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"Hey, I saw your match. Nice job." Jon says. I smirk.

"I now have to find a way to completely ignore them up until this match." I say.

"Well, want to go to the Shields place of business I mean we don't allow girls, unless were dating them but we can make an exception." Jon says. I smile.

"That would be nice, but I have to ditch the stripes first." I say. He shrugs.

"Take your time. Not like I was doing anything productive." Jon says. I smile.

"Thanks." I say. He nods. I head into the locker room and change into a golden colored bralet. I grab a jacket and head back out. I go and find Jon but as I'm a few feet away from Jon Ana walks over. I fake a smile.

"So. I was told we had a segment." She says handing me the script. Pretty much Ana wants to be friends and I tell her off. It involved a hug and some of my patience. Jon smirked as he saw the camera. I hold up 5 fingers indicating when I'll be back. He nods. I start walking alone in the hallway. Then Ana wraps her arms around my neck hugging me. She smiles as I take a step back.

"I know we have this triple threat, on Sunday but I was wondering if we could be friends?" She asks hopefully. I smile.

"Sorry sweetheart. In order to win the divas title you can't have friends because friends bring you down. Having friends doesn't get you the divas title and it certainly doesn't have you keep that divas title." I say.

"But were so alike. Like what if we got Paige out of the equation and then it's just you and I." Ana suggests. I laugh.

"We're not friends. We're not going to be friends. If I had the option to I'd kick you right in the face if it wasn't for the match later on." I say before muttering.

"Oh what the hell." I kick her right in the chin. I smile as I walk away I turn back to face her.

"Only a taste of what's going to happen at Payback." I say leaning down. Pretty sure anyone who walked past me saw my ass but oh well. I stand up and actually walk away. I didn't help her up when the camera went off till Jon have me that look. I stomp my foot.

"Fine." I muttered. I helped her up and she smiled.

"Thanks." She says. I nod not saying a word.

"Wait, don't you think we should talk game plan?" She asks. I look to Jon who is smiling like an idiot.

"Um, not in the mood. Game plan for tonight is make sure you both know I don't like to loose." I say before walking away to Jon.

Once were close to the Shields locker room he asks "What was that for?"

"What was what for?" I ask as he opens the door.

"She was totally into you. She wants you back...real bad." Jon says as Joe is sitting there. I laugh.

"No, she wanted to talk game plan. There's a difference." I say.

"Ana troubles?" He asks.

"Just the tip of the ice burg." I state.

"You two should totally date." Jon says. I laugh.

"That's funny. Why date when making her jealous is fun?" I ask.

"That indicates you still have feelings for her." Joe says. I roll my eyes.

"Fuck you guys. I came here to escape the divas." I say. Colby walks in.

"I just bad the best conversation with a raven-haired diva." He says clearly talking about Saraya. He then sees me and stops.

"Oh, no please continue." I say to him.

"Okay, well she said she was gonna try talking with her tag partners tonight. She wants allies." Colby says.

"This is shaping up to be one giant headache." I say. Jon hits Colby in the back of the head then whispers something in his ear.

"Sorry, I guess I won't finish the best part." Colby says. I shrug.

"Anyways. Cute segment. Ana was totally into you." He says. I nod.

"Whatever. I've gotta to go the trainer and grab more tape." I say.

"What for?" Joe asks.

"Emergencies." I say with a small shrug as I stand up.

"Wait can we talk like adults then?" Joe asks. I shrug and sit back down.

"Is it awkward for you seeing her?" Jon asks. I shrug.

"I mean if I had sex with Colby then the very next day I started dating Joe would it be awkward? Hell yeah. Does it mean I might have feelings for Colby? Hell yeah." I say. They go wide eyed for a moment.

"Wait, Not what I meant. Maybe I still do love her." I mumble.

"Shit. I've gotta go." I say before abruptly standing up and going to a dark hallway with a TV. I watched and waited till the match was almost over. A producer walked over.

"You're needed in the gorilla right now." He says.

"Thanks." I say getting up and rushing. I walk in and my music starts playing. My teammates are already out there along with opponents.

"Hey, remember to ditch them halfway through the match." Someone says. I then go out the curtain. I do my pose and walk down the ramp. I step in the ring and smile at my teammates.

"I'll start." I say. They shrug as Brie gets into the ring. We go back and forth throwing punches then I hit her with a clothesline. She falls and I go to the top rope. I just get up there and when I go to jump up I pretend to hurt my ankle. I grip it and attempt to tag. Ana reaches her hand out and I tag immediately. I sit on the floor holding my ankle before standing up and starting to walk to the back before I'm getting spun around. I look and see Saraya shouting at me. I hit her with a spinning heel kick. I blow a kiss towards Ana as she got pinned. I walked to the back and Randy smiled at me as I walked to the crate he was sitting on. He pecked me on the lips and grabbed my hand.

"You did great." He says with a smile. I smirk.

"Just fantastic the way I left my teammates." I say as we continued walking.

"Well, if I didn't know any better I'd say you were trying to avoid me." Randy says as Ana walks past. Glaring at me and Randy.

"I'm not, but I'll see you later." I say kissing him.

"Okay, see yah." He says with a smirk. I nod.

Saraya walks to the back and says "Can we talk?" I shrug.

"Look, I just want to say sorry about this little fight we had. I certainly don't hate you. I just want to have a clean slate." She says. I nod.

"We aren't always gonna see eye to eye. We're gonna obviously fight. I think I might have been a bit too insensitive." I say. She smiles.

"Well, maybe we could go out to dinner, and catch up?" She asks.

"Maybe invite another diva." I suggest so it isn't as awkward. She nods.

"Sounds fantastic." She says with a smile.

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit after I shower." I say. I desperately needed to shower, Saraya on the other hand didn't. She hadn't been in the match.

EDITED: April 15, 2018

Princess Lawler - R. Orton Where stories live. Discover now