Unexpected Is My Middle Name- Garret

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"Are you ready, Y/N?" Violet asked me as she tapped her hand against a locker. She asked me if we could learn for an important science test together. Of course I agreed, because we've been best friends since 3rd grade when I stood up for her against a bully. And because I didn't have anything else to do.
We know everything about each other. Problems, crushes, enemies, everything. Yes, she knew I had a crush on the blonde-haired and blue-eyed boy. Garrett. I met him a few years ago and we became friends right after. As he got older, his body got more 'masculine'.
He practically looks like someone who's been sent from heaven.
"Relax Violet, I'm almost done. Just have to find- Oh there's Science!" I said as I put the book in my bag. "I really like your new necklace. Where did you get it?" She looked at it and smiled a little. "Um, I don't remember anymore." "Oh well, let's go then!" I caught her wrist and pulled her outside. We grabbed our bikes and cycled towards Violet's house.
"I don't get any of this." Violet sighed as she threw her book to the other side of the room. "What was that for?" I said and laughed. "Oh please, don't give me the books-have-feelings-too-look." She said and rolled her eyes out of frustration. "Maybe we should take a break. Shall we go outside for some fresh hair?" Violet was right though. We've been learning for what, three hours? So we both earned a break. I nodded and we walked downstairs to grab our jackets and leave her house.
"Do you remember where we came from?" I asked Violet. I didn't get an answer. "Violet?" I yelled this time. Still no answer. My eyes turned yellow to look better in the darkness. She was gone. But I heard two heartbeats not far away from me. And two familiar voices.
"She's right there! If we don't kill her now, we'll be the ones ending up dead." I heard Violet say. "No, I'm not letting you kill her." Said another voice. It was him. It was Garrett. "Come on, we're doing it for the money, remember?" Violet said to Garrett. "Please Violet, please don't kill Y/N. I can't lose the person I've been in love with since the first time I saw her." Garrett pleaded.
I ran towards the voices and heartbeats. "How could you, Violet?" I said with tears in my eyes. "You want to trade me for money. Am I worth nothing to you then?" Violet took off her necklace and walked towards me, but Garrett stood in front of me. "If you touch her, I'll kill you." He said, his lacrosse stick pointing towards Violet. But it wasn't a normal lacrosse stick. A blade was sticking out at the end of the stick. Violet backed up. "Give me your necklace." Garrett obliged Violet. It looked like she was also crying. She threw her necklace on the ground and ran away. "Aren't we supposed to catch her?" I asked Garrett, who was stabbing the necklace with the blade. "She can't be far. Her necklace was the most important." He said and walked over to me, throwing his lacrosse stick to the side and grabbing my hands. "Are you okay?" It was dark, but I could see his blue eyes due to the moonlight. "I don't know, I mean, I could've been killed." One of his hands let go of my hand and caressed my cheek. "You're okay now." "But you and Violet are the Orphans." I said as I took a step back. "Were. We were the Orphans. I realized it after she wanted to kill you. I- I like you. A lot. And I can't get you out of my head-" He couldn't even finish his sentence or my arms were wrapped around his neck and my lips were against his. It didn't take long before Garrett was kissing back.
"Well, I didn't expect that to happen." He said after the kiss, our noses still touching. "Unexpected is my second name." I said and we laughed. "Do you promise you won't kill anybody else?" "I promise. You're all that matters to me right now. No money, just you."

Teen Wolf ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora