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I pull into the airport and parked in a waiting lot. Randy was supposed to call when he got here. I pick up my phone and decided to call my dad. He surprisingly answered.

"Hey." I chirped.

"Hi." He responded.

"Can we talk later or tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yeah. I mean I've been needing to talk with you." He says.

"That's perfect!" I say to him.

"I'll see you when you get to the arena." He says.

"See yah." I say.

He hangs up and a few minutes later Randy texts.

To Hailee
From Randy
Just landed, West Ward
Wing lot A

I set my phone down and make it over there. He walks out 15 minutes later and puts his stuff in the trunk before getting in the front. I kiss him lightly before pulling off.

"I've missed you." He says drowsily.

"I've missed you too. Jet lag?" I ask him. He nods settling into his seat.

"You nap then." I tell him. He shrugs and slowly starts falling asleep. I drive us to the hotel grab Renee. We get to the arena and there's about 10 fans by the gate. I go over with Randy. Renee had to rush in because she was later than what she liked. Randy and I stay a good distance away and start signing/taking pictures. I then go down to the height of this 5 year old.

"Hi." I say with a smile.

She waves and asks "Can I have a picture?" I nod and take one from her mom's phone and give the phone back. She quietly thanks me and I start heading back. Colby then walks over and smiles at everyone placing a kiss on my head. That got everyone excited.

"Hey." I say with a fake smile plastered on my face. He completely ignores me after that so I go in the building. Randy comes in a few minutes after me. I put my hands on his chest and plant a firm kiss on his lips. He smiles instantaneously.

"Eat a snickers." Someone says as I turn around I see it's Paul.

"Why?" Randy asks.

"Because. You get a little horny when your hungry." He responds with a smirk. I chuckle as a smirk finds it's way onto Randy's face.

"I thought you weren't supposed to be here." Paul says to Randy.

"Beats sitting in the hotel room bored." He says. Paul nods.

"And you don't have a match, but you've got Colby's match." He says. I nod.

"I'll see you guys later." I say pressing a kiss to Randy's lips before leaving for hair and makeup. I then go out to where my dad is sitting at the commentary table. I grab a chair and sit next to him.

"Hey!" I say giving him a hug.

"I've missed hearing your voice." He says. I smile.

"Are you up to talk now?" I ask.

"Yeah! I just also want to say thanks for coming to the hospital and caring." He says. I smile widely.

"Of course! We might have not been on speaking terms, but I love you. Your the only father I've got." I say. He smiles.

"I over reacted." He says.

"You did." I say agreeing.

"I do it because I love you." He says looking over at me.

"That I know, but does that mean you accept us?" I ask him.

"Yes." He says with a slight nod. I smile really wide and give him a huge hug.

Princess Lawler - R. Orton Where stories live. Discover now