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So my story starts from the minute I was born.... I know it might sound crazy... But the day j was born factors into my bullying story....

So my mom has really bad back problems... So for me, and my siblings... She had a C-Section to give us birth. Well as my doctor was delivering me I took a breath.. About 5 seconds before I was completely out. I swallowed some blood..and saline from her stomach. This damaged my wind pipe, making my voice about 1 1/2 octaves higher than it should've been. My whole 9 years of school, until this year when my voice took a HUGE FREAKING DIVE to 1-2 octaves below what it should be, I've had a super high voice, and gotten bullied for it. Not only was it for my voice, but also because my appearance was effected by it. Every year, I've heard "ugly,"

"Stupid"( which I don't understand how.. But you get the point,) and "gay" due to high pitched voice. Well throughout the years, I've stoop up to people, dint last long. Usually, I would get punched in the stomach or face. Well 7th grade came last year, got re zoned, moved schools, made new friends as well as enemies, and bullies. I got bad, emotionally, physically, just overall I wasn't a fun person to be around. Depression came, a little bit of anorexic activity came and I was terrible. I hated life. I wanted to kill myself. The words kept playing in my head from all the years, all the mistakes I had made, everything I had ever done wrong, came back. And I started shutting people out. I constantly had earbuds in... And ignored everything. And then I got into a habit again putting "..." After every sentence... Which is really hard not to do when writing on watt pad... This habit came from the nights of explaining all the crappy feelings rushing through my head to my bestfriend... Who I asked out, and got rejected, anyways, I became this big lazy blob, who's 50 pounds underweight, has barely any muscles in my arms and legs, and who stopped talking to people. Well I found that people were still bullying me. And it took 9 years,(kinder to 8th grade) to figure out how to get people to stop, and that, Is punching someone in the face, and pinning them to a bus seat. So "violence is not the answer" isn't what I believe... Long story short... Some people are jerks, and some deserve a punch in the face 

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