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I got dressed and fixed my hair quietly before going out into our room and everyone was awake. "I'll be back in a few hours. I'll see you guys later." I say. They nod and I leave grabbing keys. I drove off to the location. We were doing a more comfortable side of what we're typically used to. It was us lounging trying hard to look perfect and natural. I honestly was excited. I got paid to just sit there looking hot and being comfortable. It was a grey v neck that was also a crop top. Then for pants they were black sweats. I smiled at my appearance and we took quite a few pictures. I was actually done relatively quickly. I was super tired though. I had to be up at like 4 am to be ready to leave by 5 with Joe where we went on the news at 7. It was now 1 and I had to go out with my family. Hopefully not for long. I pulled up to the restaurant where I was told to be. I saw my dad, Brian, Kevin and Roy there. I greeted all three of them with a hug and kiss on the cheek. Heather comes in with Kat and they smile and greet all of us. "Man, the gang is back together." Kat says happily. I smile. No matter how hurtful she was in the past. I had missed her, all of them. "I know right. When was the last time that happened?" I ask. "Few years. Well, with you at least." Brian points out. I smirk at the technicality of him. "When do you leave?" Kevin asks. "Tonight. Then were off to Atlanta." Dad says. I nod kinda spacing out a bit. "You okay Hailee?" Roy asks. "Yeah. Just tired I had media at 7 am." I say shrugging him off. He nods. "If your too tired you could've passed. I mean you have stuff tonight." Heather tells me. I nod. "Yeah, but I think I'll be tired if I can just hang out with you guys." I say. "Can we get some pictures of you guys at least?" Dad asks. "Why?" I ask. "Because I want to capture a moment where you guys aren't bickering." Dad responds. "We don't bicker." Kevin says. "Yeah we do. Quite often actually." Kat says turning to face them. "Okay, sorry. The ladies have the issues. I don't know the last time Kev and I fought." Brian says. "I do. It was a few weeks ago. You both called me to vent." Heather says. "No, the guys go off the grid unheard of for months and months. We stay current, which means you guys can fight and no one notices." I state. "Anyways. I'm down for a picture. I didn't get one the last time." Heather says. "I feel really bad that I didn't go to the Christmas gathering we have." I say. "It's fine. You spent it with Randy and his family. That's good." Kat says. "How come he isn't here?" Brian asks. "I had a photoshoot before this. Plus I wasn't sure if he was invited. Since none of you brought someone." I say. "Speaking of someone. I'm thinking of asking Lauren to marry her." Dad says. No one dares to say anything. I was happy he was, but everyone else has a look of horror or something. "Congrats! You should do it." I say. Everyone looks at me as if I'm crazy. "What?" I ask. "I don't think you should." Heather says. I felt like it was my turn to step in. "You guys support me and Randy right?" I ask. Everyone nods or says yes. "He and I have dated for not even a year and your talking about marriage. What's the difference?" I ask. "You haven't been married two other times." Kevin says. "You guys are holding him back from his happiness. He could be marrying for the first time or for the tenth. I'm gonna tell him as long as he's happy." I say. "She's right." Roy says. My phone starts ringing. I check the caller and it's Eric, otherwise known as Enzo Amore. "You can answer it really quick." Kat says. "It's Randy. I probably should." I say lying. I stand up and say "Hey Babe." As I'm walking away. "Oh, babe? That's new. You on drugs?" He asks. I laugh slightly as I make my way out the restaurant. "No, sorry. I'm out to lunch with my family, and they are fighting. I lied and said it was Randy." I say. "If you want since Cass and I are in Nashville we could pick you up." He says. "Your on Raw?" I ask. "Dark Match, but still." Cass says from behind him. "Cass!" I say. I never called him Bill. Always Cass. I was the only one. "Leah here too." She says. "You going out there with them too?" I ask. "Nope." She says. "Okay, well I think it's safe for me to go back...I will see you guys before or something." I say. "If you want you can ride with us. Since your phone must be broken." Eric says. I chuckle. "I deserve that. I can't though. I'm most likely gonna be running a little late." I say. "Yeah, yeah. See yah." Eric says. "See ya." Cass says. "Bye!" Leah says. "Bye." I say before hanging up and going. I walk back in and sit at the table. "So what did Randy want?" Kat asks. "Huh?" I ask. "Randy. What did he want?" Kat asks. "Oh, just needed to know when I'd be back. If I'd be back in time for us to leave." I say. "Yeah. We were thinking of cutting this meal short." Heather says. I nod. "You guys going to Raw?" I ask. "Front row." They say. I smile. "Okay, well we need to take a picture desperately." Kevin says. I nod standing up. We go outside and I hand Dad the phone. He insisted on taking the picture. Kevin and Brian were talking about Raw tonight. Kat was sitting off quietly while Heather was chatting her up. "Heather. Chill. I don't think she's even paying attention." I say with a smile. Kat laughs but nods. We all scoot closer together and I'm right in the middle. We take a few cute ones and dad hands me the phone. "Thanks. I'll see you later." I say to them. "Bye." They say as they start to head there separate ways. I went to the hotel and went back up to my room.

Princess Lawler - R. Orton Where stories live. Discover now