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I had 3 more days as Nikki's 'assistant'. Brie was sick which meant I was stuck doing Bries job. Which meant what? Oh, only kissing April so Nikki wins the title. The match started and I immediately stepped on the apron. April looking over at me. Distracted as I held her title. The referee was shouting at me to get off the apron. April looked at me before trying to grab the title. I took a deep breath. I grabbed the back of her neck before kissing her as the audience 'oh'ed and April flailed her arms. I pushed her back off of me, and when she turned around she got nailed with a forearm then I jumped off the apron. April then got the rack attack. The bell rang and I pulled a face and gave her the title.

She shouted at me "Raise my hand!" I reluctantly did as Brie ran out there. Not looking sick what so ever. She raised Nikki's hand as the two embraced. I shook my head and left the ring as Nikki was shouting at me to come back. Instead of coming to the back and having Randy here I had no one. Randy was off shooting a movie, which left me alone. I sighed and got changed before getting a text from Randy.

To Hailee
From Randy
That kiss was hot

To Randy
From Hailee
lol, weird through you'd only want
me to kiss you like that...

To Hailee
From Randy
Great point.

To Randy
From Hailee
How's filming?

To Hailee
From Randy
Good. I should be done soon.
Get to come back February though.

To Randy
From Hailee
Almost 4 months dude!

To Hailee
From Randy
Sorry! Maybe soon we
can see each other.

To Randy
From Hailee
Hopefully! I miss you!

To Hailee
From Randy
I miss you too. One day
when were done filming
I'll try and see if we can
spend the day together.

To Randy
From Hailee
I'll text you later! I've gotta
do an interview. I love you.

To Randy
From Hailee
I love you more

I smile a little and get up. JoJo walks over.

"Alexis, what happened out there? Nikki Bella just won the Divas title." She asks. Nikki walks over smile plastered on her face.

"No! Don't answer that. Why don't you stand over here and hold the title. That'll probably be the closest you get to this." She sneers. I glare at her and hold the title.

"How many days left does she have being your personal assistant?" JoJo asks.

"She has 2 days." She says confidently.

"Congratulations on winning the divas title." JoJo says looking down.

"That's right. New divas champion. This title finally means something again!" She shouts. I roll my eyes.

"Thank you for your time." She says before walking away. I hand Nikki back the title. I've missed holding it. It's been forever.




I yawned and got up slowly. Cracking most the bones in my body. I then went to the bathroom, and showered. I put on work  out clothes and went down to the gym. I had about an 4 hours till I needed to be anywhere, and it was just to discuss where this storyline was headed. I made the most out of my time, between weight lifting, and doing some speed/agility I finished and took a shower. After my shower I gathered my bags and left. I went into the arena where Mark told me to meet up with him.

Princess Lawler - R. Orton Where stories live. Discover now