Wake up!- Isaac Lahey

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I can't lie. The supernatural world did scare the hell out of me. All these stories you get told of all these mythical creatures, turn out to be true. Who wouldn't be scared? When I found out that my big brother was a werewolf, I was terrified, not really knowing how to accept that Scott was a werewolf. But he reassured me that everything was going to be okay and he promised me that he would let nothing hurt me. He has kept his promise, but I have seen some of the most terrifying things. I can't believe that these things could even exist. I didn't want to lose my brother because of these creatures.
One of Scott's friends were around Isaac, Who was also a werewolf. I trusted all of Scott's pack, I knew I was safe with all of them. The 3 of us decided that we should just watch a film. I was already beginning to get tired so I knew I wasn't going to see the full movie. Scott grabbed the first movie he could find. Which was "Stand By Me". Just before the movie started I got changed and grabbed a blanket and headed back down. I lay on the sofa with my head rested on Scott's lap.
I could feel my eyes getting heavy. I could feel them closing. I tried to fight it. But that is one of the fights I lost many times too.
I was sat inside the Jeep waiting with Stiles for Scott to return from the shop. The darkness consumed everything. Only the star was to be seen. It seemed so peaceful. That is until everything changed. I saw Scott walking back with bags of snacks then out of nowhere, Yellow eyes glowed behind him. But it wasn't a werewolf. Then their face came into view. It was Stiles. How could that be? He was right next to me? But what happened next tore me apart. I noticed he was holding a shape silver knife dripping in wolfsbane. He jabbed the knife into Scotts spin. The whole world stopped spinning everything went silent. I screamed Scott's name out. Watching him drop to his knees. I shot out of the car and caught him. There was blood coming from his mouth. I pulled him into a tight hug. As I put my hand on his back I could feel the blood rushing out of him. I pulled Scott's face up so he was looking up at me, his head was swaying side to side. His eyes were closing slowly.
"Scott, you're going to be okay, we're going to get you to Deaton and he's going to patch you up. Come on Scott you're going to be okay, It's not even that bad." I told him, his head was swaying, even more, then his eyes weren't opening again.
"Scott?" I asked crying even harder now. I rubbed my thumb across his cheek but got no response.
"SCOTT!" I yelled knowing what this meant. I pulled him into one last hug. My worst fear came true. Scott is dead.My brother was dead. I was sobbing so much.
"Y/N WAKE UP! It's only a dream, It's okay I'm here" I woke up sobbing clutching onto Isaac. But when I looked around Scott was nowhere to be seen. I could feel my breathing began to race.
"Where's Scott... WHERE'S MY BROTHER!" I screamed crying even more. I just wanted to see Scott alive. Isaac pulled me into a hug trying to calm me down.
"It's okay Y/N, he's just had to go to the shops, he will be back soon, everything will be okay, Scott is fine. What happened, you kept shouting him name and crying." Isaac asked not letting me go.
"Scott..Scott got killed...By..by" I said but I didn't know how to finish the sentence off.
"What killed him?" Isaac questioned.
"I don't know it looked like Stiles but it wasn't him his eyes were glowing and it wasn't him because he was next to me. They stabbed Scott and he died" I Cried even more and Isaac hugged me even more, kissing my forehead and telling me everything was going to be okay. He held me close just running his hands through my hair until the door opened and Scott walked back into the house. Isaac let go of me and I ran and practically through myself onto Scott.
"SCOTT! You're okay, You're okay, your not dead!" I said crying more. Scott didn't say anything as he was so shocked at what I said. He just hugged me tight.
"I'm okay sis, don't worry," Scott told me.
"She had a nightmare that something killed you, and when she woke up you weren't there so I tried my best to comfort her" Issac informed Scott.
"Hey listen nothing is going to kill me, I will fight, and they will be scared of the True Alpha, So come on stop the tears I'm okay" Scott told me but didn't let me go he just kept hugging me.
"Thank You Issac"

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