Statement 5

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This is @NobodyImportant51 and this is more a statement than a story.

I've found that some people in this world find absolutely anything to hate about each other. Any reason to pick a fight, and any reason to hurt someone else's feelings.

Bullies, this statement is for you: Stop it right now. If you don't, then the person you're bullying, yes you remember that person? Their life could be at risk because of you. You might think of them as a nothing, but nobody is nothing and everybody is someone.

Victims of bullying or anyone who feel awful about them selves this statement is for you: You are beautiful. You are frigging amazing. You are smart, and talented, and you mean the world to someone. I don't know you personally, but you're an amazing person and you mean the world to me. I know how you're feeling. I feel like that too but I have friends, amazing, wonderful, kind friends who help me. Let me tell you this. If you feel awful it will get better. It's like a storm, you just have to wait it out. And if you can't wait it out, then go and dance in the rain and be happy because you deserve to be happy. If you don't have friends that care that much about you, and even if you do, I'll be your friend.

I wrote this at 2 AM because I care about all of you so much. Don't give up. Don't ever give up because you deserve to live a long, full, happy life.

And if you ever need to talk, I am here. I will always be here.

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