Puppies- Jordan Parrish

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He was stuck on desk duty for six months, and his first time away from the desk, he got attacked by a crazy psychotic killer wolf-thing with glowing talons. He wasn't really looking forward to leaving his desk for a while, but when Sheriff Stilinski called for him and told him he was going out for another noise complaint, he was more than upset. He grumbled all the way to his destination, stepping out of his car before stomping towards the animal shelter. He didn't understand what he could do about barking dogs, but an order was an order. He pushed the door open, walking into main lobby that smelled like dogs. There seemed to be no one adopting today, so the lady at the counter was jamming out to her earbuds, reading a book called Paper Towns.

He walked up to her, getting a closer look at her attractive face. She had a pair of nice eyes, and soft lips that made her face look absolutely perfect. He had to admit, if he wasn't so ticked off at his job, he would've loved to stare at her face. He coughed, tapping her shoulder with an impatient sigh. She looked up, her eyes meeting his with an excited look. It was her first day without being trained, and she really wanted to impress her boss, so she ripped her earbuds from her ears and placed the bookmark between the pages. "Hey! Can I help you?" She asked, smiling real wide for the officer. "Let me guess, your old partner died and you're looking for a new one. Well, if you follow me, I can take you to some very special dogs." She cheerfully said, a little too cheerful if you asked him.

"Uh, no Ms. I just came about a noise complaint." He said, following her to the dog area anyway. He took a quick glance at her name tag, smiling when he read 'Y/N'.

"Noise complaint?" She questioned, turning to look at him with a confused look. "Do they not realize dogs are noisy creatures?" She said quietly, biting her lip as she rounded a corner to the dog cages. They all started barking, jumping up to slam their paws against the cages. "I'm sorry you had to come all the way out here for just for a noise complaint. I thought you seriously wanted to adopt a dog, and today's my first day on my own, and all you came was about a noise complaint." She looked generally upset, and Parrish felt something in his heart ache for the young employee. "It's just, these dogs, they have no one. And I thought, maybe one could go home today, but it's just another business thing. You can leave now if you want, I wouldn't blame you." She said quite sadly, stopping in front of one of the dog cages.

Puppies sat inside, yipping and barking at the two in excitement. Parrish felt his heart ache again at her distant look. "No, I want to stay. You know, maybe I might adopt a dog." He said quickly, setting a hand on her shoulder. He could see a smile creeping up on her lips, and he knew she was most likely playing him, but when she turned and hugged him, all his doubts went down the drain. He stood there awkwardly, not really sure if he was going to hug her back or not. The moment soon passed and she excitedly pulled the cage door open, grabbing the first three puppies she could get her hands on before pulling them out.

She sat down with all three of them between her legs, motioning Parrish to sit across from her, which he did. "So, uh, how exactly does the puppy thing work?" He asked, clearing his throat as he looked at the three fuzz balls in front of them.

"Well, let me introduce you to them." She smiled, looking at the name on his breast before nodding. "Parrish, this is Spot." She said, motioning to the black and white purebred. He tried to bite her fingers and she giggled like a school kid, tapping the little pup on his nose. "This is Gracie." She yet again motioned to a different a different breed, a cute smile on her face. Gracie was tan and black, and looked to be a German Shepard. She was a little bit more shy than Spot was, but still, completely adorable. "And this last one, I think you'll find to be your perfect match, is Castiel." She said, scooting the very shy pup forward. He was white with a black spot over one of his eyes. One of his ears was folded over and he had a stump for a tail. "He's really shy, but he is completely loving. He was an in an accident when we first got him, so they had to amputate his tail, but he's still completely adorable." She said, yet again nudging the extremely shy pup forward.

Parrish smiled at her, looking between the three pups with equal interest. He was completely in love with Gracie, but Castiel was slowly stealing his heart. The little white pup still continued to nuzzle his way into her side, but eventually he managed to wobble over to Parrish. He scooped the pup up, looking into the dark green eyes with a smile. "He's kind of precious." He commented, pulling the pup into his chest.

"He likes you." Y/N commented, playing with Spot and Gracie. "That's why I chose him for you. Shy pups sometimes need an outgoing partner." Parrish looked up, watching the way she engaged herself with the puppies. She talked to them with a baby voice, puckering her lips and kissing them on the nose now and then. "I think you'd be a pretty great match." She said, looking up with a gleam in her eyes. He couldn't stop staring at her face, his eyes searching her features. She was pretty cute, he had to admit, and her smile seemed to light up his world.

"I think I'll take him." Parrish finally spoke up, pressing his lips to Castiel's forehead. She squealed in excitement. "And I think I'll take Spot and Gracie too." Y/N's eyes shined as she motioned Parrish to follow her. She carried both the dogs with her into a room, leaving him and the dogs there before scampering off to get the adoption paperwork.

Finally, after about an hour, he held three leashes to three different pups, a smile on his face from the glow Y/N emitted. "I think I like you." She blurted out as she stood by the police car, watching the three pups squirm by his legs. "You're not a bad cop and I think that's why I like you. You're doing a great thing by adopting these pups."

He nodded, smiling at her again before leaning forward to press a kiss to her mouth. She froze underneath him, her eyes widening before they shut quickly. They kissed for a few more minutes, before he pulled back, staring into her eyes as his forehead pressed against hers. "I think I like you too." He responded, pressing a few more kisses to her mouth with a grin. "Maybe we could go out sometime, ya know, get comfy and bond over dogs or something."

She nodded eagerly, biting her lip as she pressed a hand to his cheek. "I can't wait." She hummed deep in her throat, pulling completely away before squatting down to the pups. "I'm going to miss you guys so much, but Jordan is going to treat you guys so amazing, and I'm so proud of you guys." She was completely adorable, Parrish determined, watching as she hugged each pup with tears of joy in her eyes. "I love you guys, and I hope you guys are so happy with Jordan, because I know I'm completely happy with him."

Parrish smiled to himself when she rose to her feet. "You can come visit them anytime." He said, opening the door to the police car before letting them in.

"Does that mean I can visit you anytime also?" She asked, pulling out her phone with a shy smile. Parrish chuckled, nodding with sparkling eyes.

"You can come visit me anytime you want." He murmured. He smiled at her again before pressing his lips to her cheek, getting in the car shortly after. For once in his life, he was glad about a noise complaint.

Parrish sat at his desk, head bowed as he read through the reports on his office when he heard Sheriff Stilinski's really loud voice. "Parrish! Why the hell is there three puppies chewing on my couch?!"

All Parrish could do was smile.

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