Pregnancy pt.2- Theo Raeken

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A couple of days has passed and i still haven't heard anything from Theo. I tried calling him, texting and i even been at his house but each time he ignores me and he barely goes to school.
A lot of questions had been going through my mind. Would Theo contac me in any way, what would i do with baby how am i going to raise them or if i'm giving them away to someone. I sighed and ran a hand through my finger.
I always wanted a family. With the man i love and our little bundle of joy bringing happiness to our family. But right now i'm not seeing that happening anymore. But i decided one thing, i do want the baby in life and i'm keeping it. And then I thought about Theo.
Maybe he doesn't want to be a father, maybe he wants to be himself without a child. The tought of my child being raised without a father made my heart sink. What would i tell them when they ask about their dad. "Oh he was too immature to be a dad"
I sighed and sat down on my bed, with my legs crossed over eachother and my phone in my hand. Maybe i should call him but what's the point he never answers anyways. Why can't he just grow up and tell me in my face that he don't want anything to do with my child.
I grabbed my phone and quickly dialed Lydia and told her to get to my house as soon as possible. I cleaned the house and got myself ready before she arrived.
A few minutes later there was a knock on the door and i quickly made my way downstairs. I opened the door and there stood Lydia.
"Hey come in!" I greeted her, moving to the side so she could enter. She pulled in for an embrace with i gladly return.
"So what's wrong. Why the asap and what happened?" Lydia asked putting her stuff on the table before sitting down on the sofa, patting the place next to her so i could sit.I sat down next to her and looked down at my lap.
"I'm pregnant." I announced, playing with my fingers. Lydia didn't say anything and i looked up at her and there was a huge smile on her face. She quickly pulled me in for a hug.
"I'm going to be an aunt! I'm so happy for you!" She exclaimed as she pulled away from the hug. I smiled softly at her, knowing atleast someone is here to help me with the baby.
"Did you tell Theo?" Lydia asked and I sighed, nodding my head.
"I told him a few days ago and he said that he can't be a father and he left." I explained and i could feel tears prickling my eyes. "I'll have this baby anyways, with or without a father."
"Theo's such an ass. But me and the pack are always here for you Y/n!" Lydia stated and i nodded my head, thanking her. "I'll be gladly to help you with your baby."
"Thank you Lydia, you're the best." I said and she laughed, nudging me a bit. We talked about everything over the baby and what would i do and our future together.
"What are you going to do about Theo?" Lydia asked as she gave me a sad smile. I chuckled a bit and looked at my stomach. In reality i have no fucking clue what i'll do.
"I don't know. Probably ask him why he can't be a father." I answered her and Lydia stayed quiet, looking as she's thinking about something. Suddenly her face changes as she looks at me, probably realizing something.
"There's something about Theo that i think you don't know about." Lydia stated and i raised an eyebrow, feeling extremely confused. What don't i know about him.
"There'something going on and it's very dangerous Y/n. I think i know why he can't be around you right now." Lydia said more to herself. I was about to ask her what does she mean with that when her phone buzzed.
"Scott needs me, i'll talk to you later." Lydia said as she pecks my cheek and grabbed her stuff before leaving. I know there's strange stuff going on around Beacon Hills but what does it have to do with Theo. What's going that's dangerous, i thought.
I don't know what's happening right now with Beacon Hills or Theo. But one thing I know for sure is that I'm going to figure it out. Every little thing that's going on, i'll find out.
I was cleaning the house when i heard someone knock on the front door. Who in the world would be here at this time? I put my stuff down and walked towards the door. I opened the door and there stood Theo with cuts and blood on his face.
"Theo?! What happened to you?" I asked, grabbing his hand and pulled him inside the house. I made my way to my room and made sit on my bed as i went to the bathroom to grab the first aid.
"What happened?" I asked as i grabbed a paper towel and dabbed his cuts with disinfectant. He winced as he pulled away and i sighed and grab his head so he could stay still.
"I got into a fight." He mumbles and winced from the pain. I glared at him and cleaned the cuts, noticing that they're already healing.
"Why would you get into a fight with someone?" I asked quite irritated with him as i put the first aid away. He shrugged and looked down at his lap. "Why are you here then?"
"I needed somewhere to go." He replied as he looked up at me with a small smile. "I can't go to my house and i don't really want to be near my friends right now, so you're the only one left."
"Well you can leave now." I stated and looked him straight in his eye with no expression on my face. I turned around and got out of my room and into the kitchen. I heard footsteps running down the stairs before heading to the kitchen.
"Are you still mad with me?" Theo asked and i looked at him as if he's really being serious right now. I rolled my eyes and glare at him.
"Ofcourse i'm mad! I tell you i'm pregnant with your child and you just leave and then all of the sudden you come back. Who the fuck do you think you are?!" I yell at him as i stood up from the chair. Theo just stood there with a serious look on his face and not doing anything.
"I have my reason, Y/n." Theo exclaimed, i was about to answer but he continued talking. "I can't be a father right now. I don't have anytime for a baby and i don't have time for you anymore."
"What?" I questioned, feeling confused by what he just said. Does that mean he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore? "Are you breaking up with me?"
"That's exactly what I'm doing." He replied as he tried to avoid my gaze. This isn't Theo, there must be something wrong with him. I could feel tears prickling my eyes but i don't them fall.
"So you're just going to throw these years away? Can i have atleast a reason?! Please Theo, tell me why!" I pleaded, tears running down my face. Theo came close to me and planted a kiss on my lips. I pushed him away and looked at him as if he's crazy.
"I can't be with you Y/n. Please don't make this harder than it already is. Please." Theo said and his voice cracks, there were tears in his eyes. "Something is coming and I'm doing this for you and for the baby sake."
"I'm sorry but i can't be his/her father." Theo apologize and there were tears streaming both of our faces. I looked down at my feet, wondering what's going on in his life that he has to leave.
"What's h-happening Theo?" I stutter and he shook his head, pulling me in for a hug as he buries his head in the crook of my neck.
"Till we meet again." He mumbles as he pulled away and gave me one last kiss before walking away from me and the baby. Again. I slid down the wall in the kitchen and pulled my knees to my chest.
I wonder about what Theo said. Something is coming but what is? And why can't he be with us. So many questions going through my mind and i'm going to find out what's wrong.
"It's just you and me kid." I whisper as i put my hands to my stomach and letting tears stream down my face. Once again Theo left me alone and with a child for me to take care on my own.

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