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I walked into my house very pissed off. Ever since Monday night a bunch of the Bella army was tweeting at me about how I'm ugly and wear too much makeup. I immediately got my camera. I set it up this time not where it was before, but in my 'office' type area to the room. I turned it on and looked in the view finder. I looked pretty decent. I grabbed makeup wipes and my makeup kit.
"Hey guys. It's Alexis." I say with a small forced smile.
"Recently I've had a bunch on my mind, that's why I'm home. To clear my mind. And because I'm clearing my mind. I'm making this video because of some thing that has started up since Monday." I say to the camera.
I pick up the makeup wipes and hold them up to the camera.
"Makeup wipes." I just state.
"So recently a bunch of Bella Twins fans have been going after me. Mainly on Twitter." I say with a small sigh
"I won't trash the Bella's on here, and I'm not going to trash them on here. If I do, ID certainly bleep it out..." I say before ranting about what happened with me and the Bella's on screen. That way I can pretend to bleep it out in the end.
"It's not my usual video, but I just want this as like a PSA." I say.
I wipe the makeup all off my face, and I go from Kim Kardashian to normal girl. Nothing too special.
"I have no makeup on whatsoever. Guess what. I'm fine with how I look. You guys aren't though." I say with a small smile.
"Guess what. If I'm fully okay with how I look why do you guys trash me on that?" I ask.
"This is the issue with a lot of Woman, and young girls. We have body image issues. I'm fine with what I've got. Why should I worry, 'I wish my nose was just a bit smaller?' We want to make ourselves the 'perfect' human in our eyes. Saying I want her hair, her nose, her eye color. Then you can be perfect, but if you have all those things it still won't be enough." I say.
"Honestly I could sit here and lie to you and say that I never had a single issue with my body because that's not the case. The case is I've learned to love me for me. Slowly, yet surely. I can call tons of people and ask them. 'Do you think I wear too much makeup?' I can bring my roommate in and ask 'Didn't I have body image issues?' I don't need to. But that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to call three people." I say to them. I take my phone and call Randy.
"I don't know if he will ans-" I say, but am cut off by the sound of his voice.
I bring the phone close the the camera while it's on speaker.
"Hey, I have a question for a YouTube video." I say to him.
"Okay, what is it?" He asks.
"Do you think I wear too much makeup?" I ask simply
"Your beautiful without it." He says I can hear the smirk form on his face.
"So, if we weren't dating would you think that?" I ask.
"I would probably say no. It's perfect you just highlight certain features." He says.
"Thanks." I say
"I love you." He says.
"I love you too." I say before hanging up.
"Okay, one person who says no. Now to the next person." I say while dialling Jon.
He answers and says "hello?"
"Hey Dean. I'm have a question." I say.
"Okay?" He says.
"Do you think I wear too much makeup?" I ask.
"No. It's not my face, why should I care?" He asks.
"Thanks, bye." I say.
"See yah." He says before hanging up on me.
"Okay this last person I hate, but to prove a point. They will be in this video." I say.
I dial Colby's number. He surprisingly answers.
"Hey, I haven't heard your voice in forever." He points out.
"I'm not calling for a reunion." I say.
"Okay, why are you calling?" He asks.
"Do you think I wear too much makeup?" I ask him.
"Yeah, a little." He says.
"Okay thanks." I say before hanging up and silencing my phone. It just a bit coming from him, but I guess when you are used to him saying Negative things it doesn't hurt as bad.
"Look. I'm not balling my eyes out. I'm doing this to prove a point. It doesn't hurt me. You can call me ugly, say I wear too much makeup, but something that I'm hating is those of you that say I wear too much makeup are usually talking about my makeup I wear to the ring. It's as if you guys don't know that I wear normal makeup when I'm not in the ring. Those of you who follow me on Twitter. A while back I had a picture of me and the quarterback for the Tennessee Titans. Reason being, I'm a huge Titans fan. We were in a gas station. Do you guys really think I was wearing such heavy makeup? I had on eyeliner that was it, and it was like 1 am." I say to the camera.
I didn't like the way that sounded so, I retried. I then realized. I shouldn't make this video. No matter how much I wanted to I didn't know what to say without it coming off offensive. Which was the last thing I wanted. I sigh.
"I'm not going to cry my eyes out because you think I wear way too much makeup. Not everyone in life is going to like me, and not everyone will respect me." I say with a shrug.
"I wear the amount I'm comfortable with. If that isn't up to your 'standard' then I'm sorry." I say with a shrug.
"That's all I'm going to say about this." I don't know how to finish this up.
"Well, next video I have a giant announcement and a special guest to help deliver the news. I'm super excited." I say.
"To leave it on a suspenseful note. I'll see you guys..." I paused. When would I try to upload.
"Maybe this week, or the week after. Anyways before I can delay my outro any longer. Bye guys. All my links to social media are in the description." I say to the camera. I get up and turn it off. I wanted to get straight to this. The sooner this was up the sooner it was all behind me.

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