What happened at Summerslam

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Woah. Major didly time skip
Also! This isn't a chapter. Just like a fill in what happened at Summerslam!

I walked to the curtain as Paul, Nikki and I sat there watching the match. We had to be out there. Soon, it was time for Paul and I to walk out to the ring. Quite quickly we walked out there to get to the ring. Nikki walked out soon after. We got on the ring apron as Brie got distracted with us trying attack us. Stephanie kicked Brie looking like she was setting up for the pedigree. We hopped off the apron. Brie countered and got the yes lock locked in.

The ref was close enough for Paul to pull him out the ring. Upsetting Brie. Brie then baseball slid and hit Paul. I knelt down to his level pretending to check on him. She was then doing the yes chant over him as I tried to not get involved. Nikki then went on the other side of the ring and entered cornering Stephanie. I stayed where I was as Brie went in the ring on the other side. Then Nikki hit Brie with a forearm after pulling Stephanie out the way. Nikki helped Stephanie up. Nikki left the ring looking guilty. Stephanie hit the pedigree after sitting in shock for a moment. Paul put the referee in the ring as I looked at Nikki. The three count was sounded and Paul went in the ring. What did I do? I went straight after Nikki.

"Stay fearless Nikki!" I shouted at her. I smiled a little as Stephanie went to mock Brie with yes chants I stepped in the ring earning yes chants. Once Stephanie saw me she stopped and stood forward. We were standing breast to breast. Paul laughed at me. I looked at him for a moment and got a pedigree of my own by Stephanie. I laid 'lifeless' the same as Brie before we had the lights dimmed out and Brie and I left the ring last, dazed. Face turn never felt so good. When I got to the gorilla Randy was there waiting to go out. As fate would have it. His match was right after mine... Again. I smiled at him and he gave his Charming smirk. I kissed him on the cheek quickly before going to the divas locker room. I showered and changed. Brie walked in with a small smile.

"You okay? You got floored out there." I say. She chuckles.

"Yeah, Nikki's mad at me though, probably why she floored me down." She says. I smile and leave. I go into Roman's locker room where Galina and JoJo were sitting.

"Hey." I say to them. Galina smiles, but JoJo looks focused on the screen. Not even a minute later the match was over. I felt bad for not watching. Even though he didn't win, I felt bad. JoJo looked happy her dad won.

"Are you guys gonna congratulate him?" I ask. JoJo got all excited.

"I thought we could wait here." Galina suggested.

"Since, I'm gonna go see Randy when he gets back here you want to join me?" I ask her. She nods excitedly.

"Be careful." Galina warns as we walk out. I walk into the gorilla as Randy is walking back here. I gave him a small hug, before Joe walked back here. His eyes landing on JoJo. I smiled as the two embraced. Alanna then came over with Randy's mom.

"Hey you two." She says as Alanna goes for a big hug. Brie walks over with Nikki and Stephanie.

"We were just discussing tomorrow's event, and what's going down. Care to join?" Stephanie asks.

"Sure." I say as I join them.

"Any confrontation between the four of us?" I ask.

"There is some with Brie and Nikki along with you and Colby and me. You two are actually breaking up. He tries to get you to just apologize and come back to the Authority. He insults you and Brie after realizing he's getting no where. You go for a low blow before comming after me." Stephanie says to me.

"Thank God." I say.

"I can't wait for this tag team match." Nikki says with a smile. I couldn't wait either.

edited: april 17, 2018

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