First Kidnap- The Pack

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A/N: I actually had so much fun writing this

There was a lot of downsides to being the Alpha Twins little sister, some included; Everyone that they ever dogged coming after me, them being completely over protective, the whole Alpha Pack being protective over me, them scaring away boys, being a human around werewolves, having to actually be there little sister. I sighed, Deucalion was like a father figure to me so he got the Alpha's to teach me self-defence. In case, someone does try to take me. Which, is happening right now. I heard the crack of a branch underneath people's feet. Pathetic, if this was them trying to scare me they are doing a really bad job.

"Now." I heard someone whisper, I saw a boy, around my age running at me. He was human, I could tell by the way he was running. He was pale and had freckles? I couldn't really tell. When he got close I pushed his chest, he fell to the ground with a thud. One after one, people ran out from behind the bushes. "Shit, Stiles." Yelled the famous True Alpha, Scott McCall. I noticed some people who surrounded me, Derek and Peter Hale, Lydia Martin, Scott, the boy who tried to take me down who I now assume is Stiles, but the other three I didn't know. When I wasn't focused Scott, Derek and Peter charged at me. I couldn't take down three male werewolves. I got a few hits on Scott and Peter, but Derek just knocked my feet and I fell to the ground. I grabbed the back of my head.

"Ow." I said, rubbing the spot where I fell on, I sat up right. "No need to get rough." Derek raised his eyebrow at me.

"Me? Rough." He growled and picked me up. He held my right arm and Peter held my left. We reached two cars. Stiles got into the blue jeep, and Scott got into the passenger. Derek and Peter put me in the middle of the backseat, they got in and sat beside me. In the car behind us, Lydia Martin was driving, the boy who looked around 15 was sitting in the passenger and the two girls that I didn't know sat in the backseat.

The ride was quiet and awkward, so I leaned in to turn on the radio.

"What are you doing?!" Everyone yelled, Peter and Derek pulled me back.

"Calm your boobs, I was turning on the radio." Derek and Peter growled at me. I looked at Peter. "You might want to get your teeth checked out," he gave me a death glare. "They're lookin' pretty yellow." I started smiling knowing that he couldn't touch me, even though I could tell he wanted to rip my head off. All of a sudden Stiles' car come to a stop.

"No, no, no!" he said, facing turning pale.

"What? What happened?" Scott asked, instead of answering Stiles got out of the car. Everyone followed, including me.

"What happened?" I asked, looking at the front of the car, they all looked at me. But none worried that I was out the car, maybe they forgot that they were kidnapping me. Pathetic.

"I thought I hit an animal." Stiles said, his face pale. Peter sighed and Derek rolled his eyes.

"You guys," I started and everyone looked at me, I started smirking. "Are so stupid!" I yelled running in the opposite direction, I heard Derek and Peter shouting and a lot of shuffling of the feet. Idiots. I think to myself smiling, I finally think I lost them when I hear the sound of a car, crap, maybe they aren't that dumb. They were closing in and I started getting worried, wait, no I'm not, I'm not worried. I'm never worried.

"There!" I heard someone shout, I saw Scott sticking his head out of the window pointing at me. "Stop y/n! We will get you either way! Just make it easy for the both of us." I stopped. He's right. I stopped, the car pulled up. I smiled looking at the angry boys in the car. Peter got out of the car and I ran off again, 5 years on the track team has done good. I heard Stiles groan, but then I heard sprinting, a wolf? I turned and saw Peter, catching up to me. He jumped on me, tackling me to the floor.

"Not this time," he said pinning me down. The car caught up and they chucked me in. Watching me very closely.

Originally posted by typhoonb
We got to Derek's burnt house,

"I like the colour." I said, Derek tightened his grip on me as we walked in. I smiled knowing I was getting to him. They tied me to a chair, "It's too tight!" I told Stiles,

"That's the point." He said, bluntly.

"Can I go to the toilet?" Stiles laughed a fake laugh,

"No." he said, walking over to the others who were watching me with narrow eyes.

"But I kind of really need to go." I said, "You see, once a month, the female bleeds from her vaginal area it's calle-" Stiles cut me off,

"Ew, no stop." He said, scrunching his face.       

"It's life." I said, shrugging my shoulders. "If you want kids you got to learn about it." It went quiet, "While we are waiting, can have something to eat?" I ask, curiosity clear in my voice. My question earned a growl from Derek, "Oh lighten up." I looked around and smirked, "seems like your family did. Literally." Derek didn't hold back this time, he punched me square in the jaw. I heard a crack, but it wasn't from my jaw. It was from the door.

"Derek, Derek, Derek." Started Deucalion. Aiden and Ethan stood behind him, growling. "Don't take y/n from us." Kali and Ennis walked in too growling. "You should have known from the start that was going to be a bad idea." I started smirking, their pack is strong. But not as strong as ours. A fight broke out, Lydia, Stiles and the other two girls backed up. Even though one of the girls protested, I couldn't help but notice the similarities between her and Peter. The boys fought the pack I pushed the chair back (like what chris does when he is with derek) and it breaks into pieces. I pull the ropes and stand up. I walk over to Deucalion placing my arm out, he smiles and takes it. I direct him out of the building.

"Good to have you back y/n." Deucalion said. We waiting outside for around twenty seconds before the others; Kali, Ennis, Ethan and Aiden, all walked out. Aiden had a disapproving look on his face, whereas Kali, looked amused.

"You could have easily got out of that." Ethan said, his tone annoyed. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I didn't want to get my hands dirty." Ennis and Kali smirked and Deucalion let out a laugh.

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