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I walked out to the commentary table. "Hello guys." I say with a small wave. "And here is the chick crazy enough to join AJ Lee as a tag team partner." JBL introduces. I laugh. "Why did you join AJ?" Byran asks. "Because. She and I have the same target and that's the Bella's. Instead of a numbers advantage on the Bella's part like always. It's a fair fight." I say. "You have poor judgement." JBL says. "John your supposed to be watching the match not insulting our guest." Michael says stepping in. Summer then stands in front of me. I raise my hands in defense. April walked over to bring her in the ring and she went to super kick Summer, but Summer moved leaving me to getting super kicked in the jaw. I stumbled backwards and stood by the barricade for support. The bell rang because Summer tapped and I went in the ring. "You okay?" She asks me concerned. I nod and then the Bella's music hits. "How cute. Just look at these idiots. Pretending to like each other because of what? You won diva of the year, or you want to take us down?" Brie asks. I grab a microphone along with April. "We don't have to like each other as long as we kick their ass right?" I ask April. She nods. "You won't, because like it or not. I'm your divas champion." Nikki says. "Not much of a divas champion." April says to her. "You guys are just upset were better than you. Cuz everyone wants to be a Bella." Nikki says pretending to show herself off. "Oh gosh. Are you guys really that stupid? No one likes you guys enough to be one. In case you didn't realize I'm don't want to a brain washed plastic barbie doll." I state. Nikki takes a few steps forward pissed off clearly. Brie holds her back. "Fight me like a real woman!" She shouts. "Oh, so touchy subject." April says with a chuckle as I hold the ropes for her to step in. She backs up. "Yeah right." She says before leaving. They go somewhere backstage and we head to the back. I go to change into a definitions of wrestling camisole, a pair of cropped pants, and lacy high tops. When I finish I go to where Jon, Colby, Zahra, and Randy were last. "That kick looked like it hurt." Colby says. "That kick wasn't supposed to happen. She wasn't supposed to kick me." I say. Jon smirks. "Only you." He says. "I know right." I say with a smirk. "Let's talk Wrestlemania. Did you hear what they are trying to do?" Colby asks. "No. What?" I ask. "They want Joe to win the Royal Rumble. Face Lesnar." Colby says. "What's weird about that?" Randy asks. "Everyone knows that Joe is gonna be the new Cena when John is gone." Jon says with a shrug. "He's winning. It kinda annoys me. Like we know Joe is strong and good, but it's not normal for Lesnar to lose against people like that." Colby says. I shrug. "I guess, but doesn't that mean you'll most likely cash in on him?" I ask. "Not at Wrestlemania. That's never happened." Randy says. "We've got a match together, so I highly doubt they'd have me cash in when I've already been out there." Colby says. "I don't think I'm even wrestling." Jon says. "Why? You probably get the most reactions out of all of us." I say to him. He laughs. "Do you have any match?" Zahra asks me. "Hopefully. All I know is the only divas match is a tag team match, and I bet it will be on the preshow, and not even be 10 minutes." I say. "Hailee, can we talk for a moment." Mark says to me, with Jane. That's what terrified me. When Jane was there it was pretty serious. "Yeah." I say after a moment. I walk away with them. We go into an office and Mark says "Relax your not in trouble." I sigh in relief. "It's a few things we just need to go over with you, and hope you'll be fine with it." Jane says. "Your not going to be divas champion. We had someone very close to Nikki prove some very excellent about keeping her Divas Champion. He said valid points about himself, the divas title and Nikki." Mark states. It had to have been John who took my title shot away. What other guy is close to Nikki? "Next up, the show you and Renee were supposed to do. You got cut from it. You will be a guest on the show at one point of another." Jane says with a small smile. I nod. "Oh okay." I say. "Next off how do you feel about Wrestlemania?" Mark asked simply. "Um, why?" I ask. "No reason." Jane answers. "I think it's probably the best show to be on. It's like our Superbowl. It's the day we show off. Like big time. The matches are higher stakes." I say. "Glad you think that because your going to be on the preshow panel, and possibly a match, depending on what we do to the divas division." Mark says. I smile really big. That sounded great. I get TV time and hopefully a match. Royal Rumble wasn't gonna turn out how I wanted but Wrestlemania would be. "I have a question that just dawned on me. Why don't the divas have a Royal Rumble match?" I ask. "We tend to stick them in battle royals instead of a Royal Rumble because we don't need the talent of the divas locker room to be hurt by this, and we don't think the audience would be too interested in seeing two Royal Rumble matches." Jane answers. I nod. "Was that all?" I ask. "One last thing. We're also doing tough enough as you know and we want you to be one of the judges when we start filming in June." She says. "Heck yeah!" I say. "That's perfect, and we will update you the closer we get to the season." She informs. "Thank you both." I say to them. Mark nods and Jane just sits there. I get up and leave. I've now gotta find John. I walk past the group I was with. John was a few feet away from them. I walked over and smiled falsely. "Hey John." I say. "Hey Hailee. What's up?" He asks. "I just got done talking with Mark and Jane." I say with a shrug. "Oh cool." He says. "Yeah, they told me something really interesting." I state. "What?" He asks. "That I'm no longer leaving Royal Rumble as divas champion. Someone convinced them to change their mind." I say with a small shrug. "You know it wasn't because I didn't want you champion. It was because I wanted Nicole to be champion longer than 2 months. She deserves it." He explains. "I've had 2 other times I was supposed to be divas champion, but it got changed last minute. Then the face of the company just comes and poof. I loose another shot." I say to him. "Sorry." He says. "You can't just mess with the divas division because you want Nikki on top. That's like me going to Mark and Jane and making you lose the title because I want Randy to win it." I point out. He shrugs. "I guess." He says. I then walk away. I went back to where Randy was.

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