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I was doing a heavy work out with Paul. I was wearing athletic shorts and a black tank top that was super comfortable. I finished my weights and starting doing push ups, sit ups, crunches and burpees. After about 10 minutes I was sore as anything, but Paul wasn't done. That meant I wasn't either. I went to the treadmill and set it for a mile. I finished after my mile and went to get water. Paul still wasn't done. I did the ball then did a bit of yoga with weights. It made breathing/stretching exercises harder. I had nothing else to do, but there was a ring in the back and I was eyeing it. I walked to the back and put one hand on it and someone behind me spoke. "You wrestle?" He asked with a thick, and I mean thick southern accent. Like in a scale of 1-10 he was a full blown 10. I was about a 2. Some days my accent was a ten other days it wasn't there. "Yeah. You?" I ask turning around and seeing someone who looked familiar, but I couldn't figure out who it was. "Yep. Since 1998." He says. "Wanna do one on one?" I ask. "How long you been wrestling?" He asks. "Since I was 17." I say. "I'm Allen, or AJ. Either one." He says. "Hailee, ring name is Alexis Lawler." He nods. I step into the ring with him and he says "Nothing dirty." I nod. "Wasn't planning on going dirty." I say. He chuckles. We lock up and he says "Were not going 120 right?" "Nope." I say before we start going into the matchup. Soon he hits me with a belly-to-back inverted mat slam. I'm done. He counts to three and gets off me. He helps me up and I gladly take it. "Your good kid." Paul says coming over. AJ smiles. "Thanks." He says. "You wrestling anywhere?" Paul asks. "Yeah actually I'm wrestling in Japan with a company called New Japan Pro Wrestling." He informs. "Well, if you ever are lookin for a little gig call me." Paul says. "I've got just a few more titles I need to win before I go there." AJ says. Paul nods. "Oh but trust me. I'll be there soon." He says. Paul nods. "You ready to head back?" Paul asks me as we leave AJ. I nod. "Yeah. Let's go." I say. I shower quickly and fix my outfit. I had an interview to do. They actually wanted to talk wrestling, so I was all for it. I drove to the place I was told and walked in getting greeted with literally a single Rose and a cup of coffee. I gladly took both and smiled. They know how to treat guests.

I sit at the table and do as I'm told

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I sit at the table and do as I'm told. The person comes out and sits across from me. "Hello." He says shaking my hand and putting on the headset. I do the same. "Welcome to the Whatculture Wrestling Podcast. I'm the host Simon. Here with WWE diva Alexis Lawler." The man says. I nod. "Hey guys." I say. "So. I know this isn't wrestling related, but what happened to your voice?" He asks. I chuckle. "So, I've got Laryngitis which has caused me to loose my voice, and I don't know if you heard me promo yesterday but it's getting better." I say. He nods. "Now, the theme this week on our podcast is Best and Worsts of Wrestling. What is your Best moment since you've been wrestling with WWE?" He asks. "I don't want to say the cliche answer of when I won the title at Wrestlemania, even though that was a great moment, I'll say the day I debuted. It was so surreal and I got to work with AJ Lee. Who is a phenomenal wrestler." I say. "I feel like you haven't had as long of a career as other Divas, so it would be acceptable to say when you won the title. I mean it was the grandest stage of them all with the longest reigning divas champion. I think that's an equation that equals success." He says. "Yeah. Most of my matches are against the 'better' wrestlers who have been doing it longer, and have more experience. You've got people like Natalya, and Paige who have been doing this for a long time it's unbelievable and I'm glad I got to share the ring with them." I say. "Now onto the worst." He says. "I haven't had a lot of injuries or truly bad moments in ring. I'm gonna say this and I'll explain why after. When I was in a mixed gender tag match with Seth Rollins against Dolph Ziggler and Paige." I say. "Why?" He asks. "Ziggler did a suicide dive and Seth moved out the way. I got hit with it and broke a few of my ribs and I'm a stubborn person when it comes to injuries so I had wrestled with broken ribs for a few months. After a while I finally went to the trainer and they put me out for a couple of weeks to make sure I healed and wasn't hurting my body even more." I say. "What has been your longest feud to this day?" He asks. "Openly it would be Nikki Bella, then one that isn't as open and extravagant, but she still has a vendetta against me and you still see it from time to time is Stephanie McMahon." I say. "Yeah like when you won the Divas title. Stephanie was out there to restart the match after a fast count." He says. I nod. "Now how long have you been wrestling?" He asks. "I started training when I was 17 and started actually wrestling at 18, so going on 11 years." I say. "Where did you wrestle?" He asks. "When I first started my dad introduced me to Memphis wrestling, so I was there about a year and a half before moving into a brief time with TNA, then CZW, then I was in FCW. Then the brand changed to NXT." I say. "What's the worst part about NXT?" He asks. "Well, I know anyone that is currently there or had been pulled up knows the hardest part is waiting. It's really hard to watch everyone be pulled up and wonder when that'll be you. The guy that got there before you could be pulled up tomorrow and you could be pulled up years from then. It's just hard especially if they are a friend. NXT is like a family and to have one of your friends get pulled up its really hard. You want to be happy for them, but your also upset it isn't you." I say. He nods. "Yeah. It's also a matter of you thinking that it's gotta be you." He says. I nod. "Yeah, but I've got the mentality while I was there that I needed to leave, but now that I'm not there I miss all the friends and bonds that I had made." I say. He nods. "Where did you like the most? We all have one place that just was better." He asks. "I'm not saying that because I work there, but WWE. It's really fun and no matter how long some days are or how hard I've worked the end result is amazing." I say. "What was your first injury you got while wrestling?" He asks. "Um I think it was a torn ACL." I say. He nods. "On Monday we saw you wearing a sawft shirt. What does it mean?" He asks. "Well, on Monday 3 of my friends from NXT were at Raw. They were in a dark match. Collin Cassady, Enzo Amore, and Carmella. Cass asked me if I was up for wearing one of their shirts. Of course I said yeah! I mean I love representing NXT. It gets people into NXT and into the people down there." I say. "What's the story with these three? How'd you meet them?" He asks. "Well, Enzo was in Yoga with me. I absolutely hated him, but I warmed up to him. We started talking and he introduced me to his Partner Cass and I met Mella through Bayley. Zo is the loud, outspoken Jersey loudmouth, and Cass is the menacing side kick. Mella was the person who is the rodey, who picks up the slack when needed." I explain. "Did you ever think when you were younger that you'd be a wrestler?" He asks. "Actually no. When I was younger I never really thought about it. Yeah my dad was one, and I watched it heavily, but until I was like 15 it never occurred to me that I could wrestle." I say. "We're you scared people wouldn't take you seriously?" He asks. "No, at the time I didn't care. I just put myself out there. Looking back at it though quite a few places didn't take me seriously. They were places I really wanted to go, and they kinda laughed in my face." I say. "If I were a wrestler what would you name me?" He asks. "Are you taller than me?" I ask. "Yes." He says. "Over 6 foot?" I ask. "Nope." He says. "Why?" He asks. "Well, if you're shorter than 6 foot you typically don't have the names you'd have walking down the street. It'd be bigger and better, since you're smaller." I say. He nods. "Buona Disp." I say. "What's that mean?" He asks. "Well, it's Italian and it means Good Avail, and Avail means help." I say. "Would we be a tag team?" He asks. "We would not be a tag team." I say. "What would my finishing move be?" He asks. "The people's elbow, but so you don't get copy righted yours would be called the helping elbow." I say. "Yours is helping hand, I'm helping elbow. Why not?" He asks. He asks. I laugh. "Why not? I mean can you throw a punch?" I ask. "Yes." He says. "One more than Nikki Bella." I say. He laughs.

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