Story 366

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Ok so this is my bullying story, ok so to start off I have a twin sister and me and her just started 5th grade (middle school) so we are both girls and as you would expect the normal preteen drama, right well this was different. There was this girl who lets call bully1. She was harassing us. She won't text me anonymous things, call me from restricted numbers, it was horrible. The worst part is my mom didn't belive me. So months past and the endof the school year was coming soon, the Bert thing happened, the bully moved. Ok so if was summer break and because of all the crap that happened I started like blocking everyone out

The summer ended and then sixth grade came ariund, and another bully appeared. Let's call her bully2. She made the whole school hate me, bully2 gave me death threats. I would come home crying most days😪, it was horrifying everything she did. This went on gor almost three months when my mom finally went to the school. She was sick of it too. The bully eventually started playing the victim and everything she did too me, she made it opposite and said I did everything. This bully even tried to hang them selfs with a little peace of grass while saying everything was my fault. Do once school ended my mom said that we were getting out of this mess, we packed up and moved an hour from that school. Im a lot happier were we are now. All my friends who I still keep in touch with tell me that bully2 is still a problem but I'm just happy I'm not a part of it anymore

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