Story 119

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It started when I was in grade 2. There was this girl who pretended to be my friend, but she always punched me. One day on the bus she hit me so hard, I burst into tears. And I was hat kid who almost never cried. I told my parents and teacher and nothing was done. Finally I gained the courage to walk away and made a new friend

In grade 4 there were these three girls who would follow me around all the time and call me names (I can't remember what exactly). I told my parents and teachers and it stopped.

I'm in grade 8 now. It's been going on almost a year. I had a friend in grade 7 who was in my class now. She was also friends with bully1 and bully2. They all turned on me. They started calling me stupid, idiot, gay... I told them to stop but they wouldn't listen. It stopped for a while but now it's going on again. This time worse. We were sitting in the bleachers for an assembly when for some reason bully1 yelled out "(my name) is pregnant!" everybody heard. It wasn't true. Then hey started calling me prego. I just want to be left alone. They also steal my stuff. Pull my hair, poke me in the ribs, insult the sports I love. I don't know why I still hang out with them. Once we were paying a game outside at lunch and I had to turn around and close my eyes, instead of actually starting the game, hey threw a thermos at the back of my head. Even my best friend who always swore she would protect me against bullies has now ganged up on me. Why do they have to treat me this way?

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