The Baby Of The Pack- The Pack

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You were the youngest one in the pack. That's why everyone knew you as the "baby of the pack". And being the "baby" it came with alot of stuff. Like they are way over protective of you and they don't let you do anything. And You were also Scott's sister. Being Scott's little sister and the "baby" had it ups and downs.
"We need to do something" Malia exclaimed, looking between everyone. Scott had called an emergency pack meeting at your house. Yesterday the Dread Doctors took Hayden and Liam. And Scott was thinking of a way to get them.
"We need to go save them" Lydia stated, looking at Scott for answers.
"I have a plan. Me, Malia and Mason will go find Liam, and you guys stay here." Scott instructed. This was stupid. He doesn't even know where Liam is.
"Scott that's stupid" You told him.
"y/n, not right now. We need to go save Liam." Scott said, grabbing his jacket.
"Just listen to me!." You snapped, looking at everyone in the room.
"How in the world are you going to find him? Do you even know where he is?" You asked harshly, getting tired of them.
"If you want to find Liam, get it from someone's memory. Someone who had been taken by the Dread Doctors" you advised, looking straight at Scott.
Scott nodded and headed right in his room where Cody was and he sink his claws into his neck. You could tell that poor boy was in pain, but this was the only way where you guys can find Liam.
"What is he doing?" Theo asked slighty confused.
"He's going through his memories." You replied, looking at Scott
Then it hits you, this is what the doctors want. Whatever memory Scott is getting from that boy. He'll go there. By the time Scott gets there, they already moved Liam and Hayden some where else. And Scott would probably panic, because he dind't find his lil beta.
Scott toke his claws out of Cody's neck and started breathing heavily.
"Hey Scott, relax. Deep breaths, in and out" you instructed. A few seconds later Scott was fine.
"I know where they are" Scott blurted out. Everyone was looking at him for answers.
"He's at this place that has this hallways filled with pipes and-"
"That's where i used to skate" Stiles cutted him off. "It's infront of that park we used to go to" Stiles said, looking at his best friend.
"I'm going there" Scott said, grabbing his key and jacket.
"Wait!" You called out for Scott.
"What now, Y/N." Scott asked you, slighty annoyed.
"Don't go there! He won't be there. That's where the doctors want you to be. But he won't be there. And neither are the Doctors going to be there."
"Then where is he?" Scott asked you. You shrugged your shoulders and tried thinking of something.
"Give me 5 minutes" you told Scott, running up stairs to his room.
"Cody, can you tell me anything that you remember from the Dread Doctors?" You asked him, sitting infront of him.
"Why would i tell you anything, since your brother stabbed his nails into my neck." He snapped, looking at you with anger in his eyes.
"Please tell me! We are trying to save someone life here" you pleaded him. And then he told you that he remember this basement, with a huge hole in it. And there is where they keep the experiments.
"Scott, i know where you can find them" You shouted, running down the stairs.
You told him everything about what Cody just told you.
"You stay here, and don't move" Scott said sternly at you. And then out the door they went.
You were sitting with Lydia and Stiles waiting for them to come home with Liam and Hayden. All of the sudden Stiles phone started ringing.
"Hey Malia, everything is okay?"
"What do you mean no?" Stiles asked concerned about them. Stiles and Malia talked for a little while and Stiles said looking at Lydia "The pack need us"
They both got up and left without you.
"Hey! What about me?" You yelled at them.
"You stay here, incase Liam or someone comes you can call us." Stiles instructed. You weren't going to sit at home and wait for them. So you went after Stiles.
"I'm not a baby, Stiles" you gritted your teeth, getting into his car.
"Fine, but you're staying in the car" he said, looking at you. And with that you guys went to help the rest of the pack.
"What do you think we're fighting?" You suddenly asked, breaking the silence roaming around the car.
"You are not fighting. You are staying into the jeep. Got it!" Stiles gave you a strict look. "I'm not a baby, Stiles" you yelled at him.
"Oh yeah, ofcourse not. You just happened to be the youngest. But you're right. Totally not the baby" Stiles answered sarcastically. You just rolled your eyes and looked outside
Stiles and Lydia went inside the old abandoned house and you can hear people fighting. Why didn't they let you fight. I don't know if they know, but you took taekwondo for 10 years. And you're also a black belt. You can protect yourself. But i guess that what happens when you are the youngest one. Something caught your eye. There was 3 doctors at the entrance of the house. Does the pack even know they're there. You tried to get a better look, but the car was kind of parked far from the house.
All of the sudden something hit the window of the driver's seat. You went and grab an old piece wood, that was in the back of Stiles car, to protect yourself. You hurried  and called Stiles. "Stiles, there is something outside the car" you whispered into the phone. Not wanting whatever is outside to hear you.
Out of nowhere the door of the passenger seat was opened. And there it was. A chimera. You yelped and opened Stiles car door and ran out of the car. The thingy was very close behind you. Sure you can fight and stuff like that. But you cannot fight a supernatural. Then you saw Scott and the rest of the pack come outside. This was your time Y/N. Let them know you are not a baby!
You turned around and tried looking for the chimera. When you saw him, you yelled. "Hey! Ugly pants. Over here!" You shouted at him. The chimera started running for you, when he was closed by you kicked his chest and he fell backwards. You tried looking around you if you can find anything hard that you can hit him with.
The chimera grabbed your foot and you fell to the floor. The chimera looked at you before he went to claw your face. You kicked him in his face and got up. That's where you saw the metal stick laying there. You ran towards the sticks and the chimera not far behind you. When you grabbed the stick, you swung with all your force and hit right in the head. And the chimera fell down and was now unconscious. You dind't hit him too hard to kill him. But hard enough to make him unconscious. You had a few scratches but you were still in one piece and alive.
Lydia came running towards you and pulling you for a hug. You hugged her back. "You had us so worried" she mumbled into my hair. We broke apart and she looked at me with a proud smile on her face. "What you did was really cool. I'm proud that you can protect yourself" Lydia said giving you a smile. By this time the whole pack was beside you.
"I guess i was wrong" Scott admitted. "You can protect yourself"
"Guess you're not the baby anymore" Stiles chipped in, giving you a hug.
"I like being the baby." You giggled.
You were happy, Liam and Hayden are safe. The pack now can trust you for fights. You're actually starting to feel part of the pack

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