Scott McCall

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It happened so fast. One minute I was staring out the window, watching my Jack Russell mix, Lucy, run up and down the fence. The next? She had a squirrel in her jaws. I had always known that she was fast, but I never thought she was that fast.
Gasping, I slammed my coffee cup on the table. Some of the hot liquid sloshed out, but I paid it no mind. I was too focused on the fact that my dog had caught a squirrel. What if the squirrel had rabies?
"Lucy!" I screamed, throwing the back door open and charging out. "Lucy, put it down!" Of course, Lucy didn't understand what I was saying. She thought that I wanted to play. With a great jump, her thick little legs took off across the yard, tearing up dirt and grass as she went. I sprinted after her, nearly cornering her by the fence. Lucy's too smart- she darted between my legs to return to the other side of the yard. I groaned. "Lucy, get back here! Put that squirrel down!"
Her nails dug into the ground, lurching to a standstill to look at me with her head cocked to the side, the squirrel still feebly struggling in her mouth. I held my palms up, slowly, carefully approaching her. "Easy Lucy." I said. "Easy girl." To my surprise, Lucy trotted over to me and dropped the tiny body at my feet. My mouth dropped open. Lucy didn't seem at all fazed by my distress, giving me a wolfish grin and wagging her tail proudly. I sighed.
I squatted down to get a look at the squirrel. Was it still alive? Could it be alive? Was it strong enough to survive something like that?
Its big brown eye blinked, and its little arm moved. It was alive.

Ten minutes later I was pulling up outside the closest vet's office. Tenderly, I lifted the squirrel- now wrapped in a banana-yellow towel- into my arms and shut my door with my hip. I opened the backseat, and Lucy faithfully jumped out to follow me inside.
The door chimed as I entered. A dark-haired boy glanced up from behind the desk. I didn't recognize him- Deaton was the one who always cared for Lucy when I brought her in- but at the moment I didn't care. I'd take any help that I could get.
"Hey, can you, um-" I brought the bundle in my arms up to the counter, leaning over so he could see. "My dog- Lucy- she... she caught this squirrel and... and it's still alive and I don't know if you could do anything for it but if you could... I still don't know if it has rabies or not... I haven't checked Lucy for any scratches or bites, but she's acting fine... I'm just worried about the little squirrel..." I rambled. I could feel my heartbeat picking up and my eyes start to sting, warning incoming tears. "I... I just..."
"Hey, hey, hey." The boy said softly, quickly crossing the barrier to come stand beside me. "It's okay. It's all going to be okay. I can help the squirrel and your dog. It's going to be fine. Just take some deep breaths. Can you walk with me to the back room?"
Taking a breath as he instructed, I nodded. He smiled. His eyes crinkled slightly when he did so, lighting them up, making them glisten like topaz. "Great." He breathed. As sort of an afterthought, he said, "I'm Scott." He held out his hand for a shake. I raised an eyebrow at him and looked pointedly at the squirrel. "Oh, right, crap, sorry. We can do the whole 'nice to meet you' thing later. Follow me."
scott mccall imagine teen wolf imagine scott mccall preference teen wolf preference first imagine first preference yikes meeting him series
196 notes May 19th, 2015


Summary: Scott McCall has a crush on Y/N and struggles with telling her.
Note: this takes place right before 1x01
Warning: may be really cheesy because it was written late at night
Scott McCall was in love. Most kids his age thought they were and it always ended in disaster, but Scott knew, without a single hint of doubt, that he was in love.
It wasn't something he had shared with anyone- though he was sure they already knew. It was in the way he looked at her, the way he said her name, the way her laugh made his mood improve.
Yes, Scott McCall was in love with Y/N Y/L/N, and he loved her with conviction, loved her with every fiber in his being, loved her with every breath he took.
But she didn't know.
Y/N was as oblivious to Scott's feelings as she was beautiful. She had no idea that she had the boy smitten. He was her best friend, and there was nothing more to it, as far as she knew. There were times when that frustrated Scott to the point of envisioning gripping her slender shoulders and shaking her to get her to see, maybe even planting a firm kiss on her lips that would leave her head spinning.
But Scott wouldn't do that.
He was afraid of losing her. He was afraid of seeing her face fall and lips form the words he was terrified of hearing.
So he settled for being by her side. It was enough just to be around her.
Like now, for instance. Y/N had invited Scott to go to the mall with her. She'd needed a new dress for something, and she'd seen an ad for the cutest shoes, and she'd thought she would look at getting some new jeans. And all of her girl friends had plans, and Scott didn't, and she hadn't seen him in so long...
So he'd gone to the mall with her. He'd watched her try on clothes and take sips of a drink she'd bought in the food court. He'd listened diligently to her worries about school and laughed at all of her corny jokes. He'd even carried her bags around for her.
And he was still carrying those bags when they returned to Y/N's house. He carried them to her room and she thanked him for the day. "I know it was probably boring trailing me all day." She said as she kicked off her shoes and took out her earrings.
"No, it was fun." Scott told her- and he was telling the truth. Anything with her was fun.
Y/N gave him a knowing smile and accepted the bags from him. The first item she pulled out was the dress she'd finally decided on. She stood in front of her mirror and held it against herself with a pretty pout. "I still don't know about this."
"What's it for?" Scott asked, sitting on the edge of her bed.
"This guy in my Chem class, Jackson, he invited me to-"
"Jackson?" Scott's eyebrows rose. "Jackson Whittemore?"
Y/N nodded as she set the dress on the rack in her closet. "Yeah, do you know him?"
"Yeah..." Scott watched as she pulled out the pair of shoes she'd bought that matched. He hated to burst her bubble, but he knew he had to. After all, he couldn't let her go on a date with Jackson Whittemore. The guy was a jerk. He was Scott's worst enemy, practically. "He's, um..."
"He's so sweet." She gushed. "He invited me to dinner, and I-"
"Y/N, he's bad news."
There it was- the face. Y/N's smile dropped, eyes becoming absent of the happiness that usually radiated from her. "What do you mean?"
Scott's heart felt heavy in his chest. "I mean that he's not the kind of guy you should go out with. He's not nice. He's..." Got a girlfriend, Scott thought.
Y/N raised an eyebrow. "This doesn't have anything to do with lacrosse tryouts, does it?"
"Stiles told me that Jackson was giving you guys crap about trying out for the lacrosse team when we get back from winter break." Y/N informed him. "I don't think Jackson was being mean, though. He likes to tease. He probably was just playing around. Don't take it personally."
Scott sucked in a deep breath. "Y/N, that's not it. He's..."
She sighed, getting agitated. "He's what, Scott?"
He gulped. He hated upsetting her. "Never mind." He stood up from her bed and zipped up his jacket. "I'll see you around, okay?"
Finals had flown by, and then the two weeks of winter break went just as fast. Scott regretfully hadn't talked to Y/N since they'd gone to the mall. He'd picked up his phone several times, determined and set in the idea that this was going to be it, this was when he'd come clean about his feelings, this was when he would tell her that Jackson Whittemore was no good and that he could take her out on a much nicer date and make her laugh more than the other boy ever could.
But he would grip his cellphone in his damp, nervous palm and stare down at her contact and feel his heart slamming against his ribs. And then he would put the phone down. Y/N was happy, from what he could tell. He didn't want to ruin that for her. And maybe Jackson wasn't with Lydia anymore. Maybe he had changed. Maybe he really had been joking around.
The night before school started up again, Scott was up in his room. His mother was working tonight. He was hard at work on lacing his lacrosse stick, wanting to be ready for tryouts the next day.
Then his phone rang.
It caused Scott to jump unbelievably hard at the violent vibrating across his dresser, but soon enough he recovered to answer it. "Hello?"
"Hey," he recognized those sniffles immediately, and his heart sank. "So you were right..."
"Oh no," he whispered inaudibly, lying back on his bed to stare up at the ceiling. "What happened?" He asked louder.
"Well, he has a girlfriend. And apparently he wasn't serious about the invitation, 'cause he didn't even show up..." She sniffled again. "God, why am I so stupid? Why didn't I just listen to you?"
"Hey," Scott frowned. "You're not stupid, okay? You just needed to find out for yourself."
"I guess you're right." She sighed. "It just..."
Y/N gave a weak laugh. "I was going to say that it hurt, but it does suck, too."
Scott smiled, but then it faded. "Are you going to be okay?"
"Yeah, I'll get over it eventually. I'll just go eat my heart out or something. No big deal."
He sat up then. "Do you want me to come over?"
"No, no, it's fine, really. It's getting late anyways. I need to get to bed- and you need to as well if you're going to do well at tryouts tomorrow!"
"Ahh..." Scott scratched the back of his head. "I don't think sleep will help me. I have a bad feeling that something is going to go wrong."
"Nonsense." She scolded lightly. "You're going to do great."
They sat on the line a little while longer in comfortable silence. Scott could hear her breathing through the phone. It made the tense muscles in his shoulders relax. Still, he wanted to make sure to nail Jackson Whittemore in the face tomorrow for putting Y/N through that. She hadn't deserved it in the slightest. She was too sweet, too kind, too good for him...
"I'm sorry for calling you so late." She eventually said. "I just wanted to hear your voice."
Those simple words made Scott's heart pound. There were so many things he wanted to say to her, so many feelings to express. But he settled for just saying, "I don't mind." Then, as an impulsive afterthought. "I like hearing your voice, too."
She laughed again. "You're sweet." She said. "Alright, Scott, I'll let you go now. Get some good sleep. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yeah, you too." He bit his lip. He was going to do it this time. He was going to tell her how he felt, how much she meant to him, how he would never treat her the way Jackson had. "Y/N?"
A small, polite yawn. "Yes?"
He chickened out. "Sweet dreams."
"You too. 'Night." Then she hung up, and Scott stayed staring at the phone in his hand, cursing the entire universe and wishing things could be different.

teen wolf imagine teen wolf imagines teen wolf preference teen wolf one shot scott mccall imagine scott mccall imagines scott mccall preference scott mccall one shot
163 notes

Drabble #01
"Turn off the lights and I'll glow." (X)
There he was, red-cheeked and swaying, standing up on the stage with a microphone in his sweaty grasp. The beat was pumping behind him; he nodded along, slurring out the lyrics.
"Remind me again why we let Stiles get drunk?" Scott asked Derek from his seat at the bar. He was a little concerned for his best friend, who was passionately rapping Ice, Ice Baby.
"With all that's going on, don't you think he deserves it?" Derek raised a bushy eyebrow before taking another shot. He slammed the glass down on the counter. "God I wish I could get drunk."

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