Submission 518

262 7 2

Hey it's 309. Again. I know I seem like a bit of a bitch now. But hey. That's just who I am.

So. Let's set the scene. We had a really good science teacher. Strict. But we learnt something, and she had her moments when she was funny.

Then she got really ill. Then everyone said "ugh, I hope she died" she just made it back alive,

So we had a substitute teacher. Who well call Mrs. She was ok at first. Didn't teach us anything, have us the answers in tests, told off the people who didn't do anything wrong and didn't for those who did. Then she started picking on my friend. So while her Mrs. And g1 (if u go to 309 it'll make more sense) me and G4 started talking. We looked in our books and realised we hadn't learnt anything. So G4 told her mum, and she wrote a letter (her job is something like that) We got people to sign a permission slip. All the people who wanted an education did, all the naughty people didn't. So we skipped the permission slip and went to the head of science. With a boy who like G4. Where we told her what was going on.

In class.

We were all sat down, it was science.we were all whispering. Then the boy who liked g1 and another one came up and said. "We're telling Mrs that you tried to get rid of her." We all got DT for the next day, then she said to us. "You don't have the power to get me fired." Then she found out about the boy who came with us (the one who likes G4) and said to him.

"You don't have the rights to get rid of me,"

He said

"We have the right to learn"

Class is over

Mrs Says "you won't get rid of me"

Next day, we got rid of her. Since then the two boys who snitched on us, tell every single sub teacher we have that we got rid of one. So they don't like us. One called me stupid!!!!'

So I'd just like to say, hehe. I dunno, just stay strong you can make a difference.

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