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This is very important to me but not to any of you, but...I changed the cover!
I walk backstage and find Randy on his phone. I smile towards him. "Mom. I gotta go. I'll call you tomorrow or something." He says with a sigh. He hangs up and smiles. "Guess who's in trouble." He jokes. "I'm gonna say you." I guess with a smirk. "Yeah. When Brie said you being my fiance my Mom was upset I didn't tell her." He says with a smirk. "When do you leave?" I ask. "I was waiting for you to get back before I started driving." He says. "Where you headed?" I ask. "Home. I can't wait to see Alanna." He says with a growing smile. "You better call me." I say. "I will, and this time I won't be there for TLC." He says. "Neither will I. I've gotta pretend that I was 'sick' and I was taking all the rest for Mondays handicap match which is one on three because after TLC April is out for a bit." I say to him. He nods. "Well, maybe can hang out Sunday." He suggests. I shrug. "Maybe. Plans change." I say. "I'll call you later. I love you." He says. "Love you too." I say. As we lean in to kiss, only millimeters from one another someone speaks. I know who exactly said it besides. Paul, and Vince. "Hey, Randy before you go. We wanted to talk to you real quick." Vince says. "Then you two can go back to making out." Paul jokes. "Not yet." Randy responds. I hit him on the chest. "Ow." He says. "You did excellent out there Hailee. We knew you'd be the one to do that well fighting 3 times a night." Vince compliments. "Thanks. It was a bunch of fun to just be out there." I say. "You seem a lot more comfortable now than ever." He comments. I nod. "Well, I'm gonna go shower. I'll catch you guys later." I say to them. They let me go, and I shower, and get dressed. I walk out and go to find Randy. Instead I find Jon. Post match. "Hey." I say to him. He smiles. "Hey Hails." He says to me. I smile. "Are you engaged?" He asks confused. "Nope. Like that's happening soon." I said sarcastically. He laughs at me. "Whatever. You talk shit now, but when it happens your gonna say yes immediately." He says. "If it happens." I correct. "Man, you have no faith in your relationship." He says. I smirk. "Are you planning on proposing to Renee anytime soon?" I ask. "Nope." He says plain and straight up. "Exactly my point." I say. He rolls his eyes. "While you focus on the if's I'll focus on the absolutes. For example. Who absolutely dominated the ring tonight?" I ask. "Me." He says. "No me." I say with a cocky smirk. "Your the girl version of me and that's scary." He says. I smirk. "Your just mad that I pull if off." I say. He shrugs. "Know what we should do?" I ask him. "What?" He asks faking excitement just as Randy walks over. "One sec." I say to Randy. "Are you busy tomorrow?" I ask. "Nope." He says. I smile. "Good. Because we are going out to lunch-" "but-" I cut him off. "No ifs ands or buts about it. Were going. Bonding time." I say. "What? Do you want me to wear one of your shirts too?" He asks jokingly. "Yeah!" I say. He rolls his eyes. "Your twisted." He says. I smile and nod. "I'll see you tomorrow." I say. I leave with Randy. "What did Vince and Paul want?" I ask him. "Just to see if we were cool with the Bella's taking shots at our relationship. I said why not. Didn't matter to me." He informs. "Yeah, well. We still doing Christmas at your place?" I ask. He nods. "Yep. So, pack warm. Along with don't be scared." He says. "I'm excited." I say. "Me too. Along with i think I found the perfect place for us to live in St. Louis. If you want to check it out while we're there." He suggests. "Sounds like a deal." I say with a smile. "I'll see you the 24th then. I'll call you tomorrow." He says kissing me on the head. "I love you." I say. He smiles and says those 3 little words back. He leaves and I go find something to do for a little bit of time. I find Renee and go up to her. "Hey!" I say. She smiles.

Princess Lawler - R. Orton Where stories live. Discover now