Mr. NiceGuy- Jackson Whittemore

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Jackson was known for being an asshat. Snarky comments, glares, where all of what he was made of.

It didn't take the pack very long to realize his new strange behavior, being nice. He was still an asshat to everyone, but to y/n he was the perfect gentleman. Giving her rides to and from school, opening the schools doors for her, holding her backpack. Even his math teacher had to call him out. "Now don't be a Jackson and arrive late to class every day because he has to walk his lady friend to her next class." "

"Shouldn't you be off with your friends?" You asked him. It was lunch, you normally sat in front of your locker, the lunch room too crowed for you.

"Well, I would but you're not there."

"Jackson why are you being so nice to me?"

"You're my girl. I gotta make sure the girl I love is ok, and plus, I like spending time with the worlds most beautiful woman."

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