Equals- Void Stiles

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The moment she stepped foot out of the car and into the dark air of Beacon Hills, Y/N knew this place was engulfed by chaos — just what she loved. It wasn't hard to sense. You could practically smell the spilt blood in the air.
She walked into the dark school, in pursuit for the one person that seemed to be a beacon for pain and chaos. She barely knew him. All she knew was his face and his name. Stiles.
From what she's heard in the past week of being here, this kid is a whole world of fucked up. And even better — he's currently out of control. Being manipulated by a dark spirt. A fox. And she wants him. She wanted to take the pain and chaos that he's feeding on.
The blackened hallways added to the disturbing vibe of everything. She loved it. It only made the thrill in her veins at the thought of meeting this Stiles flow faster. Her heart was pounding, the smirk on her face growing as she listened carefully, footsteps quietly tapping in the distance. Someone was here. He was here.
"A Blackwood?" A voice rang out from behind in a pique of interest, alerting her. She spun around and stepped back at the sight of a teenage boy standing in front of her, eyes dark and hair darker. He looked like he hadn't slept in months. This was Stiles.
"You know my name?" She asked, her eyebrow cocking up and she crossed her arms, her demeanor staying relaxed to show she wasn't the least bit afraid of him.
A scoffed laugh broke from his chest as he stepped closer, his head notching to the side. "Are you kidding? The Blackwoods are notorious. They breathe and bleed chaos and strife. I can practically taste it in the air surrounding you."
He was standing right in front of her now, only a few inches taller than her but enough to have him looking down at her. "You don't scare me." She said lowly, glaring up into his eyes.
A dark smirk crossed Stiles' lips as his eyes flickered up and down Y/N's form. Stiles began to lift his hand to bring it to her face but before he knew it, her fingers were clasping around his wrist so tightly he thought she might snap it.
He grunted as his eyes flickered between her face, which held a taunting smirk, and his wrist that was now searing with pain as he tried to yank it away only to fail miserably. Then, if the fact that he couldn't even pull his wrist from her grip wasn't a big enough slap in the face, her other hand clamped down on the back of his neck, spinning him towards the wall of lockers and slamming his frontside directly into the hard and cool metal, her body pressing against him to keep him pinned.
"What the fuck?" He groaned, lashing around to try to set himself free. Void had never found anyone who was stronger than him. Especially not a stupid little witch. "What the fuck are you?" He asked, clearly frustrated at the attack on his masculinity.
"You already said it yourself." She spoke lowly, her lips brushing against the shell of his ear. "I'm a Blackwood."
Stiles couldn't wrap his head around the fact that she was so strong. He groaned when she pulled his arm behind him by the wrist she was still holding, pressing it against his back while her other hand slipped around to the front of his throat, clasping down lightly.
"I may or may not have skewed from traditional family matters and tampered a little into the really dark stuff. But could you blame me, Stiles? I mean, look at what it's made me into. Power like this is intoxicating, no?" She taunted him, knowing good and well Void dabbled in the act of getting drunk off his own power.
She could sense the anger boiling in his veins. He hated this. He hated not being in control. But he couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't even push her away. "What do you want?" He rasped, a snarl showing off his pure irritation and annoyance.
"You know exactly what I want." She growled lowly. He forced out a grunt when her hand tightened around his throat and suddenly his mind started to spin. Black veins lifted on his neck and her hand as she drained him of every bit of pain he collected in the past few days.
His knees were trembling as she continued, practically sucking the life right out of him until he was choking out for her to stop. "S-Stop!" He yelped, the nails of his free hand raking down the metal lockers so harshly that it chipped away the paint.
"Babe, I'm just getting started. Do you really think I came this far just for that little taste?" She said darkly, pulling the weakened boy off of the lockers and dragging him into the boy's locker room. He was too weak to even fight back. Hell, he could barely even keep his feet moving at the same pace as her.
Once in there, she sat him on a bench while she kicked open the door to the Coach's office, grabbing a chair with armrests and dragging out into an open area of the locker room. She glanced over at Stiles every few moments, knowing he was too weak to even escape. He sat with his head hung down, heavily breathing and barely blinking.
She smirked, going back into the coaches office and finding rope used for god knows what in his classes and brought it back out, gripping Void's hand and bringing him over to the chair, sitting him down.
All he did was mumble nonsense as she began tying his hands to the armrests, moving to his feet, tying them to the front two legs of the chair. "Wh-What are you doing?" He groaned out quietly, unable to speak at a normal volume.
"Just be patient." She chirped, kissing his forehead while pushing it back so he'd hold it up. She scanned his face as he looked at her, his eyes dull as he stared at her with all the negative emotion he could muster.
"I'm going to kill you." He threatened, clenching his jaw as she grinned, letting out a light chuckle. She didn't respond but inside reached into her pocket and pulled out a small switchblade, his eyes instantly locking onto it and the snake that was carved into the side of the blade, wrapped around a tree branch. The Blackwood crest.
"You'll feel better after this." She brought the blade down to his forearm, hovering it over his skin as he tried with what little strength he had to break the bonds around his wrist. "Stop moving." She rolled her eyes, pressing the blade down into his skin enough to break it, a groan tumbling from his lips as he looks down at the blood now seeping from under the blade.
She lifted the blade, grabbing his chin and forcing him to look at her. His eyes already staring to return to their normal dark and evil vibe as he indulged in the pain and she smirked, adjusting the knife in her hand without him noticing. He was too busy glaring at her.
A deep shout ripped from his throat when she plunged the tip of the knife into his upper arm, his head throwing back as she laughed darkly. His fists clenched as a growl rumbled in his chest while he used his uninjured arm to almost instantly snap the ropes from around his wrists.
Before Y/N could even react, his hand came up, grasping her harshly by the throat, leaving her unable to breathe. She grinned with a demented look in her eye as she gripped his wrist, pulling at it just enough to open her airway, allowing her to speak. "Told you it'd make you feel better."
Stiles bared his teeth like a furious dog before yanking her down, his lips crashing onto hers so harshly their teeth knocked together. She smirked, their tongues fighting for dominance until she twisted the knife in his arm, making him instantly give up him attempt at overpowering her. She hummed, bringing her hand into his hair and yanking his head back as her lips traveled down the column of his throat.
"You're a fucking bitch." He breathed exhaustedly, dropping his hand onto the armrest, relinquishing himself to her. She chuckled against his skin, softly biting down on his pulse point, making a moan seep from his lips.
He could feel himself regaining power with each drop of pain and pleasure she inflicted on him. He was probably even strong enough now to break free of his restraints but for some reason he didn't want to.
"As much as I want to take what I just gave to you away, I like the idea that you're willingly subduing for me." She taunted, flipping the blade to her knife, placing it back into her pocket.
"Don't let your head get to far up your ass, sweetheart." He snapped, ripping his other arm from its restraints to show he he could easily take control at any time he wanted.
She laughed softly, dropping to her knees in front of him and his breath caught in his throat as he watched her hands run up his thighs, then back down until she was untying his feet from the chair. "I think I've inflicted enough pain on you for now, don't you agree?" she asked, looking up at him. His pupils were already dilating and his eyes glossing over with lust.
Suddenly, a moan escaped him and his eyes snapped shut when she ran her hand firmly over his now hardening bulge, making his hips twitch. She grinned, grabbing at the hem of his shirt and pushed it up, exposing his abdomen. She kissed her way up his skin as she continued pushing his shirt up until she was helping him carefully pull it over his head, knowing his arm still probably hurt like a bitch.
Once she tossed it away she placed a quick kiss to the corner of his lips before sinking back down to her knees, popping the button to his pants while looking up at him. "I hope you can take a little more torture, pretty boy." She said cockily as she slid his pants down. He lifted his hips to help her out and soon she was pulling them off of his feet along with the adidas' she'd seen Stiles wear many times before in the past week.
"I think I can handle a little blowjob." He scoffed.
Her lips twitched up in a smirk as she shrugged, grabbing him through his boxers and pumping him, the friction of the fabric against his cock making his eyes roll back and his jaw slack open. And for a good two minutes thats all she did until he was clenching his fists and squirming impatiently.
"Okay, you bitch. I get it." He growled, hips bucking into her touch in a plea for her to do more.
She chuckled, hooking her fingers into the waistband of his boxers and pulling them down to his ankles, leaving his erection to spring free. He nearly moaned at the release of pressure mixed with the cool air washing over the newly exposed skin. "I'm just getting started, baby."
He tried to look down and open his mouth to question her but she quickly grabbed him, swiping her tongue from his base to his tip, cutting his words off as he gripped on tightly to the armrests of the chair, his head lulling back.
"Fuck," he murmured as she wrapped her lips around him, wasting no time in slowly taking him in until he was hitting the back of her throat. She pulled back just as slowly before releasing him with a soft pop and running her hand up and down his shaft.
After pumping him a few times, she took him back into her mouth and hollowed out her cheeks, bobbing her head at a steady motion, reveling in the sounds coming from him with her own appreciative moans, the vibrations only adding to his pleasure.
Somewhere in it all, his hand tangled itself into her hair but he didn't force any pressure onto her head. He let her keep control with the added benefit of guiding her just enough to feel like he was doing something useful.
She could feel him twitching, his hips bucking slightly and she knew he was close. She continued, his moans growing louder. His hand tightened almost painfully in her hair and she knew he was about to cum so she pulled back, denying him even a taste of his release and suddenly he knew what she mean by 'a little more torture.'
"Fucking bitch." He groans, his head dropping back in frustration yet he still did nothing to try and take control or to try and find his release while she simply giggle. Surprisingly, he was extremely patient at the moment.
After a few moments of her simply stroking her hands up and down his thighs, she took him back into her hands, pumping him until he was groaning, chasing his release again.
"D-Don't stop, please." He whined, thrusting up into her hand as his legs shook. He was so close he could finally taste his release but then she stopped. Again.
Now he was annoyed. Actually, he was beyond annoyed. So much so that he stood up, yanking her to her feet. She yelped in surprise, not expecting him to suddenly take away her dominance.
"My turn to torture you." He said, ripping her shirt over her head and throwing it away. He yanked her pants down her legs, along with her underwear in once quick fashion, making her gasp.
He turned her around, pushing her up against a locker, holding her with one hand while he unclasped her bra with the other, his lips attacking her neck. Everything was happening so quickly her head was spinning but she was quickly snapped back into it when she felt his hand fall between her legs, his long and slender fingers running through her soaking folds.
He hummed arrogantly at the feeling of how wet she was for him. "So wet." He murmured, his lips dragging lightly along her ear. "As much as I love this pretty face of yours," He didn't even finish his statement before he turned her around, pressing her against the cool lockers, a hiss escaping her lips as the cool metal shocked her heated skin.
He grabbed both of her hands and brought them up, pressing them against the locker on either side of her head. "Don't move." He warned, releasing them and dragging his hands down the curves of her body.
Y/N's knees were already shaking with anticipation of what he'd do to her, the feeling of his cock pressed against her ass not helping in the slightest.
His hands came down to her hips, gripping tightly and pulling her backwards so her back was arched as she kept her hands pressed to the lockers. "Such a pretty ass." He praised, running his palms over her soft flesh.
A sudden screech ripped through her throat when his hand came down in a menacing smack that sent a sting throughout her entire body. She was sure she would bruise just from the one blow but that wasn't enough for him. He did it again. And again. And again. Until the first signs of bruising began to finally show.
Y/N was fighting back tears as her nails raked down the metal her hands were glued to, whimpers escaping her lips as Stiles soothed his hands over her now abused skin. Her body felt as if it was on fire. As if she would burn into ash.
She heard Stiles shift behind her and then felt his lips kissing gently at the sore marks he left on her. "Such a good girl." He hummed and without even waiting for some type of reply from her he devoured her. His tongue coming in direct contact with her dripping core, licking up every bit of her.
His tongue flicked over her clit and her legs began to shake. With the mixture of pain and pleasure overtaking her body, she was becoming weak. She knew if he continued for much longer she would collapse.
She tried to tell him to stop, that she was going to fall but he continued, simply holding her up with his hands under her ass. He pushed her close and closer to the edge, his tongue driving her straight into insanity and right as she spoke the words "I'm gonna cum," he stopped.
He stopped and she let out the most ridiculous sounding whine he'd ever heard. Like a four year old throwing a tantrum when they don't get the toy they want at the store.
"Shut up." He commanded, standing up and flipping her around too quickly, making her knees buckle under her but he was quick to catch her, pressing her up against the lockers. He wrapped his hands under her thighs, pulling them up and she instantly wrapped them around his hips, trying her best to keep herself from falling.
Void simply looked her up and down for a few moments, drinking her in before he looked to her face again. His eyes faltered at her lips before connecting with her eyes and very quietly she muttered "Kiss me."
He did. He kissed her but it was nothing like the first kiss. This one was much gentler. Still rough—but gentler. Like he'd almost given up on being aggressive and dominant. Almost.
But then she gasped loudly, almost screaming, as he slammed into her with so much force her body slammed against the lockers, creating a loud bang the probably echoed throughout the entire school. Her hands had gripped onto his shoulders so tightly she was sure it would bruise the boy's skin but he didn't seem to mind the pain at all.
Then he was pulling out slowly—too slowly—and she began to whimper and squirm, begging without words for him to move faster.
Once he was almost all the way out, he slammed into her almost as roughly as before. She let out another strangled gasp as her nails raked deep into his skin, ripping and tearing at it. He continued this merciless pace for nearly a three minutes until he could see tears streaming down her cheeks. Not because she was in pain but because she frustrated and wanted him to fuck her faster. She didn't want to be tortured. And that's exactly what he was doing.
"Maybe if you ask nicely, I'll give you what you want." He mumbled against her ear, biting softly on her earlobe.
He slammed into her once again and she choked out a sob. "Please. Please, Stiles. Please go faster."
He paused, humming softly before pressing his lips to her again, lowering her legs to the floor. He broke the kiss and pulled her over to the bench that sat between the rows of lockers and carefully bent her down so she held herself up with her hands pressed against the bench.
"Don't fall." He teased but she gave no reaction. She sighed when she felt him enter her again, this time at a much less brutal pace. He started off slow, not to torture her this time but to actually build up her pleasure the best way possible.
She let out a soft moan that rang in his ears like his favorite song, making him pick up his pace. The more moans that spilled out of her lips, the more speed he picked up. He tried his best not to slam too roughly against her hips, knowing her ass was still extremely sore from the bruising he inflicted onto her earlier.
As he thrusted into her, he splayed an open palm over the small of her back and ran it slowly up her spine until his fingers were tangling into her hair. He tugged softly on it before letting go and running his hand back down, snaking it over the curves of her right side and then to the front of her body until the pads of his fingertips found her bundle of nerves. She jolted at the contact, her arms nearly giving out under her.
"Come on, kitten. Cum for me." He hissed as he circled her clit, enjoying the sight of her legs trembling and shaking. He pressed down harder onto her clit, circling faster as his thrust got faster. She was so close she could taste the pleasure.
She slid her hands up a bit, wrapping her fingers around the edge of the bench and with one final, and particularly hard thrust from him, she came undone. Her legs shook violently and her elbows buckled, sending her upper body crashing down onto the bench. Her lower half would have collapsed as well if it weren't for Stiles' arm wrapped around her, holding her up.
He groaned loudly at the feeling of her tightening, pulsing around him. Just as he was about to release, he pulled out, using his free hand to stroke himself until he was throwing his head back, his warm cum spilling out over her lower back. He mumbled soft swears under his breath as he stumbled back away from her, nearly tripping into the lockers that sat behind him.
When his arm had unwrapped from around her she fell onto her knees, grunting when her kneecaps hit the concrete floor. She couldn't move. She was so utterly and completely drained that all she could do was sit there on her feet with her head pressed against the bench as she panted for breaths.
After a couple of minutes she jumped at the feeling of something cool against her back. She lazily lifted her head to see Stiles—or Void—fully dressed and cleaning her up with a damp towel so she could get dressed.
"Thanks." She said sort of awkwardly. He paid no mind to her gratitude as he went discard of the towel and came back, beginning to collected her scattered clothes. He walked over and placed them down on the bench beside her, spreading them out for easier access.
She fought back the twinge of a smile that tweaked her lips as she slowly stood up, regaining her strength. She sat down, pulling on her underwear and pants as she looked up at him, watching her with no expression.
"I'm—I'm sorry I stabbed you." She laughed nervously, almost cringing at her stupid apology as she looked at the injury she inflicted onto his arm.
Her eyes flickered up to see him smirking. "I can take a little pain." He teased sarcastically, shrugging his shoulders. She laughed softly and pulled her shirt over her head.
She stood up and stepped over to him, grabbing his hand and placing it at the curve of her neck. "Here. Take it. Take it all back."
He gazed at her for a moment with an almost astonished look as she waited with her eyes closed for the dizziness of him draining her to come. But it never did. Instead, she felt his lips on hers as he kissed her softly, making her stomach flip and flutter with butterflies. She was actually flustered at how gentle it was.
When he pulled away, hand and all, she kept her eyes closed, savoring the feeling of the gentle kiss. And when she finally opened her eyes she let out a tiny, disappointed huff of air. He was gone. He was no where in sight and all she had to remember him by were the bruises he left on her skin and the kiss he left on her lips.

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