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I am dressed and ready. Randy was sitting next to me holding my hand with his head in my lap. Colby walked over looking at me as I stared intently at the TV. I'm making sure I knew what the Mendez twins could do. Nothing too hard. Just Trin and Nattie. They won and they were probably just as good as the Bella's.

"Why are you so invested in this little tag team?" Colby asks.

"Because. Being apart of the divas division I need to be aware of new competition. Especially in the form of Twins. They can do twin magic, they have a better connection that anyone I'd imagine." I explain.

"Oh." Is all he responds.

"Am I up?" I ask.

"You've got 10 minutes." He says before leaving.

"What's with the tension there?" Randy asks taking his eyes off the TV. I open my mouth to tell the truth, but quickly stop.

"Nothing. We're fine." I tell him. I don't want him to worry.

"You sure?" He asks concerned. I smile.

"If there was an issue you'd be the first to know." I say to him. He nods.

He sits up and says "I'll see you after this is done." I nod. I peck him on the lips before going to the gorilla. Triple H's music hit and he walled out. Colby looked at me before putting his hand out for me to hold. I grabbed as it was our cue to go out. The crowd was booing, and chanting 'You Sold Out' I smiled a little at the reaction we got.

Paul started talking then Colby let go of my hand as he went to talk before Paul says "Now most of you are also questioning why my wife Stephanie invited Alexis to join the Authority." He then hands the microphone to me.

"First off I honestly don't think you're worth of an explanation but I'll give it to you anyways because you hate hearing me speak. I did it because I simply could! I'm a princess. I get what I want because of that." Before I can continue Nick's music hits as he walks out with Saraya.

"Sorry were both out here. We couldn't help it." Saraya apologizes.

"I'm sure that I'll catch a beating for what I have to say and probably be pushed further down the totem pole, but I can't listen to this. I was never a fan of The Shield, but I liked their vibe because they went against The Authority. The Shield went toe-to-toe with Evolution and won. The Shield played a major part in Batista quitting,  What you did was far worse than The Shield has done to anyone else. You turned your back on your brothers, something I would never do. You're nothing more than a traitor, and you've done the worst thing you can ever do: You sold out." Nick says.

"As for you Alexis. I never respected you. Hell I never even liked you. I just don't understand how you could join the Authority. I mean you hated the Authority. You and your precious Daddy bonded over that since quite frankly you have nothing else to talk about. Both of you being so plain vanilla." She says. I smile.

"My sweet little crumpet. You want a reaction. Not gonna happen. I'm not gonna sink down to your low level because your just upset I'm better than you. I proved it...again when I beat you this past Monday." I say with a smile handing the microphone to Paul.

"You both want to be in the news. We get it. That's something you won't do without the help of the best of the best. Why not get yourself in the news by the headlines reading 'Paige and Dolph Ziggler get their asses handed to them in a mixed gender tag team match. On Smackdown.' Oh and that match? Is next." He says before getting out the ring. This was my chance. This was when I could prove Saraya and Colby wrong! Nick's music played as they walked down to the ring.

"Are you starting?" I ask him.

"No. You can. Just remember hot tags." He says. I nod. After a minute or two we start this match. Saraya immediately goes on the attack but I go to the ropes. The ref pulls her off and when she's distracted is when I hit her with a forearm. I smiled widely. I went on the attack with punches to her face. I stopped myself after a moment then set her up for a Moonsault by my corner. When I landed Saraya wasn't there. She was laying beside me trying to crawl to Nick. She made it as I tried gathering strength. Colby checked on me really quickly before getting in the ring as I rolled to the barricade. When I was finally standing up going to the apron. I was then getting dived into and went down to the floor again. My ribs were on fire from all the pain. I wasn't sitting down in this one though. I refused. I gripped my ribs and tried to get Colby to tag me in. No matter how bad the pain was in my ribs I was winning us this match. Nick tagged Saraya in and I got in and started kicking her in the check hitting her with kicks, and drop kicks. I was doing good not letting go of my ribs. I hit her with a Moonsault then gripped my ribs with one arm then went for the pin.




The bell rings and my music hits. Colby enters the ring raising my hand as Paul does too. Paul let's go and Colby pulls me close for a slow kiss as the audience boos. When we pull apart we get out the ring and head to the back.

"That was actually really good." Colby says to me.

"You were expecting any different Lopez? " I ask.

"No, but are you sure your ribs are okay?" He asks guesturing to my red, and slowly turning blue mid section.

"Yeah. Just a little bump and bruise." I say reassuringly. He shrugs a little as a walk away still holding my ribs. Randy, Kailey and Hailey were waiting for me. Randy pulled me into a hug.

"You okay?" Kailey asks. I smile.

"Yeah." I say.

"See ya in a few." Hailey says. I nod and they go away leaving me with Randy.

"You want to get these checked out?" He asks. I smile at him being thoughtful.

"Randy, Hailee. Let's go." Colby says walking over. We go to where our segment is and shoot it before Randy wraps his arms around my shoulders.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"I'm fine. If it hurts anymore I'll go." I say reassuringly. I knew I wouldn't go. He didn't have to know that though.

"You better." He says looking at me. I felt bad for lying to him, but I couldn't be hurt now.

"I've gotta take a shower. I love you." I say. He smiles pecking me on the lips.

"I love you too." He says before I walk away. The second I'm in the locker room Nikki almost tackles me.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I've gotta take a shower though." I say. She nods letting me go. I grab my clothes and get in the shower.

I get dressed and Nikki says "Maybe we should just check them out. They are black and blue." She pleads. I sigh.

"Ugh." I say.

"That kiss was amazing." Trin says walking in. I laugh a little.

"Thank you?" I ask.

"Yeah. I guess it helps you and Colby are dating." She says.

"Wait. What?" Nikki and I ask.

"You and Colby have great chemistry." She says.

"After that." I say.

"You guys are dating." She says.

"Okay, thanks. Give me a moment. I've gotta see a little Colby." I say.

"Who knows about this?" Nikki asks.

"Half the mens locker room." She says. I go to Colby's locker room running smack-dab into Colby.

"Did you tell people we were dating?" He and I ask at the same exact time.

"No. Why would I do that?" We say again at the same time.

"I didn't." We say once again in unison.

"Okay. Stop." I say.

"Stop what?" He asks.

"Stop this game. We obviously didn't say it. Someone just assumed. Right?" I ask.

"Or someone knew and said something about this." He says.

"Knew what? That your delusional? I honestly don't really care about what you say right now." I say to him.

"What did I do?" He asks. I glare.

"I've got to get my ribs checked out." I say.

"Sorry. I didn't know you were right behind me." He apologizes.

"Did you find that impressive?" I ask before walking away. I was done with Colby. I went into the trainers room and he looked at my ribs and taped them up.

"Just come back if they cause you more trouble."

EDITED: April 15, 2018

Princess Lawler - R. Orton Where stories live. Discover now