" s**t mate!" Jesse laughed as gonzo punched him on the arm.

" aren't you drinking Jorja, you and Jess can crash at mine if you both want to drink?" maxi offered

" nah its ok maxi, I don't drink, don't like the taste" I said

" you don't like the taste, oh jesus Christ you poor girl you haven't been booze educated, you like coconut and sweet things?" maxi said  

" um, yeah why?"

" excuse me can I have a malibu and coke and blue WKD please?" maxi said to the bartender, he handed over a evil looking blue drink and a glass of coke. " right try the coke first" maxi said

I took a sip to find it was actually pretty good, coconuty and nice " hmm yeah that's good!" I said taking another swig. Maxi passed me the WKD and I took a sip out the bottle expecting something horrible, I was really surprized " wow!, I've missed out these past few years!" I laughed

" my good deed for the day is done" maxi said taking another bow, I just giggled at him, there was a warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach, it was nice but I knew I would be a lightweight tonight as it was my first night drinking, I just took small sips of the WKD and left the Malibu on the side for later

I turned back to Jesse, he smiled at me and put his arm around my waist " are you drinking?" he asked

" yeah!, its good!" I smiled " maxi said we could crash at his if we both want to drink, is that ok?" I said suddenly realising Jesse may have wanted us to go home instead

" that's fine babe" he said kissing me softly.

The DJ put on some songs and it was quite a sight seeing all these men in costumes doing these dances, seeing matt dee do a slut drop was hilarious though!

harries, chappo, jake and mouse all went up to the karaoke and drunkenly asked for a random song, the DJ out on lady marmalade from Moulin rouge.

The boys began singing terribly!, all our ears were burning as they sang the first part, but when they came to the chorus they didn't know the French part

I yelled out during a pause " voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir!" the way it was meant to be sang!

" you come and do it then!" chappo yelled back, someone pushed me forward and I was handed the mic.

I took a deep breath and began singing, it was pinks part " he sat in her boudiour whilst she freshened up, boys drank all that magnolia wine" I began singing. The boys all stopped singing whilst I sung, instead they danced next to me. It came to lil kim's bit and I risked it, I begun to rap the lyrics. The song finished and every clapped and cheered as I walked back to jesse

" that was great" he whispered in my ear as we watched reidy walk up to the stage and start singing thrift shop.

" This is a first" maxi laughed as reidy struggled with the rap

" walked into the club like what up I got a big cock im so pumped just bought some shit from the thrift shop, ice and the fringe is so damn frosty people like damn that's a cold ass hunky!" reidy slurred as we cheered and laughed. They switched the song over to apple bottom jeans and him and Jake began singing that, it was something you would need evidence to believe!

as the night went on the drinks began flowing and after a good few drinks I was feeling a bit tipsy. The boys started to do shots which I happily avoided, I watched as whippet and chappo began a drinking game, they did shot after shot until chappo couldn't do anymore.

Maxi took the karaoke and sung The horses by daryl Braithwaite, our ears were burning!. The DJ put gangam style on next so of course we all sung swim between the flags!  I did the dance with maxi and Jesse who were both pretty pissed, as the least drunk person there I managed to do the moves half decently unlike yatesy who just started doing the worm on the floor!

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