Derek Hale

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It was late, close to midnight, and you were overjoyed to be unlocking your door to your apartment. The first thing you planned to do when you got in was to take a shower since your clothes reeked of nothing but greasy food. The scent embedded in your wears, not even your perfume could properly mask it. You hated working doubles at the restaurant on your days off from classes, but with being a college student, you needed all the extra cash you could get to survive independently.

After entering your apartment you locked the door behind you and walked directly into the bathroom. It was possibly one of the longest and hottest showers you've ever taken, and you felt complete tranquility afterward.

You wrapped the towel around your wet body and headed into your bedroom; your serenity abruptly coming to an end once you flipped the light switch.

You screamed, not anticipating anyone, especially Derek Hale, to be sitting on the edge of your bed.

"Jesus Christ, Derek! You scared the shit out of me!"

"Sorry." He stated unconcernedly.

You scoffed and slightly narrowed your eyes. "What the hell are you even doing here?"

"Things are getting—complicated, in Beacon Hills, and Scott wanted me to keep an eye on you."

"While I appreciate the fact that my little brother wants me safe, a fucking phone call giving me a heads up would have been nice."

"Well, (y/n), you can call him and take it up with him."

"I will. You can count on it."

You walked over to your dresser to search for your (y/f/c) bra and panty matching set along with a pair of shorts and your white tank top before you turned around to realize he was making his way toward your bedroom door to give you privacy. It was that moment that it hit you. You were finally alone with Derek, something you've always thought about, but it never transpired. Derek didn't necessarily show interest in you, but you did catch him stealing glances from time to time. Maybe it meant something, but there was only one way to find out and that's exactly what you planned to do.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm stepping out to give you some privacy."

You let out a scoff. "You're worried about giving me privacy, yet you broke into my apartment and waited in the dark like a creeper?"

He rolled his eyes, turning to make his way out again.

"You know you want to stay, so why don't you?" with that statement Derek arched a brow.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Your confidence increased as you approached slowly, your eyes staring into his, as if you could see right through him. "You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"No, I don't." He turned to face you completely as he crossed his arms snugly in front of his chest.

"Don't think I didn't notice the different times you've stolen glances," you stepped even closer, "eyeing my body, wondering what I looked like beneath my clothes—"

"(y/n), you can stop now."

"Wondering what I taste like—"

He tensed with a glare. "Stop."

"Picturing in your mind how I'd sound screaming out your name."

Derek let out a low growl.

He carefully, but firmly, he grabbed onto your wrists and pinned you against your wall, causing you to gasp. The slight impact triggered your towel to untuck and expose the frontal portion of your body while the rear had the towel held up and pinned to the wall.

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