Story 140

688 34 2

I was at my locker one day and I accidentally bumped into a girl so she started yelling and cussing at me then she pushed me so I pushed her back and she grabbed my head and shoved it inside my locker and I hit my head on the corner of my locker and all 11 or 12 bystanders laughed at me because I had fallen and dropped all my stuff so I quickly picked my stuff up and ran to my bestdriend who was at the end of the hall and never told anybody

I was waiting to go into my last class of the day when a girl had a pencil in her hand and she started to approach me then next thing i know I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. The girl walked away so I walked up to her and said why did she do that so started yelling and saying get out my face even though I was 5 feet away from her and she stabbed my arm this time so I was bleeding i walked out side and called my dad and he told me to go and talk to the deputy at our school so I did and the girl got charged with assault and we are waiting to go to court next month while she was suspended she sent her friends to come beat me up so her friends came and threatened me so I told a teacher and her friends got suspended to

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