Secrets- Stiles Stilinski

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Pushing Stiles off me lightly, he whined in response, trying to bring me back into his grip.
"Stiles," I giggled as his lips began pressing a trail of playfully sloppy kisses down my neck. "We have to go to school."
"Can we ditch?" he joked.
"Stiles Stilinski-" I scolded, zipping up my jacket. "Scott will kill me if I miss school."
"What about me? I have a 4.0 G.P.A. that needs maintaining too..." he commented.
"That's my job to kill you."
Huffing in defeat, he fixed his shirt and slung his backpack over his shoulder, walking us downstairs to drive to school.

I shoved the doors the doors open at the start of a new school day as Stiles slung his arm around my shoulder, pressing a lazy kiss to my cheek.
Wiping my cheek like a 7-year old, we made our way to homeroom. When we see Scott with Malia, Lydia, and Kira by their lockers, Stiles retracts his arm off of my shoulder as if he had just touched burning hot coal.
Of course, my brother Scott had to be the last one to find out about our relationship. I wanted to tell him as soon as possible, but knowing his personality and protective nature? Stiles would be dead by sundown.
Scott gave us a weird look, shrugging it off as I gave him a hug.
"Were you two-" Malia started before Lydia elbowed and shot her a glare.
"Hey guys," Kira smiled brightly per usual.
"You're late," Lydia pointed out. "-again."
I smiled awkwardly, shoving all of us into homeroom.
"If we're late again Stilinski-" I whispered in his ear. "I'll kill you." Finishing with a small smile, I walked into class as he widened his eyes and choked on his own breath.

The sound of roars and cheers rang through the school as the bell sounded, the long day of torture coming to an end.
"I have to go to Deaton. I'll see you at the house later, okay?" Scott acknowledged as he pressed a light kiss to my temple.
"Bye," I waved. When the coast was clear, Stiles quickly picked me up and spun me around, lips locked onto mine.
I gripped onto his shoulders for dear life until he put me down, earning a punch from me.
"Can we crash at your place?" Stiles asked, making a puppy face.
I sighed. If Scott caught us, we'd both be dead.
"Stiles, we can't..." I frowned. "What if Scott-"
"Then we'll tell him together." Forming a small smile, my heart warmed up to the idea as we got into the jeep and drove off.

The second we got to my house, I sped into the kitchen and proceeded to stuff my face with all the snacks I could find. Did I mention I love food?
"Save some for me will you?" Stiles nagged, reaching for a chip and getting his hand swatted away in the process.
"You won't spare a potato chip for your desperate boyfriend?" he gawked sarcastically, faking a hurt look on his face.
Pausing the chip that I was about to devour, I directed it towards Stiles' direction and fed it to him like a baby.
"Thank you-" he replied gratefully with his lips puckered, inviting me in for a kiss. Somehow, in the midst of the innocent kiss turned heated make out, we ended up climbing up the stairs in a hasty break for my bedroom, nearly knocking my mom's painting off of the wall as we tried unbuttoning each other's' clothes.
Once we were in my room, I threw Stiles onto the bed, straddling him and trailing kisses down his toned torso. I felt him hum underneath me when he suddenly flipped us over so that he was on top. With my hands pinned above my head, Stiles started-
"Y/N?" a familiar voice echoed when the door was flung open. Turning my head to my right, my brother Scott was standing in the doorframe with a bag of takeout in his right hand and bike helmet in his left, mouth aghast.
Stiles and I were both frozen in place, dressed in nothing but our undergarments. Stiles quickly grabbed the sheets and threw them over me, covering my body and giving me some privacy.
"You two are-" Scott muttered in complete shock and awe, setting down the plastic bags on my dresser.
I slowly slid down into the sheets as Stiles cringed, preparing to run for his life.
"When were you-" Scott tried again. "When were you going to- what?"
"We were going to tell you eventually..." I trailed off silently, feeling a wave of guilt wash over me.
"Scott-" Stiles sighed as he walked over to Scott, placing his hand on his shoulder before he backed away inadvertently.
"We're sorry," I blurted out in an effort to try and fix the awkward air. "Scott, you're my brother- I didn't want to tell you because I felt like it would ruin your friendship with Stiles..."
"We understand if you're mad, but I-" Stiles huffed. "I love her. I really really do."
"I'm-" my brother frowned. "I'm actually really happy for you guys..." Scott smiled slightly. "The last thing I would want to do is make the people I care about unhappy. Why were you so scared?"
My eyes turned to Stiles who had his signature 'are you kidding me' face.
"Your eyes glow red when you're angry, and teeth along with claws and a hairy face emerge from your body," Stiles spazzed dramatically. Scott shook his head with a grin of disbelief, bringing him into a hug.
The corners of my mouth tugged into a smile but quickly disappeared when I was fully aware of how naked Stiles and I were.
"Uh- Scott?" I asked from the bedsheets. Gesturing to the door, his eyes widened in the same realization.
"I'm not going to give you a lecture on safe sex because you know I trust you with your decisions-" he cut off, bringing Stiles close by his shoulder and whispering. "-hurt her and I kill you."
Shooting me a wink, he jogged out, confirming his departing when his bike engine roared.
"So..." Stiles chuckled. "You think he'd mind if we picked up where we left off?"
I covered my eyes in embarrassment as Stiles jumped into the bed, causing the two of us to giggle.
"You're ridiculous Stilinski," I smiled, staring into his wide brown eyes.
"But you love me anyway," he replied cheekily.
"Fortunately..." I smirked. He wrapped his arms around my waist and cradled me close to his chest, the pair of us falling asleep to each other's heartbeat.

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