Submission 1044

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This is really hard for me too share, but I'm going too. I've had a few bullying situations. The first one was in 1st grade I believe. I had two best friends. One day they were almost taken from me. A girl stole them and would make fun of me, she'd scream "Chase us!" at me during recess while kicking me. I'd get so mad I'd chase them. Then I'd stop chasing them in defeat and it'd restart. It stopped in second grade because she moved.

The second situation is in 2nd grade, my mother and father would fight and hurt each other. My father was a drug addict, I did not know this at the time though. I'd go to school crying because of their fights. Kids would make fun of me and call me a crybaby. In third grade I moved away from my father, so the bullying stopped.

The third one is going on now. I'm in 5th grade. My EX-Bestfriend called me an elephant. Another girl likes to call me ugly, fat, and stupid and passes it off as a joke. One day in math we were reviewing division and we were dividing kids on a number of busses. Six kids were left over and the teacher asked if we just left them behind. I said "What if I was one of that six?" In a joking manner. The bully said "No one would care!"

I already have Anxiety, Social Anxiety, and Depression. I think I do. My mother constetly tells me I'm not good enough, she works two jobs and doesn't have time to be a mother. She's bringing my father back. My sister is suisidel, She said I'm the ONLY thing keeping her from killing herself. I self harm, I scratch myself, bite myself, punch myself. I can't even look In the mirror anymore without calling myself a waste of air or stupid and ugly! I cry myself to sleep at night.

I get bullied on the internet, told to go kill myself, told I'm a stupid B-Word. It's really bad....

Then something gave me hope. I told my friends, Friend1, Friend2, Friend3, and Friend 4. Friend1 and 2 didn't know what to say.

When I told Friend1, 2, and 3 about something that happened in my life they were so supportive.

When I told friend4 what happened I burst into tears so she put one arm around me and hugged me.

I finally feel...hope....

QUESTION: How do I get rid of it?! Does it get better? Will I be okay?

ADVICE: My advice for bullies: Please don't bully, so many people die because of it. Words do hurt.

My advice for victims of bullying: It gets better! I promise! Even if it hasn't happened yet, I know it will! Stay Strong! People love you. Don't let words get in your head. Your amazing, beautiful, strong! 

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