Story 168

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I have experienced a weird form of bullying and then when i hit secondary actual bullying.

It started in year 4 i made friends with a girl that nobody really liked and for a while didnt know why no one liked her she seemed nice she was nice to me and for a while we were bestfriends...

Then she moved to the isle of wight we kept in contact and she came to see me a few times and when she eventually moved back to where she

had moved from a year before i was escatic i was so happy to finally get my friend back as i hadnt had many friends and people only liked me because i had some heart issues (Which are fixed now im perfectly healthy) to say it sucked would be an understatement and i was even bullied during this time by one of the three girls i struggled to make friends with...

After moving from primary to secondary school friend 1 moved back to where i lived and it was good for a while... Then she changed i dont remeber much but i just remeber her insulting me for no reason or telling me that my bag was stupid or my glasses were stupid (fun fact she also has glasses) up until christmas 2013 when i finally had enough and branched out to make friends because i wasnt allowed friends when i was friends with friend 1 he event i guess you could say triggered this is she came to my house twice in a row and when i asked her if i could go to hers next time she said no my mum thinks youre a bad influence because you bully me ... (Im the goody two shoes of our year i never get into trouble i swear a little but what teen doesnt?) If it was anyone being a bully it was her.... she still got me a present though as when we went to drop her off she presented me with it ( hello kitty blanket still have it (dont judge meh) and then said in front of me and my mum oh K (me) didnt get me a present i didnt even know we were doing presents so i didnt get one (ugh) and now a year later when she has no one even after treating me like poop she wants to be friends..

The second experience is a boy about a year and a half ago my bag went missing on a school trip and my friend told the teaher he spread rumors that i was a snitch and no one should like me and stuff my friends stuck by me through the whole thing and when it stopped i felt like i could breathe again... But not for long about november - december time it strated again but worse when ever i was alone he would call me names steal my stuff or poke me in the places it hurts for me most. ( neck and side) my friends never witnessed it so they had no idea this time i felt alone this week ( June 24/ 25 2015) i finally told my sister who told my mum after taking it seriously and discussing what to do they both played it off as him having a crush on me ( bullcrap) and are now trying to change me to make me 'popular' its making my life worse and i just i dont know what to do...

I know this isnt as bad as what some people experience but its my story wheter you post it or not i had to tell someone before i burst. Thanks for listening sorry if you read this and thought it was a waste of time.

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