I Thought You Were A Myth pt.2- Derek Hale

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Derek filled you in briefly on everyone's backstory, explaining the makeup of the pack, and what had happened since you were away, including new creatures, deaths, and members of the pack leaving or dying. You were always good with names, and filed them all away, making it a point to not let the dead go by forgotten.
As if on cue from the fates, the two of you were interrupted by the loft door sliding open and a bunch of teenagers walking in. Their confidence was astounding. The way they all held their heads up high, as if ready to take on the world should the need arise made the alpha side of you proud. But the side of you that still felt like a beta, still unsure of herself and a lower member of the family pack felt the sudden urge to cry.
Here stood in front of you one of the most cohesive units you had ever seen, and they weren't even all supernatural, and if they were, they weren't all werewolves. You looked down at the triskele on your wrist, tracing it lightly as you blinked back the tears. Now was not the time. You had shed enough of them today for an army. Your family would understand, would want you to be strong. You stabbed the middle of the symbol, where all the points intersected, with your finger gently, more of a poke. They would want you to keep fighting no matter what.
You cleared your throat and looked up, meeting the eyes of Peter Hale instantly, his bright blue staring back at you. A chill ran down your spine. You never really liked him. He slid the door shut with a thud and you felt trapped. You could tell he knew, that you were the reason for this meeting, but he didn't say anything. "Well, if it isn't Y/N!" He cried, striding toward you with open arms, enveloping you in a large hug. You wrapped your arms around him hesitantly and loosely, feeling very awkward as the hug dragged on. A low growl from Derek finally made Peter sigh and release you, pulling back with a wink.
"Let me introduce you to the group," Derek said softly, placing a hand gently on your lower back and ushering you toward the new guests hovering in the doorway. You could already tell who the alpha was, the way he stood protectively in front of the rest of the pack. His chest puffed out, shoulders squared as he narrowed his eyes at you so slightly you almost missed it. Aside from his obvious protective streak, he reminded you of an actual puppy, and you smiled a small smile at the thought.
Introducing you to a redhead, Derek began, "This is Lydia. She is a-"
"Banshee," you finished. You smelled her from the moment she walked in. You had only met one other banshee in your life, but the smell was so distinct, you'd remember it anywhere.
Plus, Derek had already filled you in on the group, but, no one had to know that. You could tell even without having it explained.
"Ooo! This sounds like a fun game!" Peter said from somewhere behind you, clapping his hands together once in excitement. "Tell us what everyone is!"
You could feel Derek glaring at his uncle, a low growl rumbling in his chest, stopping as you touched his arm gently. "Sounds like fun," you nodded, simply wanting to appease Peter..... And remove his snarky sarcastic tone with your teeth.
Nodding, Derek gestured to a girl with short blonde hair. "This is Malia."
"Oooo. This is new. I've never smelled anything like you before, but something makes me want to say.... Werecoyote?"
You heard Peter mutter a "Damn" under his breath in disappointment, making you smile.
"This is Stiles," Derek moved on, a smile on his face as well, enjoying Peter's disappointment.
"Human," you said simply, taking one more whiff and wrinkling your nose. "But you weren't always. I smell a little bit of fox in you. That's a story I want to hear." You winked at him and chuckled when he smiled and pointed at you, looking at Scott, saying a quiet, "She's good."
Continuing down the line you met Kira, a kitsune, Isaac, a werewolf, Liam, another werewolf, and finally ended with Scott, the true alpha werewolf.
"Well, I already know what you are," Scott said, his voice calculated.
"And that would be....." You wanted to run.
"A werewolf....." He said hesitantly.
"Oh. Yes. Well. That's true," you rambled, suddenly nervous about your big reveal.
Moving into the loft, Stiles had already moved on to the task at hand. "So, where is this new 'true alpha'?" He spoke sarcastically, putting air quotes around your title, as if he didn't really believe it were true, and to be honest you were finding it hard to believe it yourself.
Clearing your throat, you raised your hand tentatively. "I am."
Stiles stared at you for a moment before he laughed. "Ha-ha, very funny." When he looked to Derek, then to Peter, his smile fading, he looked back to you, his voice starting to get slightly nervous, and somewhat cocky. "Okay." He motioned to you with a jut of his chin, practically vibrating on his toes with nerves. "Prove it."
Looking down, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath, letting your eyes glow red and feeling a confidence wash over you along with the change. Raising your head, you leveled your gaze on Stiles, letting it flit to Peter who cowered slightly, making you smirk, to Scott, who flashed his own back at you, before looking back to Stiles.
He was silent for a long moment, standing perfectly still, finally scoffing and using large gestures as he spoke. "Well that could be anything.... Lighting...." He trailed off, looking to Scott who looked up at the ceiling and shook his head at his friend. Looking back to you, Stiles' face drew into a determined line and he approached you. "Here. Punch my hand." He held it up in front of him, looking at it for a moment before moving it to the side and looking back to you expectantly.
Glancing quickly to Scott, you saw his head now hung low, facing the floor as he shook it, making you smile. These two were obviously old friends, and Scott knew better than to try and change his mind.
You looked at Derek with a raised eyebrow, and he sighed. "Stiles, don't you remember how this went when I told you I would punch through a wall?"
"Yes. But surely she doesn't have that kind of power. I mean look at her, she's like the poster child for a makeup company or some model. You are big and scary and believable."
"You didn't believe me then," Derek argued, and you glanced back over to Scott who wore an apologetic look. Apparently this was normal for these two. You looked back to Stiles, admiring his protectiveness over his friends. He only meant well. You looked back to Derek who was pinching the bridge of his nose, eyes screwed shut in exasperation.
"Well I believe you now," Stiles said as if it were obvious, shaking his head for emphasis. "But I don't think she-"
The smallest, almost imperceptible nod from Derek telling you it was okay, and you reached out, punching Stiles' hand without even looking, hearing his sounds of pain that resembled nothing you had ever heard before as he groaned out, "Yup. She's the real deal."
"Uh-huh," Derek nodded, rolling his eyes.
Reaching out for Stiles, he recoiled away from you with a little yelp, making you laugh. He narrowed his eyebrows at you. "You're laughing? You're sadistic! I'm in pain and you're-" stuttering the end of the word in agony, he looked down to where you grasped his hand in your own, the veins around your wrist growing black as you clenched tighter. "Taking away my pain," he finished in a normal voice, and you nodded once, humming your acknowledgement, your face drawn tight from the sensation, your throat feeling hoarse.
Releasing his hand when the pain stopped, you opened your eyes, letting them fade as you smiled at him. "Damn, I punch hard. Sorry." He shrugged it off, face blushing slightly.
Peter scoffed. "Go a few rounds with one of the wolves. Let's see if you really are all that strong. Stiles could be knocked over by a gust of wind strong enough."
"Hey!" Everyone laughed as Stiles nodded in concession. "What do we do now that we have two? And why do I sound like Dr. Seuss?"
Isaac slapped Stiles on the back of the head.
The rest of the group was quiet, seemingly just to let it all sink in. You were only slightly younger than Derek, and these kids were a year or so younger than you. This was a lot for them to take in, you didn't blame them. It was a lot for you, and you were born into it.
"Well, we could kill her," Peter said suddenly, breaking the silence.
"I'm literally right here, Peter," you said, overlapping Stiles', "Where's my bat?", Liam, Isaac, and Malia's growls, and Kira and Lydia's annoyed huffs.
"Over my dead body," both Derek and Scott said at the same time, turning to the older Hale, eyes glowing protectively. You had missed this, missed having a pack, protection, people willing to help you. This was a dangerous trail of thought.... You tuned back into the conversation in front of you. Peter was smirking devilishly. "That can be arranged."
"Why is he still here?" Isaac and Stiles said in unison, looking to one another annoyedly, while pointing to Peter and looking between all the members of the group.
"We're not killing anyone," Scott said pointedly to Peter, turning back to you as his eyes faded back to normal. "Sorry about that."
"It's okay," you shrugged. "I grew up with creepy uncle Peter. I'm used to it. Besides, he knows I can kill him. In fact, it would be easy."
"You could not," Peter scoffed. "That was established during that whole pack dispute years ago. You put up quite a fight when they tore you and Derek apart - and I mean literally, folks." He said the last part to the group with a wink, and you could hear Derek huffing in annoyance beside you. "Quite a fight, but you were no match for me. I believe I was the one to finally put you down long enough to stop the whole damn fight so we could all talk. We agreed, no bloodshed. Your pack was supposed to leave and there would be no more killings."
"And how have you held up that end of the bargain, Peter?" You questioned, arms crossed across your chest.
He sneered at you.
The group was looking between the two of you, heads snapping back and forth at your banter like a tennis match.
"That's not relevant," he said through his teeth.
"Your blue eyes beg to differ."
He growled at you in frustration. "I didn't die just to come back and deal with crap like this!" His voice escalated, ending on a shout that rang through the loft, echoing off of every surface.
"So then why didn't you just stay dead?" You asked calmly.
He slowly pointed to Lydia from his perch on the spiral stairwell, talking through his sneer, his voice low and venomous. "Why don't you ask her?"
You started speaking as soon as he stopped, not looking away from him. "I will not ask a banshee why they did or didn't do whatever with the dead. That's not my place, nor was it yours to manipulate her beyond the grave."
He rose quickly to his feet, growling out his next words. "What do you know about any of this? 'Not my place'? You're one to talk. You and my little lover boy of a nephew over there are the whole reason my family fell apart, so don't you tell me what is and is not 'my place'." He hissed out the final words on a deadly whisper, his eyes flickering briefly at you as the silence settled, and he returned to a sitting position.
You kept your own eyes from flashing, speaking in a surprisingly calm voice. "Of all the people in this room, aside from Scott, I am most definitely one to talk about what is and is not my 'place'. In fact, I think just about everyone could say a thing or two. Scott found his 'place' when something bit him in the middle of the night, then again when he was saving someone's life."
The silence in the room spurred you on. "Stiles found his 'place' when he helped Scott come to terms with his, then again when the nogitsune came out to play, but here he is after defeating it and back in his rightful 'place'."
You swallowed heavily. "I was born into this just like you. I was a beta, and I knew, one day, I would inherit the position of Alpha when my father died. I knew my 'place'. I didn't steal my position from a family member because I simply couldn't wait. But by sheer happenstance, I came into 'my place' moments before my father died and I would have received it anyway."
Peter opened his mouth to speak but you continued before he could, taking a step toward him. "Lydia's 'place' saved Jackson's life. Now her new 'place' is finding dead people and predicting death, and while I would not wish that on my worst enemy, I look up to her, and commend her for performing her job dutifully and effectively."
You pointed to each person as you addressed them, simply pointing to a new finger in reference to the dead, not looking away from Peter, staring him down where he sat, taking a step closer with each new name. Your voice began to rise, starting at a growl. "Kira and Malia are still finding their 'place', but they are welcome and helpful members of the pack as they figure it out.
"Isaac was given another chance when Derek gave him the bite, and now he has saved multiple lives.
"Derek has been through the ringer, becoming an alpha, becoming a freaking teenager beta, then being an adult beta, then getting his blue eyes back again. He gets to pick as far as I'm concerned.
"Liam was just the new kid, but now here he is, making his own path since his original plan to just survive high school was taken from him.
"Erica and Boyd found a new life, a better life, and it was taken from them way too soon.
"Allison." You heard everyone's already pounding hearts pick up even faster, Scott's skipping a beat, and the already overwhelming smell of grief filling the room became even stronger at the mention of her name. "She died after just discovering how to defeat those things. She had literally just found her 'place'. She redefined the code of hunters, the same kind of people that killed all of my family," you saw Peter's face fall slightly at the mention of your family's death, "she convinced them of this."
You held up your wrist, showing your tattoo. Pointing to the three points as you continued.
"We are all different. We are all just trying to make it in this big thing we call a world. And sometimes.... Sometimes shit happens and you are left out in the cold, defenseless and alone. But thanks to people like her," you gestured widely with both your arms, palms facing up, "people like this, we all can have someone at our back. Someone to help us when we are down. Someone."
You pointed to the middle of the tattoo. "We all have something we can agree upon, and that is the fact that life goes on. Are you going to live it, surrounded by friends and family, laughing and enjoying every day? Or are you going to spend your time wallowing, wishing for something you don't have, miserable and alone?"
The room was silent, your eyes flaming bright red as you turned and took in the loft. Feeling the fade back to human, you spoke quietly, looking down at the floor before looking at each person in turn, ending with Scott.
"I'm not here to fight. I'm not here to cause trouble. I'm here because I'm alone. I'm alone, an alpha, and, I don't really want to go into it just yet. I know you have questions, and I have answers, but...."
You chuckled darkly, looking at the floor again before returning your gaze to Scott, opening your mouth to speak, but he beat you to it.
"Like you said. 'Sometimes shit happens and you are left out in the cold, defenseless and alone'." The look of appreciation on his face said the rest.
You nodded. "I'm just trying to find where my new 'place'," you glanced at Peter over your shoulder who looked back at you, defeated, "fits. I was hoping it could be here, because I already have my someone who I know has my back."
You looked over to Derek, who simply nodded gently. "You already know you can live here. That is, if you don't mind Isaac sharing the same roof."
You turned to the beta who looked at you somewhat sheepishly, making you smile. "I don't mind. What about you?"
His grin was nothing short of radiant as he nodded in agreement, making your own smile grow at the sight. "It'll be a nice break from sourpuss over here," he tilted his head toward Derek playfully.
The former alpha scowled. "I made you. Watch it."
You looked back to Isaac and winked. "We'll work on it together with him. Two heads are better than one."
"I already regret this," Derek said, pulling a hand down his face roughly as his shoulders shook with a small laugh.
"Now all you need is a pack," you heard Scott say behind you. You turned to him and nodded. "Well, I see no reason to draw lines in the sand and claim different parts of Beacon Hills. I also don't want to become like the Alpha pack."
Derek stepped forward. "I'm willing to vouch for Y/N, if her speech didn't already convince you."
"No, it did. I have no doubt that it won't even be an issue," Scott verified. "I just wanted to get that out there. We can work on logistics later, it's been a long day, and this is all a lot to take in."
You nodded yet again. "I understand."
"So for now, you patrol with Derek and Isaac, and the rest of us will stay on our normal patrols. Until we work out the rest, I guess.... Welcome to the pack!"
You smiled, unable to contain your relief and shed a few tears as you engulfed him in a hug, whispering thank yous.
"Can I get in on this action?" Stiles asked, his arms already open for a hug, making you laugh. You weren't really the huggy type, but the group seemed to deem it a rite of passage, so every person got a hug. After giving Derek a long, tight hug, you felt the need for clarification.
"And Peter?" You said, turning back around to him, enjoying how he once again cowered briefly. "Play nice. If you ever pick on any of these kids again." You took a step closer. "If you ever try and break apart this - my - family." You took a step closer. "If I ever hear you so much as thought a dastardly plan through more than just the initial idea stage," you bent down, your noses almost touching and flashed your eyes at him, hearing him swallow in fear. "I'll tear you apart."
"I like her," you heard Stiles say, followed by the sound of someone smacking him and a small cry of pain. "Malia, you know what I mean."
"Oh. And Scott? Before you go...." You rose, turning to face the other true alpha, feeling Peter glowering at the back of your head. "Be careful. I think some hunters might have followed me into town."
Scott's eyes went wide.
Peter groaned and began laughing. "Nice job, sweetheart. Great timing on that little tidbit."
"God, can someone please just kill him again?" Stiles huffed, throwing his hands up in the air.
Scott had his phone out. "I'm calling Deaton. Maybe he has something we can use to.... I don't know. But he at least needs to know about Y/N. Can we all stay here tonight, Derek?"
Derek nodded. "I think it might be best."
Looking around, everyone had their phones out and were either explaining to their parents or other family members the situation, or making up excuses for why they weren't going to be home tonight. Luckily it was a weekend, so it didn't seem too abnormal.
"I'm calling my dad to see if he and Parrish can park outside. Derek, you still have the alarm hooked up, right?" Stiles looked up at Derek.
"Yup." He placed an arm around you, holding you close, whispering in your ear. "I can smell your anxiety. Don't worry. We know what we're doing. Scott just likes 'better safe than sorry'."
"I can see that," you said, looking around at the well oiled machine that was now your pack. "I just don't have anyone to call, and, that makes me kinda sad."
"I'll call your mom, Scott," Isaac said, holding the phone to his ear.
Derek looked up and nodded to him on behalf of Scott who was buried deep in a phone conversation with the vet, before returning his attention to you. "Don't think about it that way. Everyone you would call is already being called, or is already here."
You looked over at Peter. "And we have a plus one. Worse comes to worse, we can just toss him out as a peace offering."
Derek glanced up at Peter and chuckled, burying his face into the space between your neck and shoulder to hide his laughter.
"I heard that," Peter whispered just loud enough for you to hear, making you laugh as well.
Derek was still chuckling as he pulled you along into the kitchen.
Taking a much needed breath to clear your head, you let it out slowly, sighing at Derek's warm breath on your skin as he began to nuzzle your neck, almost burrowing into your hair, taking a deep whiff. "I almost forgot that your hair always smelled like plum blossoms. I missed that smell. Now I know why I smile whenever I pass by one in the woods."
"How dare you forget such an important fact."
He chuckled. "I remember everything else."
Wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling back just enough to see his face, you smiled up at him. "We'll just have to see about that."

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