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Randy and I weren't on the card for tonight so I started working on my speech. I turned on my Bluetooth speaker and turned on J. Cole. All from his recent album. 2014 Forest Hills Drive. The song that had just come on was Wet Dreamz. I was getting really into writing everything, except for some sort of story. "This is a great song for us being alone." Randy says. I continue writing. "Oh really? How so?" I ask. "Really?" He asks. "Yeah." I say still not looking up. "Never mind." He says. I chuckle. "Are you almost done?" He asks. "Almost. I've got the story that needs to be written." I say. He nods. "Do that later." He says. I shrug. "Okay." I say. I set everything off to the side. "Nows the perfect time to film." I say. "Later." He says. "Lay with me." He says. I laugh and shut off the speaker. "Monday night. I'm supposed to be an interviewer. I mean like the main one along with set up my match." I say. "Well, why are you interviewing?" He asks. "I'm supposed to be doing both, just incase we run out of people someone is on deck and can dive in no issue." I say. "So, your birthdays in a month and I want to know if we're doing anything?" He asks. I shrug. "Well, I'll be inducting Alundra Blayze in the hall of fame." I say. He nods. "Is there anything you want to do though?" He asks. "Be with you, sadly I won't. With the hectic schedules and day it falls on I don't think anything is to be done. If I spend 10 minutes with you I'll be happy." I say. He smiles. "I love you so much." He says. I smile. "Well, we won't see each other all day because of Hall of Fame." I say. "Actually the morning is ours." He says. I smile. I get on my phone and see a text from Eric.
E- Call me
I roll my eyes but call. Putting him on speaker so Randy can hear
"Hey." I say when Eric answers.
"Hey, so what happened with Randy?" He asks.
"He said I think we should breakup." I say.
"Nothing else? Just hey Hailee I think we should break up?" He asks.
"Essentially." I say.
"Can I set you up on a date?" He asks.
"Yeah! Cuz we know how well that turned out last time." I say.
"Sorry dude." He says mocking me.
"Whatever." I say.
"Okay, that was all. Just wanted to know because you never texted me back." He says.
"Eric. One more thing." I say.
"What?" He asks.
Randy shrugs telling me to continue.
"Randy and I never broke up." I say to him slowly.
"But I heard you guys break up." He says.
"How'd you hear that?" I ask playing dumb.
"Oh, um I was listening to your argument since you accidentally called me." Eric says.
"Oh did you now?" Randy says.
"We already knew. That's why we did this." I say to him.
"I hate you guys." He says.
"Gotta admit that was a good one Eric." Cass says.
"Thanks Cass." I say.
"Well, Cass and Leah heard you arguing why did I get this lesson?" He asks.
"What's that? Coming Randy." I say pretending that Randy called me.
"Listen dude. I gotta go." I say before hanging up.
Randy rolls his eyes. "Want to go the gym?" He asks. "Can we have a one on one?" I ask. "Why not?" He shrugs. I smile and get up changing into workout clothes. He does too and we go to the gym I was at earlier. We head to the back where the ring was and AJ is here still, but he has Fergal. I pull Randy over really quick. "Hey guys." I say. "Hey Hailee." Fergal says. "Hey." AJ says
"I thought you had a Smackdown taping tonight." Fergal says. "Oh, we did, but Randy and I aren't on the card, so were here for a one on one." I say. "You gonna win this one?" AJ asks me. "I gotta give credit to where its due. I went against a really good competitor." I say to him. "Thanks." He says. "You guys sparred up?" Fergal asks. "Yeah, he kicked my ass." I say. "Styles Clash and your done." He says. I chuckle. "I definitely want to see who'll win this." AJ says. I shrug and get in the ring. Randy follows. "I'm the ref." Fergal says. I nod and he pretends to signal the bell. We lock up and I kick him in the gut. He responds with the same thing. After trading a few punches with him. He gets in a really good one. I stumble back and punch him back. I set him up for my submission move and he ended up reversing it into a pin. I kick out at 2 and smirk. I give him a drop toe hold and punch him. "Oh." I hear AJ say. He gets up and I attempt to hit him with an RKO. He blocks and hits me with one of his own for the three count. He helps me up after he stands up. I smile. "I for sure thought you were gonna win." AJ says I shrug. "It's one of those off days." I say. "We gotta head back soon if we're gonna be on time for our flight." Randy reminds me. "Sir yes sir." I say. He chuckles. "I'll see you guys soon." I say. Fergal nods. AJ just smiles. "See ya." Fergal says as I lace my fingers with Randy's. We leave and shower back at the hotel before packing all of our stuff. Stephanie and Paul came back and we got on a plane. A few hours later we landed and had went through checking and all that. We started driving to the hotel. "Cute shiners you guys got." Paul says. I look at Randy and he already has a giant bruise. Apparently I have one too. We both kinda laughed. Both on our right eye. "What did you two do while we were gone? Beat each other up?" Stephanie asks. "Yeah." I say. "We had a little match." Randy elaborates. "Did Hailee win?" Paul asks. "Nope." Randy says. "But, I got an RKO, so I'm not really all that mad though." I say. Randy chuckles. "She went to RKO me, but I blocked and hit her with one." Randy says. "You got a black eye from an RKO?" Paul asks. "No. I backed him into the turn buckle and traded a few punches and he hit me with one really good one." I say. "Then she got frustrated after I reversed her finishing move. She hit me with a drop toe hold and hit me pretty good" Randy explains. They chuckle as we pull up. Not bad for New York Traffic. We walked in and I saw Cass talking with his sister who I hadn't seen in quite some time. Any time the boys threw a party, she was sure enough to be there. I decided I'd see them later. It was early. We got up to our split rooms and walked in. Randy claimed his chair with all his junk and I put mine on the floor.

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