Alone- Jackson Whittemore

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Jackson Whittemore could be an A grade jerk. Everyone knew that, even you knew that and he was your best friend.
You two were an odd pair, and most people would not have pegged you two as the type to speak to each other let alone be best friends. You had a reputation at the school for being nice, like the nicest girl in the grade. And Jackson? Well the way people literally dived out of the way when he walked down the halls pretty much spoke for itself.
It kind of makes more sense when you know how the two of you met.
The two of you met way back in kindergarten, the sandbox actually. You were feeling sad because two boys, Scott and Stiles were playing with each other and ignoring you. Not intentionally of course but they were both so caught up in their little imaginary world that they didn't even notice you. So there you were plopped on the sand staring sadly at a tree when little Jackson Whittemore bounded up to you and offered for you to play with him. And it went on from there.
Not much had changed really, Scott McCall still barely acknowledged your existence and Jackson would be there to pick up the pieces of your heart.
Scott McCall. You had been completely and totally in love with him since you were ten years old and he had let you pat his cute puppy for a good ten minutes.
When you had first went to high school you thought things were going to be different, you thought Scott would notice you.
I mean sure technically he did notice you because he would always say hi and have a pleasant chat with you once in a while but he didn't notice you the way you wanted him to. He didn't stare at you when he thought you weren't looking and he didn't try to ask you out at all.
Now it was sophomore year. This was your year. This was the year Scott would notice you. You walked as confidently as you could into school, you turned the hall and was immediately blessed with the sight of Lydia and Jackson shoving their tongues down each others throats. You sighed leaning against a locker and pulled out your phone, they're gonna take a while.
Eventually the sound of Lydia's lips being pulled away from his graced your ears and you glanced up at the two of them. "Are you gonna win on Friday?" She whispered against his lips.
"Probably, this team's tough though." Jackson sighed.
"Well just remember..." She trailed off as she studied his face. "I don't date losers." She said cocking her head before sending him a smile and spinning around. She sent me a overwhelmingly fake smile before waltzing off as I stuck my tongue out at her retreating figure.
"Ugh why do you go out with her again?" I ask and Jackson rolls his eyes as he opens his locker.
"Because she's the most popular girl in school and I'm the most popular guy in school. It makes sense. Duh." He stated as he fished things out of his locker.
"Oh god get your head out of your ass Whittemore." I say rolling my eyes.
I noticed a few freshman walking past us and their eyes widened when they heard my words. Obviously no one ever spoke like that to Jackson. I spotted Scott from across the hall and my heart started to beat faster, god he was adorable.
"I will once you've gotten your tongue back in your mouth." He smirks glancing between you and Scott. "Shut up." You mumble in embarrassment and he chuckles at your expense as the two of you walked to class together.
The two of you walked into your first period and you saw that Scott was already seated. You tried to be subtle as you hurried to get to the seat next to him but a guy had already taken it. Suddenly Jackson walked behind you and sent the guy a glare when Scott wasn't looking. The guy turned bright red before jumping out of the seat and hurrying off somewhere else. Jackson was the best wingman.
I send him a grateful smile before sliding into the seat with Jackson sitting in front of you. You glanced at Scott hoping he would notice you. When he didn't you sighed and decided to speak to him first.
"Hi Scott." You spoke softly. Scott turned to look at you and smiled. "Hey *yn*." He said before looking back down at his book. You tried to hide the frown on your face as you opened your textbook.
The teacher began to drone on and you were so bored you didn't notice Scott looking around. Suddenly the principal walked in and announced that there was a new student. You watched as a gorgeous brunette walked into the room.
"Class this is Allison Argent, make her feel welcome." The teacher spoke. You glanced at Scott to see him looking at her with wide eyes and you instantly felt sick in your stomach. You watched helplessly as she sat in front of him.
"Hey." He whispered and she turned to look at him. "Here." He said handing her a pen. Her confused face turned into a beautiful smile as she blushed and muttered a thank you.
"I'm Allison."
"Scott." He smiled and she grinned before turning around.
You glanced over to see Scott with a goofy smile on his face as he stared at the back of her head.
Tears instantly pricked at your eyes as your heart ached. You had literally just watched the guy you were in love with fall for another girl.
You stared down at your book as you rapidly blinked trying to stop yourself from crying. You felt a hand brush your leg and you look down to see Jackson with his hand open under the desk. You gratefully lean forward and subtly entwine your hands together. He gave yours a tight squeeze and sent you a small smile. You looked back down at your book and tried to focus on the teacher but never let go of Jackson's hand.
Jackson sent Scott a glare when you weren't looking and then looked back at you, he felt sick with frustration. You were literally perfect and any guy would be lucky to have you and then this idiot is to blind to realise that? He glanced subtly at you again as you tried to concentrate. Suddenly your thumb brushed against the back of his hand and his heart started to beat faster but he quickly brushed it off.
"Wait so your parents are away again? Isn't this like the second week this month?" Jackson asked and you nodded.
"It's ok you can just come over to mine, you can stay the week if you want." He offered and you smiled. "I was already planning on it, then I can drive the porsche to school." You smirk as the two of you made your way to your regular lunch table. "Don't even joke about that." He scoffs and you playfully shove him.
"Jackson!" Lydia barked. You rolled your eyes and looked up to see her approaching the two of you. Lydia hated you, probably because you hung out with Jackson so much and she had no problem showing it.
"We're sitting at a new table today." She declared.
"Hi *yn*." She stated before staring distastefully at your clothes. "I like your... attire?" She says. "Aw thanks Lyd, I thought of you when I chose it." I smiled sweetly.
Jackson stifled a laugh and Lydia sent him a glare before whipping around and storming off.
The two of us trailed after her reluctantly when we realised we were sitting with Scott and Stiles. The two of them looked in complete shock when the rest of our table sat down. Jackson sat at the head of the table and I sat next to him opposite Lydia. Next to her was Stiles, Scott and then much to my annoyance. Allison. You began to silently eat your lunch as you desperately listened to Scott and Allison's conversation. You grew more and more annoyed as they spoke and flirted and soon they were talking about hanging out.
"Oh yeah when are we doing that?" Lydia suddenly interrupted. "We?" Scott asked. "Yeah you, Allison, me and Jackson." She stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Like a double date." She continued and I felt myself getting worked up at the word date. "We can go bowling."
Jackson obviously noticed my uncomfortable state spoke up. "You know what else is fun? Stabbing myself in the eye with this fork." He said sarcastically making me smile softly.
"But if your really up for it, *yn* and I make a pretty good team." He smirked and Lydia's eyes narrowed. "Why would *yn* come? She doesn't have anyone to take." She spat sending me a glare.
"She can go with Stiles." Jackson said and I looked at him in annoyance. I knew what he was doing, he was trying to get me to go in an attempt to get Scott's attention.
"Right *yn*?" He asked. "Y-yeah I guess." I stammered.
"*yn* wait!" Jackson called after me.
I ignored his voice and stormed out of the bowling alley as I angrily wiped away the hot tears streaming down my face. I angrily wiped them away but there wasn't really any point considering they were replaced in a split second. I stopped outside Jackson's car as he gripped onto my wrist.
"Jackson let go of me!" I sobbed desperately but he ignored my pleas and tightened his grip.
"Let go." I hiss but he just shakes his head as I eventually give up and go limp in his hold. Tears continue to stream down my face as he envelopes me in a tight hug and I fall into his arms lightly sobbing into his chest.
I couldn't get the images out of my head. Scott was going to bowl and Allison went up to him, her whispering in his ear. Him smirking. The way he looked at her. Like she was his everything, that was how I wanted him to look at me.
"Why doesn't he like me?" I whisper, my voice cracking. Jackson hugged me tighter, blinking back his own tears at my distress.
"I honestly don't know." He murmurs quietly.
"But he's an idiot for not." He whispers as he cups my face in his hands. "Because you are beautiful, smart, funny and kind. You are perfect." He mumbles as he gently wipes your tears from under your eyes.
"And your a much better bowler than he is." He smiles causing me to lightly giggle. "I don't know what I'd do without you." I mumble and his heart beats faster. "Well you wouldn't have a porsche to borrow." He smiles causing you to laugh and hug him tightly again.
"What do you say we ditch this stupid bowling date?" He mumbles against your head and you nod against his chest. He smiles and places a soft kiss to your forehead as you enjoy the feeling of being in his arms.
It had been a crazy few weeks. Jackson had started acting strange, actually everyone was acting strange. Turns out freaking werewolves lived in Beacon Hills and Scott was one. Not that it changed your feelings for him, if anything your feelings were stronger.
Jackson was a different story. Turns out he was an animal called a kanima. Scott managed to stop the man that was controlling him which only made you fall in love with him even more. Jackson became a werewolf. You would never forget the strange feeling you felt when you watched Lydia hug Jackson, you had no idea what that strange feeling was.
But now was the worst day of your life. Jackson was leaving you, he was going to London.
And now you were at the airport with him while his parents went and checked in.
You had burst into tears when he had told you, and now you could feel yourself about to all over again.
"We'll see each other again." He whispered and you looked up at him. "And we can keep in contact."
"I don't want you to go." You mumbled your voice cracking. You looked up at him to see tears welling up in his eyes.
"I don't want you to leave me." You whisper as tears begin to fall down your face.
"I don't want to leave you." He replies as his own tears begin to fall down his cheeks. You choked a sob as you jumped into his arms. His arms were so tight around your body you felt that he might break you in to. You could hear his muffled cries against your cheek and you raked your fingers through his hair as the two of you embraced.
You didn't want to let go because that meant he would definitely be leaving. And you couldn't bare for him to. He was your everything, he was like your other half.
"Jackson!" His mum calls and the two of us reluctantly separate.
"Promise me we'll keep in touch." You whisper and he nods. "I promise."
"And promise me that even if you meet some hot British girl you will not ignore me." I say and he chuckles quietly and nods.
I sighed and the two of us stare at each other.
"*yn* I gotta tell you something I-"
"Jackson let's go!" His dad calls and he sighs.
"I'll tell you another time." He smiles.
You nod and hug him tightly again.
"Promise me you won't forget about me." He whispers. "Of course I won't."
You placed a kiss on his cheek before he left to join his parents.
He kept looking back at you and you forced a smile and waved even though on the inside you were breaking apart.
It had been months since Jackson left.
Yet every morning you woke up missing him like crazy. It seemed like everyone else had moved on except you. Lydia was with this Aiden guy, Danny barely mentioned him and no one else even brought him up. You still were infatuated with Scott, that hadn't changed. It was Junior year now, he'd cut his hair and everything and Stiles had even grown his hair out.
Lydia was a lot nicer now, she was never mean to you either.
But you missed the way things were. You felt so much more alone.
Sure you had 'friends' but they were nothing compared to Jackson. They were just people who you hung out with so you didn't sit by yourself at lunch. You didn't do anything with them outside of school, not like you'd be invited anyway.
You were just, there. Like a waste of space.
Your parents were never home, these business trips got more and more frequent. And now it just felt like they were away more than they were actually at home. You were a single child so you didn't have anyone at the house with you.
It was just you, alone. Back when Jackson was around you'd just spend the weeks they were away at his house, or he'd come over.
The only good thing is that Allison and Scott had broken up. Maybe, just maybe he'd fall for you.
Or so you thought.
You had walked into class to see a new girl. She was beautiful, innocent and dorky but in an adorable way. It wasn't long before you spotted Scott smiling at her and then later staring at her in the hallway. You knew that was how it started, that was what had happened with Allison. Your chances were already gone.
You'd just gotten home to an empty house and you'd never felt so alone. You had no one.
Before you could stop yourself you were crying. Ugh, you hated crying. You were so sick of fucking crying.
You screamed in annoyance and jumped into your unmade bed shoving your head into the pillow as you sobbed.
Jackson, you needed Jackson.
It had been a few weeks since you had spoken him but you needed to hear his voice. You dialled his number automatically and pressed the phone to your ear. You weren't even thinking about time difference.
"Hello?" He spoke groggily and you felt guilty when you realised you must have woken him up.
"Hi." You spoke softly as you sniffed.
"*yn*? What's wrong?" He asks worriedly suddenly sounding much more awake.
"I-it's nothing I just needed to hear your voice that's all." You whispered as you wiped away the tears.
"*yn*, you know you can tell me." He mumbled and you sighed picking at the bed sheets.
"You know how I told you about Allison and Scott breaking up?" I asked.
"I was at school today and there's this new girl. Kira. And Scott was looking at her just like he used to look at Allison and I now my chances are gone. But who am I kidding I didn't have a chance anyway." I laughed awkwardly.
"*yn* I'm so sorry." He whispered.
"It's ok, I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. I thought this was actually going to be my year." I admit. Jackson pauses for a moment before speaking up.
"What else is wrong?" He asked.
"What do you mean?"
"I know there's something else wrong *yn*." He mumbled and you silently cursed him for knowing you so well. Before you can help it the tears begin to fall again and you let out an involuntary sob.
"I'm just so alone Jackson." You whisper. "I have no one, I barely have parents, I don't have friends, siblings. I only have you and you're half way across the world." I sobbed.
"No one loves me Jackson, no one cares about me." I cry.
"*yn*..." He trails off.
"I love you." He finishes and you sigh. "I know you do Jackson I mean-"
"No *yn*, I'm in love with you." He confesses causing you to go speechless. His sigh crackled through the phone.
"I've been in love with you since fourth grade *yn*. And don't you dare so no one cares about you, because I would happily die for you in a heartbeat. You are the most perfect girl I have ever met, I never stop thinking about you. All these girls over here are nothing compared to you. No girl ever has been." He admits.
"W-why did you never tell me?"
"Because you've been in love with Scott for just as long, and I tried to tell you before I left but I never got the chance. I wanted to tell you so many times *yn*." He speaks.
There was a silence between the two of you as you tried to wrap your head around the fact that your best friend had been in love with you for seven years. All those times you were staring at Scott, he was looking at you. Every time you laughed, he laughed. Every time you felt sad, he felt sad. He had been standing right in front of you and you never noticed.
For years you had been complaining that Scott never noticed you when Jackson was feeling the same about you.
"Come to London." He suddenly speaks.
"What?" I ask in surprise.
"Come to London with me." He repeats.
"Don't say you can't because you can. You said it yourself, you have no friends, no one over there for you. But you have me. Please. Come live with me *yn*, we can be together like old times. Just the two of us." He whispered.
You pause for a moment as you think about everything, his confession for you, his proposal to you. Sure you never thought you were in love with him, but maybe those feelings have been there all along and you'd just covered them up for so long you'd never realised them? Maybe going to London was exactly what you needed, to get away from everyone at Beacon Hills and to just be with your best friend.
So with that you took a deep breath before replying.

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