Day Nineteen, Someone Who Pesters Your Mind- Good or bad

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Dear Mom,

   The last few years, I've contemplated everything about you. Nothing you've ever done makes sense to me. At all. Not a bit. I'm your world, but you talk to me like once every two weeks if I'm lucky. You were "always with me", but all I remember is you sleeping all the time. You have nothing to do with me, and sometimes when you're going on and on about my wonderfullness, it really sounds like you're trying to convince yourself.

  You think you know everything about me, you think I'm rude, kinda stuck up, attitude problem, always sarcastic, nothing too positive except I'm smart. Which I supposedly got from you, you the one who screwed up your whole life. The one who got nowhere, who doesn't know her daughter, the one still struggling with all types of problems, doesn't know how to cook anything, can't do anything on her own. I pray to god I didn't get my brains from you, because that would mean it'll falter easily. My attitude? Dad says it's yours right down to tone of voice. Rude? It's called joking, that's how we joke in my family. Yes, my family, my dad's side. Which you so conveniently have been apart of since childhood, your best friend is my dad's cousin. So, in other words, you should know how it is, that I'm not just trying to spite you or any of that fun stuff. Really.

 Another thing, Mom. you're really fake. You agree with everything I say, do anything I ask no matter how ridiculous. You talk to me like I'm about 6 years old, and I don't understand it. I mean, sure, you missed alot of my childhood, but that doesn't mean you get to act like you didn't, and that we're still living in it. You weren't there, and I'm more grown than you think. And if I said that to your face you'd think I meant I'm having sex, because that's how much you know me. No, I mean more mature. As in Not 5 Years Freakin Old.

  It really pesters my mind how you don't understand any of this. You legitimally know nothing, while acting like you know everything. Like it's my father's fault we aren't close. You tell people he keeps me from you, while you could always send me a text. And while you're at my aunts house every freaking day even with a broken ankle on the side you drive with. And every freaking day I don't hear from you. Because I'm soooo important, right? Right. This is why I'm ignorant to you. It's to the point where I just wanna tell you to screw off, in fact, I almost did. I love you, Mom, it's just that we don't get along. I know nothing about you and vise versa. And I hate how you let that happen. Yes, you, not me, not dad, not gram, you. You did it. You caused this. And since what's done is done, I don't know if we can ever fix it.



A/N; External Link: Just Like You by Three Days Grace

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