The Werecoyote and The Chimera- Theo Raeken

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Every now and then Theo would just be free, Be himself. If werewolves would run in the middle of the night into the woods so they could shift, Theo did the same. But instead of just shifting he turned into his full wolf form; He would often run and explore, It relaxed him.
But there was one special night; One night where things went a little differently, One night where he wasn't alone.
The air was cool and the woods were stranded, The dim light that came from the moon was shining along the trees; And it was quiet, Some might find it maddening but some find it calming. He was running along the trees and branches, His fur pitch black but his eyes shining a dark gold. The only sound the woods heard were the crushing of leaves and branches under his paws.
But as he ran along, He felt something. He felt someone there, Somewhere close; He wasn't alone. He looked around, At first all his eyes saw where the shadows of trees and branches under the moonlight, That is until he saw a pair of eyes.
A pair of piercing green eyes looked at him from within the shadows, He took a few steps forward slowly, Whoever it was he didn't want to frighten it. The pair of green eyes seemed to belong to a coyote who like Theo started taking a few steps hesitantly towards the anonymous wolf. The coyote had golden fur that shined under the dim light.
As they both got closer to each other that stayed there, Standing face to face looking into one another eyes. But when Theo stepped on a branch and caused it to make a sound from the crack the coyote took two steps back before running away back into the shadows she came from.
Theo didn't know who she was, But he was more than curious to find out.

"Scott!" Theo called out into the hallway grabbing Scotts attention.
"Yea Theo?" He said approaching him.
"I need to talk to you." He said looking at his sides to see if anyone was listening.
"Is everything okay?"
"I was out in the woods the other night and there was this coyote, She had these eyes kind of like Malia but bright green. And she smelled different I can't really explain how but something was different about her."
"Maybe it was just another coyote, You never know."
"Yeah I know but something about her scent was different, It wasn't another animal it smelt like a person or a were coyote."
"Do you really believe that it's not just another coyote?"
"Normal coyotes don't just roam around Beacon Hills."
"Then I'll call a pack meeting tonight, And we'll see where we go from there."

"So what are we going to do?" Malia asked.
"I suggest we go out to the woods and try to track her down, If we find her then we'll think what we do with her." Stiles suggested.
"Lets pair up, Theo and Lydia you go with me." Scott started.
"Kira you go with Malia and Liam you go with Stiles. Malia and Liam you need to try and track down a scent, Any scent. Got it?" Scott continued as Liam and Malia nodded in agreement.
"Meet me in an hour near the woods and we'll split up from there."
Scott, Theo and Lydia were searching around as Theo tried his best to recognise any scent he remembered from the coyote he met the other night.
"Scott I think I found her scent." Theo announced.
"There she is." Lydia said quietly as she looked aside, From a far you could see a pair of green eyes looking at the trio, Just like they were a couple nights ago.
Scott and Theo sprinted towards the direction where the coyote was seen, Only for her to run away the other direction. Scott and Theo kept running after her and after a few moments they caught up to her, Cornering her.
Her eyes were filled with fear as she took a couple of steps back, Growling quietly at the two werewolves standing in front of her. She recognised the scent of the boy with light brown hair, It was the wolf she met a couple nights ago.
She looked around her surrounding, Trying to find a place to run away to but with no luck she was cornered.
"You ready?" Theo asked Scott.
Scott nodded in agreement as he looked over to Lydia who was ready as well. And just moments later a powerful growl was heard throughout the woods, Every member of the pack turned to the source of the growl, Their eyes glowing. Even if they were scattered hundreds of feet away.
When Scott growled the coyotes eyes flashed an electric green as she stepped backwards, But before she knew it her fur was emerged into a smooth layer of soft skin that covered her body, Her claws turn into nails; She was transforming; She was free.
Once she was fully human she laid there, Her bare body on the forest floor. She looked down at her hands, her body, It has been so long since she was human. She looked confused at her body, at her surroundings before she looked up at the three teenagers standing before her, Shock written across their faces.
Both Scott and Lydia were shocked, They wondered who she was, How she got here, How did she turn into a coyote; But Theo? Theo was mesmerised, As if he was hypnotised by her. By her bright green eyes, By her flawless body laying bare before him, She looked so amazing even under these circumstances.
"Give me your jacket." Lydia said to Theo as he took off the jacket he wore. Lydia carefully went up to the poor girl laying before her and gently crouched down to her placing it around her shoulders, The jacket was so big for her body it managed to cover most of it. Just seconds later and the rest of the pack arrived, Most of them out of breath; But they were all surprised by the girl standing before them, Her hair and body covered in dirt with only an oversized jacket covering her embrace.
She looked at all of them in confusion and maybe even fear, That is until she laid eyes on the girl with short wavy brown hair; She knew her, She remembered her scent.
"Malia?" She asked in slightly raspy voice.

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