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"Hey." I say walking into the divas locker room with Becky.
"Can I see your ring?" Becky asks with a smile.
I nod and hold my hand out as she looks at it.
"That's so pretty." She says.
"Hey Hailee." Paige says walking over. I smile.
"Hey." I say before changing into my ring gear. I go to catering and grab a bite to eat with Randy, Colby and Ben. "Hey." Randy says kissing my temple. "Congrats you two." Colby says. "Thank you." He and I say at the same time. "Hi Ben." I say with a smile. "Hey Hails." He says. "How's your revolution going?" Colby asks me. "Pretty bad for me at least. I've got the worst team. We only work well alone." I say. "Doesn't that mean your heel now?" Ben asks. "Yeah, supposed to be. Since Randy is face it's more fifty fifty." I say. "I find it ironic that you, Paige and April all were in Wrestlemania on the same team and in just a few months you all have different paths. Paige face with 2 of the best NXT divas, you heel with 2 underused people and April retired." Colby says. "That last one makes me want to cry." I say. "Well we will see you later. Ben wanted me to show him something." Colby says as they leave. I look at Randy and say "We should film a video. I haven't filmed in what feels like forever." I say. "We should. Maybe later." He says. I nod. "For now I've gotta get to hair and makeup. I'm on commentary, but. I will see you after." I say kissing him. He smiles. I go to hair and makeup and get my face on before chilling with Ana and Tenille for a little bit before we go out there to my music. Team B.A.D. and Team Alexis will be on commentary. A replay is shown of the NXT women making their debuts on RAW last Monday. Charlotte, Becky Lynch, and Sasha Banks each applied a submission to each member of Team Bella. The match was Charlotte w/ Team Paige vs. Brie Bella w/ Team Bella.
A really nice clip of Charlotte is shown of her being congratulated by her father, "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair, after her victory at WWE Battleground last night. I wasn't out there for the Fatal four way, but I knew I didn't need to be.
"Hey guys." I say.
"Who invited them?" Trin asks.
"Exactly what I asked Michael." JBL complains.
"Hi JBL. Great so see yah." I say.
"Tina, Naomi and Sasha." Ana says.
"No, No it's Tamina." Emma corrects.
"Oh." Ana says with a nod.
"Why do you need them when you have us?" Mercedes asks.
"You think people want to listen to you run your mouths while they watch Brie get her butt kicked." I ask.
"Where were you last night? We didn't see you at battleground." Mercedes says immediately.
"Sorry, I don't think you showed up either." I say.
Mercedes stands up clearly 'annoyed'.
"Easy." Tenille says.
"Here comes Nikki." JBL says.
"There goes Nikki." Cole says.
"There goes Sasha." JBL says as Charlotte hits Sasha with a suicide dive before Brie does the same to me.
"There goes Alexis." Cole says.

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