Paris- Isaac Lahey

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I moved to France when i was 14 with my aunt. I always loved Paris ever since i was a little child and when i found out that my aunt was going to live there i had to beg my parents to let me go. Which surprisingly they did they let me go live her in Paris. And that's when the 14 year old me moved to the city of love.
But to every happy moment in your life there's always the sad part that comes with it. I had to leave my family behind. My mom, my dad and my only sister, whom i loved dearly, Allison. I'm now 17 and living 3 years away from home is rough.
But during the 3 years of barely seeing my family, dad told me that mom has passed away. Mom was so yound and beautiful, i didn't understand why she died. I didn't took her death too well because i barely left the house or i barely ate something. That wasn't the worst part because 2 years later, dad once again called me and told me the most heartbreaking news.
First i lost my mother who always cared about me and made me the woman i am today. And now i lost my only sister. The only sister whom i love so much and looked up at her. She always managed to make me smile and tell me the right thing. I might not have seen her in a long time but she was always close to me, right in my heart.
Whoever said that loss gets easier with time was a liar. Here's what really happens: The spaces between the times you miss them grow longer. Then, when you do remember to miss them again, it's still with a stabbing pain to the heart. And you have guilt. Guilt because it's been too long since you missed them last.
To get over this saddness i decided to get out of my apartment and go for walk and maybe go to a cafe and eat. I got up from the bed and tried make myself look a little decent. I grabbed my jacket and made my way outside.
I decided not to take my car but walk instead, afterall i need to clear my mind. I putted my headphones in my ear and started walking. I always loved France during Fall, it wasn't too hot but it wasn't too cold either. It was the perfect weather. I smiled slightly as i passed a park and watched children playing happily with no care in the world. If only that could be me right now.
Too lost in thought i wasn't looking where i was going and i bumped into a person. My phone fell out of my hand and so did my wallet. I quickly picked them up before looking at the stranger infront of me.
"Désolé, je ne vous ai pas vu (sorry i didn't see you.)" I apologised at the man standing infront of me.
"Ça va, ce n'est pas ta faute. (It's okay, it's not your fault)" The young man replied and chuckled slightly. By the way he talked i could tell he's American. His french has an american accent to it.
"You're from United States?" I asked the man infront of me and he looked shocked. I looked at him and took his feature in. He was tall and he's handsome. And his hair is really adorable but so is he.
"Uh yes i am, how can you tell?" He asked me and looked at me surprised.
"When speaking french you can clearly tell you're from America, by your accent i mean ." I giggled slightly and so did he. Wow i never thought a guy giggling would be the most cutest thing ever.
"Well i just moved here a couple days ago." He informed as he scratched the back of his neck.
"Do you like it so far? Paris is the most beautiful city ever, i don't ever want to leave this place." I addressed and looked around the surroundings. Then i looked at the young man infront of me again and i didn't get his name. "What's your name?"
"Lahey, Isaac Lahey." He introduced himself and put his hands infront of me so i can shake it.
"Argent. Y/n Argent." I smiled and shook his hand. When i said Argent his face and whole body froze and he had this shock look on his face again. What would be wrong this time.
"Y-you're Allison s-sister?" He stutters and looked at me puzzled. He knows my sister? He knows Allison! He might know what happened to her.
"You know her? Well yes she is my sister." I sighed at the thought of my sister, who's now dead. "How do you know her?"
"We went to the same school and she used to date my friend so i met her through my friend." He replied and smiled sadly at me. I realised we were standing in the middle of the streets having a conversation.
"Do you want to go drink some coffee with me? I was heading there but we bumped into eachother." I asked him. "There's this cafe and it's really nice and quiet, we could sit and talk for a bit." I quickly added, not wanting to sound like a moron.
"I don't have a lot of money though but sure." Isaac replied as he touched up his scarf.
"I'll pay for you. You just moved here so let me pay. Coffee's on me." I exclaimed and he nodded his head. We both made our way to the cafe. It was quiet a walk but i needed it. Having Isaac here and the walk everything made it a little easier. I don't what but somehow Isaac reminds me of home. And that makes me not want him get away.
"Voilà, we are here." I announced and pointed at the coffee shop infront of us. "You'll love it here, their coffee are the best."
We entered the cafe and Isaac went to take a seat at one of the tables near the window meanwhile i went grab a coffee. After i had gotten my coffee, i made my way towards Isaac.
"Here's your coffee." I said and handed him his coffee. I sat down and took a sip from my drink.
"So, why did you move here?" I asked him and took a sip from my coffee. "If you don't mind me asking." I quickly added and look down at my hands.
"It's okay." He chuckles slightly. "Me and Allison were close and when she died it took a huge impact on me. If i stayed at Beacon Hills it will only remind me of her and i don't want that. So that's why i moved." He explained and i nodded my head understandingly.
"I can imagine." I mumbled and let a deep sigh out. "I would've probably done the same. It's hard. I lost my mom two years ago and now i lost Allison and a part of me is glad that i'm not home. It would've been so much worse for me." I stated and chewed the bottom of my lip.
"It's hard, losing someone you care about." He mumbled and i nodded my head.
"Let's talk more about ourselfs. I want to know you better." I said, wanting to change the conversation. "Tell me about you." I smiled at him.
"I had a rough childhood but that's a story to tell another time. I love outdoors, i love to eat c'mon who doesn't. I have great friends back home but i think i'm finding one here as well." He winked at the last part which made me laugh and i got stares from other people in the cafe. "Now tell me about you."
"Well i'm quiet and i love to write about my feelings even tho i don't have feelings. Because my hearts cold as ice. No that last part was a joke, my hearts pretty warm." I laughed slightly and i could feel my self getting nervous. "I'm mostly nice and outgoing. I don't want to say much before i start rambling."
"You're funny you know that." Isaac said and i shrugged. No one ever really said that i was funny. It was more along the lines that i try to hard to be funny. Isaac's makes me feel so happy and so secure of myself.
My phone beeped and i looked at it and it was a reminder that i had to go to work. I sighed sadly, not wanting this time with Isaac to be over. He's such a really nice guy.
"I have to go to work." I announced sadly and i got up to threw my cup away and he did the same.
"I will see you again right?" He asked and i nodded my head. "Here's my number." I grabbed his phone from his hand and putted my number in.
"Call me sometimes." I smiled and with that i left the cafe and made my way to work so i won't be late. I only spended 30 minutes with him but it was one of the greatest minutes of my life. He made me forget all of my saddness for a while and actually made me laugh. Allison would be happy right now. I smiled at the thought of Isaac and i started to hum some happy melody.
*1 year later*
One year has passed and so much has happened. Me and Isaac did indeed kept in touch and we became the best of friends. But that changed because along the way i fell inlove with him and somehow he did too. I only thought that he'll be one of my best friends here but boy was i wrong. But i was glad i told him that i had a giant crush on him because now we wouldn't be where we are now.
I'm doing much better after the death of Allison. There are some day where i just want to dig a hole and hide from the world and maybe drown myself in my tears. But Isaac always manage to help me and tried making me smile again. We balanced eachother out and we always have the others back no matter what.
We were currently at the airport and i was sitting on a chair waiting for the plane to arrive. I'm going back home after 4 years of not being in Beacon Hills, i'm finally going back. Me and Isaac had decided to go back to Beacon Hills for some reason. I want to see my father again and Isaac wants to see his friends, which i'm dying to meet by the way.
"Are you excited?" I asked Isaac and i grinned at him like a 5 year old. Too excited for this.
"I am, i'm flying with you and i'm going home where my friends are." He smiled and kissed my cheek.
"I'm seeing my father after 4 years." I whisper but he still manage to hear what i said. "It's kind of nerve racking,  not being home in 4 years and then go back. What if my dad changed o-or the town changed." I said but more to myself and Isaac chuckle slightly before taking my hands into his.
"It'll be fine, we'll have a blast back home." He reassured me and i nodded my head. He's right we will have a blast. After a long 14-15 hour flight we finally arrived in Beacon Hills. My excitement was over the top. I couldn't really sleep on the airplane, being to damn excited but i did manage to get a little sleep. Isaac was the same, super excited to be back.
"Beacon Hills, how did i miss you." I took a deep breath and smiled. I looked over at Isaac and he was trying to get all of our luggage into the taxi. I quickly made my way towards him and help him. After we were done i gave the taxi driver the address of my old house. And i couldn't be happier. I'm finally going to see my dad after 4 years.
After a 20 minute car ride i finally arrived at my old house. I helped Isaac with the luggage and the both of us made our way to the front door. I knock on the door and looked over at Isaac, giving him a smile.
The door opened and there stood my father. He has change so much over the past 4 years. "Surprisee!" I yelled and quickly ran into his arm. Oh, how i miss his hugs. I snuggle closer to him, not wanting to let go.
"What are you doing here?" My dad asked surprised and went to help Isaac carry the luggage. He greeted Isaac and whispered something in his ear which made Isaac chuckle but god knows what.
"I wanted to surprise you." I giggle and sat down on the couch. He putted the luggage near the stairs before making his way to where i was.
"You grew up so much. How did you two meet?" He asked and looked at the boh of us.
"I met her when i was in France. You should've have come to France with me Chris. It's such a beautiful city." Isaac told my dad and i smiled slightly. I thought it would've been nerve racking when the two of them meet but i guess they already did.
"You two are a thing now?" Dad asked and chuckle slightly when he saw me get red.
"Uh yeah we are." I giggled and took Isaac's hand into my mine.
"One thing i'm going to tell you Lahey. You better take care of her like you took care of Allison." Dad exclaimed, pointing a finger at Isaac. "You should've seen the two, like two love birds." I looked at him confused. Does this mean that Isaac liked Allison? But he never told me that before.
"That's sweet, that you took care of my sister. Excuse me" I smiled softly before getting up and heading to the kitchen to grab something to drink. I wasn't mad at the fact that he liked my older sister but it's just frustrating that he never told me about it.
After a while of standing in the kitchen alone Isaac came in. "Hey you okay?" He asked and walked towards me.
"Yeah i am." I smiled at him and got out from his grip to put the cup in the sink. I heard him sigh as he walked after me.
"You're not. What's on that pretty mind of yours?" Isaac asked and held me close to him so i won't get away.
"I didn't know you two liked eachother." I mumbled and looked down at my feet. "I don't care that the two of you liked eachother but it would have been nice that you told me."
"It wasn't anything important, i like you now okay?" He exclaimed and leaned in to give me a kiss.
"Okay, okay." I giggled and kissed him back. "We better get going so i can meet your friends."
Isaac agreed with his friends to meet at a coffee shop where we all can sit down and enjoy eachothers company. To be honest, i'm quite nervous. Allison never told me about her friends and i barely have a clue what they're like. Isaac told me some stuff but it's still making me nervous.
After a while of driving around Beacon Hills we finally arrived at the coffee shop and i could see some teenagers standing outside. "Is that them?" I asked Isaac and he nodded. Isaac parked the car and i took a deep breath before getting out of the car.
"Got yourself a french girl, huh Isaac?" One of the boys laughed and i shifted uncomfortably.
"Stiles stop, you're making her uncomfortable." A red hair girl said and nudged him to stop. The boy, who's name is apparently Stiles, stopped laughing immediately.
Isaac came towards me and took my hand into his, intertwining our fingers together, before walking towards his group of friends.
"Hey guys!" Isaac greeted them and i waved at them shyly. The red hair girl looked at me and gave me a smile.
"This is my girlfriend." Isaac introduced me and i told them hi. Who knew meeting people was so hard.
"Oh uh bonjour." Stiles struggle to say and everyone else laughed at his attempt. "I never took french class okay." He sassed and i giggled slightly.
"You know i speak english right?" I told him and everyone else started laughing harder.
"I'm y/n, y/n Argent." I introduced myself and they were shock. I looked over at Isaac and he shrugged.
"Allison sister?" The red hair girl asked shocked. I nodded my head yes. "Silly me, i'm Lydia."
"That's a pretty name." I told her and she smiled at me.
"I like you, you're definitely my new best friend." She exclaimed and i smiled, finally that i made a new friend here in Beacon Hills."
"So you and Allison are related? But she never told us about you. Oh by the way i'm Scott." He said. It took me by surprise that Allison never spoke about me but i can see why. I left her here in Beacon Hills. I understand why she did it.
"I left Beacon Hills when i was 14 and i guess that's why she never spoke of me." I chuckle and Scott nodded his head. The rest of Isaac's group of friends introduced themself. Stiles, Derek, Scott, Lydia, Kira and two people who Isaac also just met, Malia and Liam.
I smiled when i saw all of them just talking and having fun. You could tell that these people loved eachother and they take care of eachother. Wanting the others to be safe and i'm glad that Isaac has this group of friends.
"So Isaac, what's the reason why you're dating her?" Stiles asked and that question made everyone stay still. What is he talking about, i looked at Isaac confused.
"What are you talking about? I can see you're the still annoying guy." Isaac teased and laughed slightly.
"You know, you're dating her because she looks like Allison or because she's an Argent?" Stiles asked and i looked at him puzzled, i knew Isaac liked Allison but did he liked her that much that he dated me because i remind him of my sister.
"What?" I asked confused.
"I was thinking that too, like Isaac we all know you loved Allison but to date her sister? You have to move on man." Derek exclaimed and it felt like people were stabbing my heart over and over again.
"Ofcourse not. I love y/n and i'll always will and no i didn't date her because he reminds me of Allison. I dated her because she keeps me human and she's one of the greatest people alive and i love her a lot. I'm dating her because she's y/n." Isaac admitted and i smiled at what he said. I looked over at Stiles and Derek and the both of them had a smirk on their faces.
"That's fantastic, happy for you man!" Derek said and everyone nodded and cheered, which made me laugh in return. Me and Isaac did stay together and after a few months we both moved to Beacon Hills where our families are. Where home is.

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