Submission 636

402 11 0

What kind of bullying did you experience?

I had experienced name calling and teasing.

How old were you when the bullying started?

I was 12.It started in the sixth grade.If it started before,I dont remember when.

Who bullied you?

Someone who I thought was my friend,who will be called Boy.

What would the bullies say or do to you?

He was two-faced. He would call me gay and a loser.And yet I still hung out with him,because I can't hold a grudge even if I tried.We would be hanging out one day and he would make fun of me the other day. Funny thing was, I was taller, heavier, and a bit stronger than he was, but I was a softie that didn't like fighting.(though I almost got into a fight,but that's a different story)Boy probably took advantage of that. When I had instagram and posted pictures of my lego sets, he continued to call me gay,causing me to temporarily delete my instagram. The worst part is,at the end of 6th grade when I told a friend what I thought of Boy,Boy overheard and said that he was joking and that I should grow up.

How did you feel while you were being bullied?

I felt upset. Though the feeling never lasted for a long time.

How did you feel after being bullied?

Relieved that I wouldn't have to deal with Boy anymore.

Have you told anyone you know that you were bullied?


Why/why not?

Because I didn't have to. It was obvious. One time when we were assigned to groups of four to work on a project (me,Boy and two of my best friends) he constantly said that I was useless and that I should leave the group.

How long were you being bullied for?

About a year.

Are you still being bullied?

Thankfully,no.The best part is,I went to a new school,so now I don't have to see him in my class.

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