Story 198

627 20 3

When I was about 11, people started making fun of my body. They called me stupid, ugly, fat, a pig.

I stopped eating a lot of things for a short period of time, I worked out, trying to make my body look like the others.

That's when I found a small community that wasn't very well put together. There was a user getting cyberbullied, and I stood up for her. She was happy, we became friends, and we had a fight.

She told me to die, to go kill myself. For a few hours I had some suicidal thoughts. Some of my friends stood up for me, and we stopped her!

They told me to go to wattpad, and I went their. I was happy that I had found a community that was safer.

But,... She followed.

She begged me for forgiveness, PMed me 24/7.

I gave way, and it was the worst mistake of my life.

We had a terrible fight.. Where I deleted my account for a hour or so.

I missed my friends, I felt bad.

I got back in, and the bully had told me to

"Go die in a F**king hole then go burn in hell."

I cried, muted her, reported her.

I didn't come on again until I had the courage.. And my friends supported me, they showed me to focus on the good people think bring you up, rather than the ones that bring you down.

I thank them, and the Wattpad community for helping bring down a weight and pain.

Being bullied at age 11 was the worst thing ever..

BULLIEDWhere stories live. Discover now