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I walk backstage quickly and coughed. A bit. There was a brief moment I had trouble breathing, but I was fine. I grabbed a water bottle and drank a bit. I went to my locker room and changed out of my dress. I smiled at my appearance and drank more water coughing again. I was walking to the gorilla when I found Randy. "Hey." I say to him. My voice came out raspy and scraggly. "Hello, 80 year old man." He says kissing me on the temple. "You okay?" He asks. I nod. "I'm fine." I say. "You sure?" He asks. "How do I sound?" I ask. "Awful." He says. "Well, I was hoping you said fine. That way I can say that's what I feel like." I say. He laughs and I laugh a bit with him, but somewhere along the lines it turns into a coughing fit. He rolls his eyes letting me go to the gorilla. I go past it that way I can go out to the ring announcer square. The moment Nikki's music hits I jump the barricade and get in the ring. I go after Nikki and going after Nikki means I quickly get taken down. It becomes three on one, and soon they stop. I am helped out the ring to make it seem like I'm really hurt. I got back there and Randy looked kinda worried. "Dude. Chill. I'm fine." I say. "Woa, Randy. I didn't realize you were dating a dude." Jessie says to him. I laugh. "Sorry." She says. I shrug. "Eh, he's said pretty much the same thing." I say. "I've gotta go now. We have some photoshoot coming up, and I have no clue what were doing." I say. "Do you ever?" He asks. I shrug. "Nope, but hey. I'm tired of getting yelled at for this." I say. He rolls his eyes and I go find Mark. I walk over and smile. "Hey." I say. He looks confused for a moment, and smiles. "Hey Hailee?" He asks. I nod. "Yeah, so when is our photoshoot?" I ask. "Tomorrow at noon, and I think we booked you for an hour. Since you take relatively the longest...with everything." He says. "I like to take my time and make it look nice." I say. "That's nice except for when we have a time limit." He says. I smile. "Now, more serious things. Your speech?" He asks. "Incomplete." I say. "You don't have much longer and it also needs to be approved." He says. Okay, so along with the drama I've got, and my busy schedule I don't have long to write this speech. "Okay. I'll get it done and share it to you by Friday." I say confidently. Incomplete didn't mean not done, but he didn't need to know. "Great. Plus you have to be on a news show with Roman. Just saying stuff about how Raw will be in Nashville. Tickets are still available. Starting at $15. Generic stuff." He says. I nod. "Okay, sounds great." I say. "Now, head to the trainer or something. Get that checked out." He says. I smile. "No problem." I say. I walk away or at least start to. "Hey Hailee. Trainers the opposite direction." He calls back to me. "Oh right." I say walking in the right direction. He checks me out and says "So, I want to say it's just Laryngitis." I nod. "Okay thanks." I say. He nods. I leave and go to Randy. "So, when are we leaving?" I ask him as he's talking to Jessie and Roy. "Bored already?" He asks. I smile. "No, actually I've got a speech to write." I say matter-of-factly. "I thought you had time." Roy says. I shrug. "Well, Mark was telling me I needed to get it done. I said it was almost done, and I'd have it into him by Friday." I say. He laughs. "We have to go to Nashville tonight. You can start working on it then." He says. "Mkay." I say. "Know what I'm excited to see?" Jessie asks. "What?" I ask. "Sting Vs Triple H." She says. "Oh me too. It's been a few months since I've seen him." I say. She nods and smiles. Time passes and its time for us to hit the road. We get in the car and Paul decided to drive. I sat in the backseat and started writing down some ideas. "Okay, so I've started writing ideas. I've got one. A while ago I read a book called 'The Last Lecture' by Randy Posh. "The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. They are there to stop the other people.' I know for a fact that I want to use that." I say. "Well, you obviously have to include her stint with WCW as the bitch Medusa." Paul points out. "Yeah, true." I say agreeing and typing that down. "The thing is I want to add how she has other things. She didn't just throw the title in the trash. She did tons before and tons after." I say. "Well, add that. You have the power of Google if you need a reminder of her career. You've also got the network." Stephanie says. I start tapping away again. "Arn Anderson has enough stories if you need any." Randy informs. I nod. "Yeah. I know." I say starting to type Arn's name and think that's enough progress. "So, what's up with your voice?" Stephanie asks me. "Well, I have laryngitis. I'm in the process of loosing my voice, but it should be fine in a few days." I say. Paul laughs. "So, a few more days of you sounding like that. Alright! Sign me up." Randy says sarcastically. I smile. "You sound like an 80 year old smoker with Lung Cancer." Paul jokes. "Well, speaking of. If it doesn't get better within a few days then I might have bronchitis." I say. "Are you allowed to wrestle?" Stephanie asks. "With Laryngitis yes. With Bronchitis nope. That's the equivalent to me me attempting suicide." I say. "Have you done it before?" Paul asks. "Suicide or Bronchitis?" I ask. They chuckle. "Bronchitis." He says clarifying. "Oh, yeah. It was my debut match down in NXT. I had bronchitis, but ignored it because it was my debut match. That was a mistake. I couldn't breath, and it was just awful." I say. "Why'd you wrestle? They could've postponed it." Randy asks. "Because I was young and stupid. As to now I'm just stupid." I say. They laugh. "I've heard that you could also get Mono from that right?" She asks. "What's mono?" Paul asks. "It's also known as the kissing disease. Mostly common for teenagers, but after you hit 30 you can't get it." I say. "Does that mean I can't kiss you?" He asks. "I don't know." I respond. "Have you gotten it before?" Paul asks. "Nope." I state.

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