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I was stretching with Randy in the back. My match is next. I sat down and stared at my title as it glistened in the light.

"Nervous?" He asks. I shake my head.

"No." I say.

"I love you." He says kissing me. I smile.

"I love you too." I say.

"Hailee. You're needed at the gorilla." A producer says. I nod.

"Thanks!" I say.

Randy follows with me and when we walk in he says "I'll be by a TV. Can't wait." I smile. I peck him on the lips and hand him his jacket back. He smiles and I wait anxiously for my music to hit. It was silent in the arena then when my music hit there was a pop. I smiled as I walked out. I posed on the stage. I paused for a moment before going down the ramp. I got in the ring and Justin announced the match. He got out and the bell rang. Ana and Saraya both went after me and I got hit with a spine buster and rolled out the ring to regroup. When I was good I saw a spot. Saraya and Ana were down. I went after Saraya throwing Ana out the ring. I hit her with clothes lines and then hit her with a Moonsault. I then went to the top rope and went for a corkscrew Moonsault and when I went down Saraya wasn't there and I got pinned. I tried to see if I was close enough to  the ropes and I wasn't but Ana broke the pin up and I got thrown out the ring and I tried to gather up strength to get back in and I heard one I jumped up into the ring and by the time I got in the ring it was three. I held my head in my hands and looked down as soon as that bell rang. Saraya's music hit and she was crying. She was so happy. It was bittersweet. More bitter, but what could I do? I rolled out the ring and hugged Jessie who was in the front row, before heading to the back. I fixed my hair up and Randy grabbed onto my hand and kissed me on the lips.

"You did great." He whispered. I smiled.

"Thanks." I say.

"You ready?" Paul asked walking over looking at Randy.

"Yeah." Randy says.

"Good luck. Be safe." I say before kissing him and getting up.

"Make no promises." He calls back as I leave. I walked into a TV room and watched the match. All the high risk maneuvers. Stephanie went over and joined me watching the TV and when she thought I wasn't watching she'd glance at me and my facial expressions.

"You got this." I mumble.

"If anyone can beat the Shield it's Evolution." She says to me. I nod. Randy and Paul went in the crowd with Jon and Colby. I watched as they threw Jon down the stairs and beat Colby to a pulp. I continued watching as they tried dominating Jon, but then a body came flying out of no where onto Paul and Randy and I made a face. They went back into he ring as Joe picked up the victory. I sighed and stood up going to the gorilla with Stephanie. Joe, Jon and Colby came walking in with smiles. They were all talking about what was next with them. Then a few moments later Randy, Dave and Paul came back. Dave's girlfriend or fiancee was just walking in. Randy gave me a hug and I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his neck.

"Guess were both losers." Randy whispers. I chuckle.

"Just because you lose one match doesn't make you a loser." I whisper as I release from the hug. He nodded.

"Catch you later. I love you." He says.

"I love you too." I respond kissing him on the cheek as he leaves.

I decide to leave but Paul stops me, saying "Hey Hailee. Do you mind if Dave and I steal Randy tonight?" I shrug.

"Nope. Not at all." I say with a smile.

"Thanks for not getting upset." Dave says. I nod.

"Why get upset stressing about the time you can't spend with them, when you're spending the time you could spend with them." I say.

"I like you." Stephanie says with a smile. I smile.

"Thank you." I say. She nods and I start walking away. I take a shower and put on a red flannel, leggings and black boots. I leave and spot my cousin Jessie walking over.

She gives me a hug and says "Even if you lost you did amazing!" I smile.

"Thanks." I say. That's what I love. The fans. When no matter the outcome they love the match because that's how damn good it was.

"How are you holding up with it?" She asks. I shrug.

"I'm fine." I say. She nods. Then Randy walks over.

"Hey. Who's this?" He asks looking at me then Jessie.

"This is my cousin Jessie." I say. He nods. Jessie just stood there not saying anything.

"Who are you traveling with?" Randy asks.

"Renee. You?" I ask.

"Evolution." He says. I nod.

"I'll see you later. Just wondered." He says with a shrug. Why was he being so awkward? Like ugh. That was so uncomfortable.

"Renee who?" She asks.

"Young." I say. She nods.

"She's so pretty." Jessie says. I nod.

"Yeah. And here she comes." I say. Renee walks over with a camera of her own. Jessie steps out the way for the interview.

"Excuse me Alexis. Can we get your thoughts on your match?" She asks.

"My thoughts? My thoughts." I say pausing. I shake my head.

"No. You can't." I say before walking away from Renee. Jessie asks

"Do you think you'll win it back?" I shrug.

"Maybe." I say.

"I hope." She says.

"Now, we've gotta be careful entering the shields territory." I say. She nods. I take two steps and Jon walks in front of me with Joe and Colby.

"Aye! The girl who's been avoiding us! You see that win?" Jon asks excited. I chuckle.

"There is more. We won the battle, but the war isn't over." Joe says.

"Celebrate with us. Come on a date with the Shield!" Colby says.

"I can't. I've got Renee." They whisper something to one another.

"She can come. The more the merrier!" Joe says.

"Danielle, was actually riding with us today though." I say.

"Fine." Colby says.

EDITED: April 15, 2018

Princess Lawler - R. Orton Where stories live. Discover now