Then He Came Along❤ ~~ An Austin Mahone Fan Fiction

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"She's just not right."

"She's not..ugly.."

" she's just weird. I don't like her."

I was listening to a conversation like ones I heard often in school. Nobody likes me. They choose things about me to pick on all the time. I'm too weird. I'm too smart. I only have one friend. It's obvious why No one likes me. My dad made some decisions that weren't very good. You'd figure some people would have some sympathy for me at least!

Anyways though. I'm Jennifer. I'm 5'6, about 125 pounds, tannish with long curly dark brown hair. I don't guess I'm ugly. I've never been told I am. I've only had two boyfriends. Kyle and Logan. Douche bags. All boys are really. Well that's what I thought, then I met Him...

"Don't listen to them Jen..." My best and only friend Kayla said.
She's Jr. Captain of the cheer squad. She's been a cheerleader since she was in 5th grade. She wants to make Senior captain by our senior year. Which, she still has 2 more grades until that. We're only sophomores!

"Do I ever?" I chuckled

"No I guess not." Kayla smiled

I made my way down to my 8th hour class. I was so ready for the day to be over. Who isn't ? But, when you have to endure what I do, there's a reason too be.

I looked at Kayla. "Am I ugly?"

She returned a confused look. "No. No! Why? Did someone tell you that?"

"No, I heard Cassidy and Lani say I'm not ugly."

"Well, okay. Then you're not ugly? I don't know you have me confused."

"Well it wasn't like they said 'She's pretty' they said 'she's not ugly'."

"What's your point Jen?"

"When I hear someone say 'She's not ugly' I see someone who's not ugly but not descent. Not cute or pretty enough for anyone." I turned into class.

"You're beautiful, Jen!" Kayla lightly shouted

"Hush! I am not. You're my best friend you have to say that!" I blurted

"Jennifer....Kayla...please quiet yourselves." Said my Social Studies teacher Mr. Martin.

"I'm sorry, Mr. M..." I replied

"I know, Jennifer!" He laughed
"Okay. Class we have a new student appearing tomorrow. Now I wasn't supposed to tell so you can't spread outside this class!" Mr. Martin exclaimed.

He's my favorite teacher, and I'm pretty sure I was his favorite student. I couldn't stop thinking about this new kid. Is it a boy? A girl?

"He's a little older than some of you but the reason being is that his files didn't transfer in Social Studies, so he will be in here for only 2 quarters." Mr. Martin said.

"Hmmmm. A boy about 17 or 18.." I thought to myself.

I looked over at Kayla and flashed a big smile.

"What?" She mouthed the words to avoid getting in trouble again.

I shook my head at her. "Tell ya later!" I mouthed back.

The last bell rung. I looked at Kayla, grabbed up my binder and hurried out the door. I finally got to my locker and I crammed all my stuff in it. I waited for Kayla, who seemed as if she was taking forever. I waited for about another 30 seconds when I then seen her walking towards me with her purse and Algebra homework.

"What was you in there so smiley about, Jen?" Kayla said while shaking my locker.

"A boy. A boy, Kay! Everybody always loves the new kid. Everybody wants to always be their friend! Unless we get to him first! Now I know its a little-" Kayla cut me off.

"Are you stupid? I'm sorry but, what if it's not who you think it is? What if it's someone you don't wanna get involved with? What if he's.....What if he's ugly?!" She hammered her words at me.

I had heard enough. I closed my locker and walked out of the school and towards my car. I was a bit frustrated with her. I just left her there standing. "Ugly" i was tired of hearing that word. She didn't even let me put my point in! The point is, if i get to him first then no one at our school can bend and twist his mind into not liking me either.

Then He Came Along❤ ~~ An Austin Mahone Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now