump, his villainous laugh echoing through trees. He lays still as I make my way over, his hands resting on his chest. "Like to play rough? I can do rough," I climb on top of him, straddling his lap. I yank on this shirt to bring him into a sitting position, his hands gripping my hips tightly.
"Oh I really do, little witch, but we're going to play my way tonight," Stiles tangles his hand in my hair, exposing my neck to him. The sting of the bites along my neck kindles the fire within me, the delicious ache between my legs returning vehemently. "I need to feel that tight little pussy around my cock," he snarls, sinking his teeth into the top of my breast, sending a jolt through me, all the way to my core. "Stand up."
It's as if I can't control myself, like he has some kind of magic over me and I move to my feet as Stiles stands in front of me. He hums deeply as his eyes wander over me, wide and almost completely black. His fingertips brush along the exposed skin on my stomach, dragging along as he moves behind me and resting firmly on my hip. His other hand starts on the front of my thigh, just above my knee, inching up the inside to the apex. My breaths quicken the higher his hand goes, the anticipation of what he's going to do next, crippling me.
"Bend over and put your hands flat on the tree," his husky voice in my ear vibrates through my body. He takes my earlobe between his teeth, his breaths making me shiver, keeping me frozen in place. "Now," he growls and the vicious tone snaps me out of my state.
I bend over, placing my hands on the trunk of the tree as instructed, looking over my shoulder to see his reaction. Stiles pushes my skirt up, the fabric gathering high on my waist. "Won't be needing these," he chuckles darkly as his hands slip into my panties and I feel them rip from my body, leaving my backside completely exposed to him as the shredded fabric falls to my ankles.
"Spread your legs," he mutters as his hand kneads the soft flesh of my ass. I move my feet apart at his request, my breaths quicken as I wait for his next move. "More," he growls and his hand comes down hard on my ass, making me cry out. The smart of his slap raises a wave of goosebumps, every nerve in my body alight with a dark desire that I've never know before. I don't make a move, wanting him to hit me again. And he does. The second time is even better than the first. I moan loudly at the contact and I can feel my wetness slowly drip down my thigh. "You like that don't you?" Stiles kicks my legs farther apart, smacking me once again.
I close my eyes and revel in all the conflicting sensations storming through my body, a deep groan sounding in my chest. I turn my head to see him kneel down behind me, his large and slender hands wrapping around the back of my thighs, his thumbs spreading me open wider.
"Look how fucking wet you are," he sighs and I feel his tongue drag on the inside of my thigh, licking at the arousal that's dripped down.
I suck in a breath, the hiss echoing around me and dig my nails into the rough surface of the tree. Just before he reaches my cunt, he bites down on the apex of my thigh and I gasp. The earthy taste of the air fills my lungs as I get lost in his wicked game. Stiles swipes his tongue soothingly over the mark his teeth left behind, humming as he seems pleased with his work. I inch my hand down, trying to relieve some of building frustration and just graze my middle finger over my clit before Stiles hits me again.
"No," his voice, full of authority, makes me halt my movements and place my hand back to its original position. "Be patient," he spreads my legs wide again and buries his face in my pussy from behind, his nose rubbing delectably against my perineum. He fucks me with his tongue, reaching as far in as he can go then up to my clit, flicking firmly against my overly sensitive nub.
"Fuck!" I whine, the tension building deep inside of me and I scratch my nails against the wood, certain they will be bleeding by the time he's finished with me. He buries his tongue deep again and I'm so close, ready to fall over the edge. I clench around him, ready to feel that sweet release and he stops. He fucking stops. "No! Please!" I pant, trying to mentally force myself to come but my efforts are useless. I need him to finish me off.
"Patience, little witch," Stiles wraps his hand around my hair, pulling me up against him roughly and I feel a few strands of hair being yanked from my scalp and cry out. "Shhhh," he soothes, his lips against my ear. "Not yet." His fingers splay across my neck, holding me in place as he unbuttons his pants and slides the zipper down, pulling his hard cock out. He rubs his tip against the crevice of my cheeks and pushes against me.
Is he seriously about to try and fuck me in the ass? I clench out of instinct and he softly chuckles. "No? Don't want me to claim this pretty little ass of yours?" His hand moves from my throat, down, slipping his hand in the top of my bra, cupping my breast. I push my chest out, filling his hand as he plays with my nipple and rest my head against his shoulder.
"I've never done that," I bite my lip to contain the moan as he pinches my taut peak.
"Mmm, we can save that for the next time," his tongue ghosts along the shell of my ear. "Now bend over so I can tear up this sweet pussy," he growls and pushes me back down against the stump, my hands reaching out to catching me before I fall face first.
Stiles grabs my hip with one hand, while his other takes hold of his cock, swiping through my slick folds. He inches his tip in and takes the other side of my hip. "Now I wanna hear you scream," he plows into me, pulling my hips back against him, bottoming out as he buries himself to the hilt.
My wail echoes around us, the guttural moan that comes from him surges through me and straight to my core. His thrusts come fast and hard, hitting my sweet spot with every snap of his hips. The viciously, raging fire within me begs to be released, my fingers and toes going numb as all the blood rushes south of my waist.
"Oh god, so fucking tight," he growls through his gritted teeth. I tighten around his cock as he pounds into me and I know it won't be long until I'm done for. "You like me fucking you like this? The way my cock feels, buried in your cunt like this?" He pulls me back and grinds his hips into me, stroking against that magnificent spot. One of his hands release my hip and slips around to my clit, circling the hard nub as he continues his brutal thrusts.
"So...close," I stutter as his relentless rhythm continues to take me higher and higher.
"Are you ready?" He grunts and I moan inaudibly in response. Stiles removes his hand from my clit and I whimper at the loss of contact, until he smacks my clit, the slight sting shattering every nerve in my body as I come hard, all over him. I scream as my orgasm rips me apart, this dark and erotic fantasy finally nearing its end. My walls tighten around his cock, milking him into his release and he bellows, emptying inside me with a few last thrusts.
I rest my elbows on the hard surface beneath me, my head collapsing onto my arms. My body completely spent, I try to catch my breath and sift through my post orgasmic haze.
Stiles pulls out, his breathless groans finally drawing my attention. I stand up, pushing my skirt down and turn to face him, a devilish smirk marks his face as he takes me in. I rid myself of the shredded fabric that used to be my panties, tossing them to the leaf covered ground.
"You, my little and I could be very bad together," his dark eyes narrow at me as the corner of his mouth twitches.
"My name, is Paige," I smile, suddenly feeling a much darker force roaring through my veins.

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