Weary Brothers- Jordan Parrish

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Maybe it was a lucky guess, maybe he asked Lydia about it. Lydia was the only one you told since you trusted her the most. You begged him not to tell Jordan numerous times but he was acting very weird about the whole situation.
"Can we talk?" Your brother Scott asked. You nodded your head but was very concerned. "I know you like Deputy Parrish."
"What!! Scott, how do you know? Who told you?"
"No one told me. I just want you to be careful." You felt yourself get angrier each second.
"Careful? I'm it even dating him and you're telling me to be careful." You hissed. Scott shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "I swear to goodness if you tell him-"
"I'm not going to tell him." And that's when you got up and left.
You hated how that conversation ended. You thought that maybe he wanted to get revenge since you acted so coldly towards him. Ironically Stiles called from Beacon Hills Police Department and asked if you could come over, and that's where you were headed to right now. You stopped on the way and grabbed Jordan's favorite coffee and donut.
You walked in and your eyes landed right at his desk. He seemed very flustered. "Hey Deputy Parrish." You smiled, unsure of how he would react. "I got you coffee and a donut." You held both of the objects up and he smiled.
"Thanks, can you set them right there." You nodded and walked away. You didn't want to be a bother. "Sorry (y/n)." He grabbed your arm and you turned around in shock. "I'm just very busy. I didn't mean to be rude." He looked at you with his gorgeous blue eyes. You melted every time.
"You're fine. I understand." He lifted his eyebrows at you and you couldn't help but smile. "Really, it's fine." You grabbed his hand and squeezed it and walked into the Sheriffs office.
"Where's my coffee?" Sheriff Stilinski joked.
"Oh please dad, she just wants an excuse to talk to him." Stiles laughed but stopped when he saw you glaring at him.
"Scott told you?" You asked, a little bit heartbroken.
"Speaking of the devil!" Stiles pointed, trying to avoid this conversation. "You two need to work this out."
"Work what out?" You turned around and looked at Scott, then back to Stiles.
"You two have been distant these past few days. No one likes it." Stiles shrugged his shoulders and Scott gave you a small smile.
"Here?" You questioned.
"I want you to be careful around him. Okay?" Scott said, you went to say something but he cut you off. "Deputy Parrish likes you too, and I've been distant lately. Cause I don't like the thought of you dating him. We don't know what he is and he could hurt you. Plus you're my little sister." You smiled at Scott and hugged him.
"I've missed you."
"I missed you too." He smiled down at you and kissed your forehead. "I knew you liked him by the sound of your heartbeat by the way."
Your face turned a light shade of red, "oh god, can he hear it too?" You said in a low whisper.
"I don't like hearing my name and not knowing what's going on." Jordan came in with his coffee and stood next to you. You looked at Scott and gave him a 'help me get out of this mess,' look.
"We were talking about how you both like each other but won't say anything." Stiles chimed in and if looks could kill, he would be dead. You look at Parrish and his face was beat red.
"Can I talk to you in private?" He whispered and grabbed your arm before you could answer. He led you into his office and shut the door.
"Sorry deputy-"
"You can call me Jordan." You smiled and felt more relaxed. "Sorry Jordan." You smiled.
"It's okay. I was just about to ask you if you wanted to go on a date with me Friday. We could see a movie and go out to eat. It'll be on me." You walked towards him and leaned your body against his desk.
"Sounds like a date to me."
"Good, I owe you for all the coffee and donuts you've been buying me." Jordan laughed and so did you. He grabbed your hands in his. He liked how you relaxed under his touch. "I heard Scott say he was worried about me cause we don't know exactly what I am. But I want you to know that I'll never hurt you, okay?" You nodded and then kissed his cheek. You knew he would never hurt you cause he was a man of his word.

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