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I was sitting in the catering area. Where we all were told to meet in. Since the Slammys were today we met up to give out the online ones. I doubt I would get anything. We finally started when everyone got here. Then my name was called up to get my slammy. I grabbed it and sat down. It was for Randy and I because we got best couple of the year. A little bit later my name was called again but, for Randy this time. I grabbed his a chuckled. It was for # of the year. #RkoOuttaNowhere
"Awe cute. Your like the trophy wife." April says sitting next to me. Then they start to call out what we actually win during the show. "Diva of the year." Mark says with a pause. "AJ Lee." She smiles wide. "And Alexis Lawler." Then my smile grows. They finish with the awards. April and I go up to Mark. "How did we tie?" I ask. "Well, you got 30% each. Therefore you tied, and both accept the slammy later on. We've now gotta write that in the script." He says before leaving. I laugh a little. "Well, that's perfect." April says. "I'm assuming they are calling it exactly how they told us " I say. She nods before leaving. I went and put the slammys in a bag. Afterwards I went to hair and makeup. I was running a little later than I'd like to, but it's okay. I took my time getting dressed, and put on my gear. I made sure I was pretty decent. "Hey Hailee, time for diva of the year." A producer tells me. I nod and go to the area we were told to be. There stood April, Paige, Nikki and Brie. I was told to stand in between April and Paige. I stood there with a cocky smirk on my face and then Randy walked in which turned my cocky smirk into a bright smile. I didn't know he was going to be here. That kinda made this night 10x better. I might have been ignoring him since that encounter with Stephanie, but I did miss him. I take my eyes off him and look at the screen. My father passed me and smirks. He walks out there and he looked pretty nice in his suit. We all listened as he started talking. "No matter who wins this. We all know I'm the real winner. And it's only fitting that the Queen of the Ring gets a hug from the King of the Ring. Maybe even a 5-way tie! And the winner." He says pausing to open it as the camera scans our faces before returning back to him. "AJ Lee." He says with a pause. AJ comes out and right before she starts talking he says "And Alexis Lawler." I smile before walking out there. Paige, and the Bella's looked furious. AJ awkwardly hugs him, and he leaves. Nothing mentioned towards me. A huge CM Punk chant breaks out. "I can't get rid of you!" She says to me. I smile. I shrug a bit. "So, I'm gonna make a deal. This benefits us both. Why don't we become a tag team?" She suggests as the crowd starts chanting "Yes!" Like Bryan does. "Well, the crowd loves the idea, so why not." I say. They then start cheering "Hug!" April and I both ignore it. "Well, three years ago when I entered the division. I said I would redefine what it means to be a diva. I think I did a great job. We have people like you, and Paige and... I was gonna say Summer Rae but just because you dance doesn't mean your good at wresting, and it doesn't make you less of the Barbie doll diva." She says with a pause. "You can be a nerd, a tomboy, you can be different and stick out in a crowd and still be divas champion, or in AJ's case a multiple time divas champion, with the record of longest reigning divas champion." I state as they cheer. "I hope Bayley, Sasha Banks, Charlotte, Emma, heck even Paige can win this next year. Till then," She says pausing. "Any of them can be next in line to the throne, but were not done ruling." I say. "And this Sunday, I'll take back what's mine and become a four-time Divas Champion." She says before skipping off backstage and I just walk back with mine. Randy immediately greets me. "Hey." He says attempting to give me a hug. I dodge it as a producer walks over. "Hailee, so we have promotional for you to do with the Network tomorrow night, and a few interviews. So, if you could come in a little earlier. Like maybe 1 or so." He says. I nod with a sigh. He smiles and walks away. So much for working out before the show. "Baby, you seem just a bit mad at me." He says. I shrug. "Not at all!" I say to him. "What did I do? You've been ignoring me for a little while." He says as I continue walking. When we were away from a lot of people he spun me around gripping my arm a little pulling me close. "What did I do? I'm trying here." He pleads. "What did you tell Stephanie to have her question Jon and I?" He opens his mouth. "No, I'm not done. You know very well you can trust him and I." I say. "She asked me how you were, I responded with we haven't talked since the day I was off, and stated you were most likely with Jon." He says before he spots someone walking over and he immediately pulls me close to him. Kissing me. That's what I was thankful for. He didn't continue when people were around. "Ew. Guys get a room." Jon says. I laugh. "So, like you know who's so cute?" Jon asks in such a valley girl voice. "Who?" I ask playing along. "Me, yet when you were talking hot guys and I was failed to be mentioned." He says. "Put that up with your girlfriend." I respond. He playfully glares. Then walks away. "So, you trust me?" I ask. He nods. "I do, very much so." He says. I smile and as we lean in to kiss one another were getting pulled away from one another. Stephanie with Randy and Jon with me. "Dude." He says. "What?" I ask annoyed. "Sorry to ruin that moment with Randy, but guess what I've found. She hasn't been around since that one day but, she's here today." Jon says pointing to Colby making out with this same woman. "Dude. You distract. I've gotta talk to her." I say. He sighs before calling Colby's name out. We both go over to him. "Hey," Jon says as the Raven haired woman and Colby separate. "Hey." I say mainly to this woman. "Zahra?" I ask confused the moment I saw her face. I knew it was her. "You two know each other?" Jon and Colby ask. I couldn't tell who had more shock in their voices. "Yeah." I say. "NXT." Zahra says. "What are you doing up here?" I ask. "We're just ya know. Hanging out. Messing around-" she pauses. "Making out." I mumble. "Um, he was showing me everything around here." She says as Jon playfully hits my arm. "So, I heard you and Randy won couple of the year. Congrats." Colby says. I smile. "Thanks. I would immediately say you and Leighla are couple of the year." I say thinking about if they can slip up. Zahra's eye color darkened, she faked a smile and nodded. "I know right!" She says with a laugh. "Your also looking at 1/2 of diva of the year." I say pretending to brag. "Oh wow. Nice job." Zahra says faking a smile. Randy then walked over looking stressed. "Sorry to steal her, but I need to talk to Hailee for a few minutes." Randy says quietly. They let me go. "No making out." Jon says. "Make out? Okay." I say joking. We walk away from their group and Randy asks "What did you say to Stephanie?" "Why?" I ask. "Cuz she says your extremely disrespectful. I mean, I'm not agreeing but what did you say to piss her off?" He asks me. I laugh. "She asked what Jon and I were. If there was a secret relationship, and implied you were the one asking so I said and I quote. 'If Randy has an issue with Jon and I then, he can put it up with me personally' and she didn't take that well." I say. "I don't know whether to be proud or be pissed." He says before I hear faint whispers in the background. "Jon and friends. You can show yourself." I say loud enough for them to hear. Jon comes out with Colby and Zahra. "Did you really think talking privately could be accomplished?" I ask with a laugh. He shrugs. "It's not nice to eavesdrop." Randy says. "It's fun." Colby says. "We could've been talking about sex." I say defending ourselves. "Sometimes I feel like you guys haven't done it. You just lie." Jon says jokingly. "Oh I dunno." I say trailing off and planting a kiss on Randy's lips. "When we make jokes about it you play along like 'oh god they will find out'." Colby says. "I don't think you want us to prove it." I say with a laugh. "No, there was the time we argued about her being pregnant. That's an example." Randy says. I laugh. "How do you argue over something factual like that?" Zahra asks. "Long painful story." I say. "You say long as if it was a month. It was like 2 days." Jon says. I laugh. "Was this your longest argument? Half a week?" Colby asks. "Hey Hailee. My match is next. Your on commentary." April says. "See ya later." I say to them before leaving. We go to the gorilla. We sit there waiting for them to hit Aprils music.

Princess Lawler - R. Orton Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin