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I walk into the arena looking pretty nice if I do say so myself. I was wearing a black V-neck which was covered by Randy's jacket, and a pair of ripped skinny jeans with converse. The spotted former Shield members and Randy talking with one another. I wasn't sure what to say to Randy yet. We hadn't talked, or interacted in anyway since Wednesday morning. I pretended to not see them and continue walking. I went to the divas locker room. 20 minutes later I left after just talking with the other divas. I started walking to hair and makeup and on the way Randy was talking with Stephanie. I immediately stopped trying to rush going there and went to find Jon, Colby, or Joe. Anyone of them would work. I thankfully found all three of them.

"Hey." I say with a smile.

"I've missed you Hailee." Colby says.

"Why because you don't have another girl to kiss?" I ask. I never got the chance to talk to him about what I saw. I was furious. His eyes went wide for a split second before he placed a look of confusion on his face.

"What's she talking about?" Joe asked chuckling.

"I don't know. What's up with her?" Colby asks. Jon just stayed quiet.

"Could be hormones from that child." Jon says now getting involved against me.

"I told you not to tell." I say to Joe.

"Oh, I didn't that was Randy." Joe says with a smirk.

"Okay, fine. Whatever." I say with a sigh before walking away, but Jon joins me.

"I had to go against you. I wanted to say the truth, but I thought maybe. He had a reason. Colby never cheats." Jon says. I roll my eyes.

"So, you make me look like the idiot?" I ask.

"Just drop it I'm sure it's nothing." He says running a hand through his hair. I give him a look.

"How about this, I talk to him while you get ready." He suggests. I smile.

"Please?" I say. He nods.

"Okay." He says. I then leave him and go to hair and makeup. Thankfully Randy wasn't there so I was in and out without worrying. I checked to see what I was doing for tonight, and I had a match. Against Nikki. A one armed match. The good thing? I could take my frustration out on Nikki because Nikki was gonna get her arm tied behind her back before I attacked her. It was the second match. I got my ring gear on which were my kick pads, a Varsity black and white jacket, a turquoise bralet, white wrestling pants, and dark smokey glittery makeup. I looked hot. If I do say so myself. I put Randy's jacket on and went to catering to chill out. Randy was in there talking to Paul, Stephanie, and Glenn. I ignored them and Randy dropped them and walked over to me.

"Wanna talk?" He asks grabbing my hand. I sigh. I know that I can't ignore him forever.

"Sure." I mumble. He smiles really wide and we leave the catering area.

"I don't know what I did wrong. That's just how I'm gonna start off." He says.

"Not too much what you did." I say with a sigh. I'm blowing it out of proportion, but it's because I'm scared.

"Okay, then why aren't we talking?" He asks.

"I'm scared. When you mentioned that it scared me. I didn't mean to just get up and leave, but I just needed to." I say to him looking up reading his face for something...anything. Nothing.

"I don't know what else to say." I say with a shrug.

"Can I play the card of being angry with you now? Like how can you just walk out on a simple conversation we were having, walk back in and expect everything to be hip and dandy? At the same time, I also talked to people and learned I probably shouldn't have brought it up. It was a mere thought." He says.

"I'm confused." I say. What was his point? To make me cry if this didn't end soon?

"I'm not." He replies.

"Quit with this Tough guy facade. It doesn't work on me." I say kinda annoyed.

"Well, it means were both fucking stupid and apologized for our mistakes." He responds. I look up with hope. He said were good. I smiled as he leaned down to kiss me, about an inch away from my lips Stephanie and Paul says "Randy. Your segment." I smirked a little as a hint of annoyed flashed through his eyes but he shrugged before leaving. I smiled as Stephanie glanced back at me with a smirk. I go and find a quiet hallway and stretch. After a little while it was time for me to be in the gorilla. I headed in and Nikki was there. Randy, and Colby were there with Paul and Stephanie. Nikki gave a smile in my direction. Nikki's music hit first as I shook my wrists out looking in space. Then mine hit and it took me a moment before going on there and slapping a smile on my face. I posted at the ramp getting boos. I shrugged it off and dissed the crowd. I stepped in the ring and Nikki was having her hand tied behind me back. When she was done I hit her with a punch before I gripped her hair and shouted.

"Where's Brie?" I slapped her with the other hand before shouting

"Oh yeah! She left a poor excuse of a woman!" I got hit with a good hit to the nose. I got angrier in character and beat down on her throwing her out the ring. She landed weirdly on her knee, but I continued on the attack.

"Poor Nikki!" I said in her face before hitting her with a super kick. I rammed her into the barricade before hitting her with one last super kick. I then mimicked the Bella body roll and put my hand up in the L like Nikki always does before I left the ring smiling. I walked to the back with a small smirk. I felt a lot better.

edited: april 17, 2018

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