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I was pretty tired, but I was going out to breakfast with my dad. We had to discuss our family reunion. I had finished getting dressed and I went down to his floor and he greeted me and we left for the restaurant. When we walked in we were seated. "So, Dad. How are you?" I ask him. He smiles. "I'm super good." He says. "Well, reunion. It's usually Christmas." I say. "What's the issue? Lauren and her boy finally gets to meet all of you." He asks. "Well, Randy asked if I could go up to St. Louis to meet his family for Christmas. I want to go to St. Louis but I also want him to meet you guys." I explain. "Sweetheart. You've gotta make that decision. What if we push it off, or make it before Christmas, but we do presents like it's Christmas." He says. "It's hard. We're such idiots for now trying to meet the family." I say with a sigh. "We get from 24-28, how about this, ask for January 1,2 and 3 off that you can spend with us. I know it isn't Christmas, but it's still off." He suggests. "I don't know I have been given so much time off. I want to be on. Plus you won't be there. What if I face time you guys. Like it's not the same as being there in person, but it's better than nothing." I say. He nods. Then it hits me. I've got to also make a video for Christmas, and New Year. Two things I'm not home for to do fanmail videos. "Right?" He asks. "I'm sorry what?" I ask. "Your going to make it up to Jessie right?" He asks. I nod. "Yeah, and I just now realized. I have to make a video for Christmas and New Years. I can't to do fanmail even though my house is blowing up with fanmail. I haven't had time to do them." I say. "Don't stress yourself with these videos." He reassures. "Wait. We get December 17 off right?" I ask. He nods. I smile really wide. "Perfect. I can make two videos then. I can edit it before Christmas and New Years." I say. He chuckles. It seems weird that I'm trying so hard to get these videos, but it's because I want to show that I care about these fans. We get our food and eat in kinda an awkward silence. We ride back to the hotel, I change in April and I's room and head back down. I go to the gym and work out for a few hours before going up to the hotel room, and changing back into my outfit that I wore with my dad. I go to the arena and notice I'm only on commentary. Not alone. Oh heavens no. I was with April. During Brie vs Trin. I got hair, makeup and my outfit done 30 minutes before the show started.

 I got hair, makeup and my outfit done 30 minutes before the show started

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I was wearing my new T-shirt design. I then went to find Jon, or Renee, even April. Just find a friend. I found Renee. She was looking rushed and frantic. "Guess who is now number one interviewer for Smackdown!" She squealed. "You?" I ask. She nods. "Yeah, which means that I tell everyone who to interview, and when." She says. "So, you tell JoJo what to do?" I ask. "And Tom. That also means I can be the main host for preshows soon!" She says excitedly. "Oh gosh. Congratulations!" I say. I know this had to be pretty big on her. She smiles. "Thanks!" She says. I smile at her as she stops. "Now. Why didn't you tell me Randy asked you to move in with him? That's huge." She says with a smile. I laugh. "Is Jon treating you well? If not I'm gonna beat him up." I say. "Yeah, but recently he's been extremely temperamental. Like yesterday. When he asked what about him, it was like he doesn't want us to forget him. He's getting very touchy feely right now." She says. "Well, have you asked?" I asked. "No, but I love it because it shows me he wants me, and he needs me." She explains. I nod. I wasn't going to push any further. "So, I found this new song. I really love it. It's by this guy named Andy Black." I say. She nods. "What's it called?" She asks. "They don't need to understand. The guy who makes it. Is just absolutely beautiful." I say. She laughs. "Celebrity crush." She says. I pull up a picture and she looks. "He's pretty cute." She says. "No, dude. He's hot." I say. "Which is better looking? Randy or Andy?" She asks. I pretend to think. She hits me playfully. "No, I'm kidding. Randy all the way."I say to her. "Good. Otherwise I was about to call him up." She jokes. "So, Mark actually asked me to tell you that they cut the day in the life of a diva, so you don't have to worry about that." She informs. "Thank God. I still do have to be here like 2, 3 what is it?" I ask. "It's 2. Latest 3. Since doors open 4." She says. I nod. "Okay." I say. "Yeah, well I've gotta go get set for tonight's interviews. I'll see you later." She says. I nod. I leave and go into the catering area. Surprisingly out of all the people Stephanie sits in front of me. We aren't friends, but we have talked all due to my wonderful Legend Killer. "Hey." She says to me. "Hi." I say in return. "So, have you heard from Randy recently? He hasn't been returning my calls after he said he needed to talk to me." She asks. "I saw him 2 days ago, and called him last night." I say. I know she's up to something. What's her plan though? "He told me that he was going to ask you to move in with him." She brings up. I nod slightly. "Yeah, soon hopefully we can live together." I say with a small shrug. I had to play it down low. At least till I knew what she wanted. "That's good. I'm happy for you." She says. "Thanks." I say smiling brightly. "What about you and Jon though? Is there something happening there?" She presses. "Um, what do you mean?" I ask masking confusion. "Like any secret relationship?" She asks. I have to be careful not to piss her off with this now. "Yeah, no. Never. Never in a billio-" I start but get cut off. "Yeah, I understand. It's just weird. How close you two are. I didn't think he was cool with it." She says. "Well, Jon's my best friend. If Randy has an issue with that though he can put it up with me personally." I say. I didn't know whether or not she was doing this because of Randy, or if she did this because she wanted to. The look she had told me she didn't like the way I said that. "That wasn't said with any disrespect towards you. Maybe towards Randy if he doesn't trust me." I say. "I don't know. Just be straightforward with him. He can't be upset if your just being honest." She says. I nod. "I guess." I sigh. "Him being jealous means he cares though." She points out. "That's true. As long as he's not over bearing it's kinda a good thing." I say. She gives a weird look. "It shows he cares, and he trusts me." I say with a smile. She returns a smile and says "That's cute." Before leaving.

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