Protective- Jackson Whittemore

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Jackson ultimately was the most protective boyfriend, well, ever. Sometimes his protectiveness appeared like cockiness (although Jackson definitely is cocky) which led to many asking why you're still with him.

Truly, Jackson was an amazing guy and you were one of the few people who knew the real Jackson. He had a wall wrapped around him that he didn't even let his (adoptive) parents in. The day he finally let you in, your perspective of Jackson did a 360.

The day you finally decided to go to one of his lacrosse games (after you made him promise a full-body massage) just had to be when they were playing Devenford Prep. You had moved from Devenford your junior year to Beacon Hills but in your sophomore year, you and Brett had a small fling. The majority of the 'relationship' had been Brett sneaking through your window and secret blow-jobs and/or Brett eating you out. It was more of a friends with benefits, no strings attached than a real relationship. That didn't mean Brett wouldn't flirt like he used to.

So, as you smoothed Jackson's jersey down and adjusted his shoulder pads, Brett stepped onto the field out of the corner of your eye. Jackson didn't seem to notice as he was busy eyeing other players who were busy warming up. "Remember what you promised. I'm sitting in a crowd screaming in the freezing cold to watch you hurt other people for a tiny ball." Jackson's eyes rolled and nodded.

"Yeah, yeah. One of my famous full-body massages."

"It isn't my fault there amazing." Jackson smiled (one of his rare real smiles, not the stupid cocky ones you always scolded him about) and pressed a quick kiss on your cold lips before disappearing onto the field.

As you predicted, it took Brett less than ten seconds to catch up with you. "Got a new boy toy?"

"You could call him that but I'm not really into the whole 'friends with benefits' thing anymore." Brett nodded and curled his fingers around his helmet.

"Think he'd mind if I stole you for a night? For old sakes?"

You wanted to laugh. "Not interested, sorry." Jackson's glare was so obvious on Brett's back that it was a bit surprising Brett wasn't grimacing from it.

Again, as you predicted, Jackson was at your side faster than Brett could finish a word. "Dude, can you like, piss off? She's not interested."

Brett smirked and stood a little straighter. Jackson didn't seem the slightest bit phased by the height difference. "I had her first man."

Jackson's nose flared and the veins in his neck began submerging. "I don't care if you dated before. She's mine now so, like I said, can you piss off?" Thankfully, Brett didn't respond and jogged back onto the field.

"Jackson, look at me." His jersey crumbled from the grip of your fingers. His jersey was the least of your worries at this point considering steam was blowing from Jackson's ears. "He's my past, you're my present and future. He's nothing compared to you."

His chest rose and fell in short breaths but slowly, they began evening out again. You were thankful when his beautiful, blue eyes met yours. "I'm going to blow out his knee."

You smiled and pat his shoulder. "It'll be fun to watch."

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