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My music hits after Aprils. Receiving a big pop. Probably bigger than what I could've imagined. Paiges music hit as we wait on the ramp. This match was bittersweet. It was Wrestlemania and I got to get my hands on the Bella's. Bitter because this would be Aprils last match at Wrestlemania and tomorrow would be her last match. We stepped in the ring and then the Bella's came out.

We start with Paige and Nikki. Paige tackles Nikki quick. Nikki sends Paige to the corner and tags in Brie. Brie comes off the top rope with a big missile dropkick. Brie pulls back on the neck of Paige. April gets knocked down followed by me by none other than Nikki and Alicia. We recover then Brie goes for a big knee to April who was on the apron knocking me down who was standing right behind April and then a big knee to Paige. Tag to Nikki as The Bella's hit a double suplex on Paige. Nikki dropkicks me off the ring apron as Paige gets a close roll up. Nikki with a spinebuster on Paige. Nikki with her Rack Attack on Paige for a two count. Paige with a superkick to Nikki when Nikki accidentally caught Brie in the corner. Paige flips off the ring apron and takes out all three of The Bella's at ringside. The referee starts the count. He gets to 7 when Nikki rolls in. Hot tag to me. I with elbows to Nikki. Nikki tags in Alicia and I follow up with a clothesline and tackle. She rolls out the ring and I go to go after her but she pulls on my arm against the ropes. I felt a little pop as I drop to the ground writhing in pain and I barely tag in AJ then gets a kick to the face and then a cross body catching Nikki. Paige is in to drop Nikki. Brie jumps in and goes after Paige, and Alicia goes in as well. We hit them both with a spinning heel kick. I still holding onto my arm. AJ with a DDT countering off the shoulders of Nikki. Black Widow on Nikki that gets broken up. Brie grabs the leg of AJ and Nikki drops AJ. AJ kicks out. Paige kicks Brie away and sends her into the steel ring steps. AJ with the Black Widow on Nikki. Nikki taps. Aprils music hits as she reaches for a microphone. I look in confusion as she gives me and Paige a hug.
"So, yesterday was March 28. Alexis' birthday, and it just so happens to be that no one sang happy birthday to her so will you guys join Paige and I to sing?" She asks as I playfully glare at the two of them.
"Happy..." Paige says starting everyone off in the microphone before continuing just without the microphone as the crowd of 70,000 joins in eager to sing to me. I smile as I feel blush creep on my face. "Thanks!" I say before we get out of the ring. Much better compared to last year. I didn't cry. I got backstage and got a hug from Vince and Stephanie said I did good. I smiled through the pain in my arm and thanked them and went further into the back getting high fives and congratulations. I got to the trainer and sat on the table where Jon was sitting slumped in the corner. One of the various trainers went over to me handing me ice and examining my shoulder. I took off my bralet so the trainer could actually look at my shoulder. He studied it for a while and nodded to himself writing something down. He went to his little corner.
"That was a good match." Jon says. I smile falsely.
"Thanks." I say as the trainer bestows upon me a sling.
"Now we've gotta pop it back into place." He tells me. I groan but lay down on the table. He lifts my arm up slowly and inward before one swift motion and it's back in place. He puts the sling on and gives me ice placing it in so it won't fall off. I leave with my bralet to change and I get into my locker room where Paige is sitting next to April practically bawling her eyes out.
"Hey." I say walking in.
"What's wrong with your shoulder?" She asks.
"I've dislocated it." I say.
"You need help with anything?" April asks.
"I don't think so." I say while going to my bag and rummaging through for clothes. Was showering an option? Nope. Not really. Was I gonna try anyways? You betcha.
I walked into the bathroom area and took probably a 20 minute shower. Not even on purpose. It was supposed to be quick, but that didn't happen. Then it took forever for me to get my clothes on. Which was literally a dress and some flats.

I go and decide to find Randy, but inevitably find my way in Catering eating and what's most likely my dinner

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

I go and decide to find Randy, but inevitably find my way in Catering eating and what's most likely my dinner. Cass sits next to me with Eric.
"Hey." I say attempting to use my fork with my left hand. Slowly it was getting there, but not fast enough.
"Either of you saw Randy?" I ask.
"He was talking with John. Why?" Eric says.
"I haven't seen him since before my match." I say.
"Well, how's the shoulder?" Cass asks.
"In pain." I say as Randy walks over with a huge smile on his face.
"Hey!" I say kissing him.
"Boys, lady." Randy says nodding.
"Why are you so happy?" I ask.
"They've changed Reigns vs Lesnar out come. Colby's winning it now, which changes up what I was doing and I'm not getting a few matches for the title." Randy says.
"I'd love to stay and chat, but I have quite a bit on the agenda." He says before walking away.
"Man, he's weird." I say.
Eric chuckles. "I've gotta go the Preshow panel area to assist. I'll see you guys." I say.

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