Submission 1064

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So I'm not really sure where to start. I guess by saying that I have a former bestfriend who doesn't necessarily understand risks in life. For example; a few weeks ago my friend came to school high on Nyquil, Anti-deprrssants, whiskey, and pain pills. This friend has been in therapy for over a year and had been admitted into long term hospitalization due to suicidal thoughts and actions. Anyways, she came to school high as a kite so a friend and I decided to talk to the assistant principle. I knew I could count in him to handle the situation. I have been talking to him about creating a suicide awareness week in our school district due to the numerous suicides that have occured this school year. Anyways...we took our friend to the asst. principle. She was very hesitant and to say they were pissed is an understatement. She didn't understand why we were doing this and believed that we were doing it to get her in trouble and not that we genuinely cared about her.

It was first period and I had to use the bathroom. I was walking down the hallway when I saw the last person I wanted to see. My high friends ex-girlfriend. Her and I don't get along very well at all and she is queen bee at the school. She has been in numerous fights and kicked out of schools so she's not the most pleasant person to talk to. I walked into the bathroom where she chased me and pinned me against the wall. "Are you the one who snitched on NAME HERE about being high? You know they'll send her away, right?" At I this point I was speechless. I hadn't told anyone about what happened and I was shocked that she knew. I replied with "is rather her be sent somewhere to get help than to overdose and die." She didn't seem to notice what I said. She responded with "Just know that I have people after you. I will get you. Just you wait. Sleep with one eye open, bitch." These words are forever embeded into my memory and I have excessive anxiety that she will hurt me or my family. She knows where I live and where to find me. I walk the halls constantly on alert and ready to run. I talked to the same asst. Principle as i took the high friend to and he hasnt done shit to protect me. I am homeatly scared to be in my school or my house. The thought of her destroys me.

Now I don't have a happy ending. YET! I have to live in constant fear but it taught me something. Good friends will say everything will be okay. Great friends will text you saying the bully is in the halls and to be careful. Great friends with surround you in the hall and walk you to class. Great friends will create a wall of safety around you. I have the best friends I could ever ask for. That bully will not get passed them. If you have great friends, you have everything. 

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